
Best route to LABay

barcodemarco - 5-6-2017 at 08:19 AM

Question for Nomads: Been down to BOLA many, many times and always took the Hwy 1. TJ to Punta Prieta turnoff.

Is it still the preferred route now that the 5 has been improved, or is it a wash?


Sandlefoot - 5-6-2017 at 08:28 AM

Mex 5 hits Mex 1 north of the turn off to BOLA. There are a few dirt road alternatives but the are all pretty close to Mex 1. They would not save any time. No one has cut a new road through all those mountains between Mex 5 and BOLA road that would get one closer to BOLA. But maybe someday!!!???

bajaguy - 5-6-2017 at 08:35 AM

I prefer Hwy 1 because I can stop at Parcela 12 for a great meal, and plenty of PEMEX stations

larryC - 5-6-2017 at 09:34 AM

I drove hiway 1 for 40 years, then about 3 years ago I drove 5 and haven't driven 1 since. I like the better and wider roads, and spending the night in San Filipe offers many more eating choices. To each his own. I would suggest trying 5 and see which you like more.

AKgringo - 5-6-2017 at 09:56 AM

I prefer 5! I like the scenery, the vados between S.F. and Purtecitos, and the new construction are a good trade off for the pot holes and bottlenecks on 1.

I carry extra fuel because of where I go, but I have never needed it on 5.

David K - 5-6-2017 at 10:55 AM

Mexico 5

bajabuddha - 5-6-2017 at 11:06 AM

Barcodemarco, are you towing anything? Until it's paved completely the hwy 5 end stretch is a beater of equipment. If you take it, have everything battened down tightly, and check welds. Otherwise it's a beautiful drive and half the time and aggravation.

TMW - 5-6-2017 at 11:07 AM

If you like going thru countless little towns with speed bumps and stop signs and stoplights. If you like narrow sections of hwy and slow cars that take sometimes a while to get around then Hwy 1 is for you.

If not go with Hwy 5, visit with Coco and donate a buck or two for his new (used) truck. Then have a great time in LA Bay.

[Edited on 5-6-2017 by TMW]

elgatoloco - 5-6-2017 at 11:26 AM

mtgoat666 - 5-6-2017 at 11:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by barcodemarco  
Question for Nomads: Been down to BOLA many, many times and always took the Hwy 1. TJ to Punta Prieta turnoff.

Is it still the preferred route now that the 5 has been improved, or is it a wash?


I do both ways, depending on my mood, time of day, and weather.
It's about same driving time whichever way you choose.

Alm - 5-6-2017 at 10:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by barcodemarco  
Question for Nomads: Been down to BOLA many, many times and always took the Hwy 1. TJ to Punta Prieta turnoff.

Is it still the preferred route now that the 5 has been improved, or is it a wash?

There is a section of the forum specifically named "Road Conditions". With this out of the way - Question(s) to the OP:

Where are you coming from? Are you towing anything? Do you drive a Class A, expensive compact car or a beaten up pickup?

There is still 20 miles of poor road and unfinished construction that will take a few hours on a good day when there was no rain recently.

Coming from San Diego area, it's a full one-day drive with either route. Stopping for the night in San Felipe - don't know, maybe, if it's first time, or with too many children/wives/dogs/relatives etc.

Btw, it's called BOLA turn-off. If you ask locals, the Cruzero (turn-off) and Punta Prieta are two different places. Punta Prieta is "close", yes.

MMc - 5-7-2017 at 05:55 AM

I prefer Hwy 1. I like the Pacific over the SEA of Cortez, more services.
I live and work in LA. I like the little towns and my idea of traffic is a bit different most on this board. The drive from my house the is within 2 miles either way.

BajaMama - 5-7-2017 at 06:17 AM

Where is Parcela 12?

woody with a view - 5-7-2017 at 06:46 AM

South of San Q on the hiway.

Elena La Loca - 5-8-2017 at 06:39 AM

Cocina Michoacana (also in Nueva Odessa but on the west side of the road at Km17...where there's usually a semi truck & busses parked) is my go to favorite. Carolina is like family to us & her menudo is the BOMB! I hear she makes a mean chile relleno as well but my friends always beat me to them!

Elena La Loca - 5-8-2017 at 06:47 AM

Cocina Michoacana (also in Nueva Odessa but on the west side of the road at Km17...where there's usually a semi truck & busses parked) is my go to favorite. Carolina is like family to us & her menudo is the BOMB! I hear she makes a mean chile relleno as well but my friends always beat me to them!