
Woodpecker repellant

bajabuddha - 5-14-2017 at 01:26 PM

Anyone know of any product that will dissuade a pesky woodpecker from using my house as a beak sharpener? Any kind of spray or goop that works on sending them elsewhere? Or is it like having morning glory and goatheads.... only way to get rid of them is to MOVE.

Maderita - 5-14-2017 at 01:38 PM

Some tips here:

If that fails:

bajabuddha - 5-14-2017 at 01:58 PM

Great site, Maderita. BTW, already got the bb gun oiled up and a semi-blind set up as well, but they are very spooky and cagy little varmints.

bajagrouper - 5-14-2017 at 02:11 PM

A plastic Owl works with birds, I remember at my sisters garden birds were eating it alive so I put one of those rubber snakes on top and birds disappeared pronto.....

chuckie - 5-14-2017 at 03:44 PM

Check with your county wildlife folks...They may have an idea.. I had them do almost 12000 dollars damage to the cedar sideing on our chalet...Ended up shooting them...Once they start they don't leave...

Howard - 5-14-2017 at 04:15 PM

12 gauge :biggrin:

chuckie - 5-14-2017 at 04:20 PM

OH NO! Hard on the siding..I used .22 Shot cartridges...

bajabuddha - 5-14-2017 at 04:39 PM

My Daisy Power Pump is more sporting than shot. You have to actually SHOOT. Not that my shot shoots any better than it used to.... shoot..... never thought of that...
sh.. oot.... :(

chuckie - 5-14-2017 at 04:45 PM

Not a sport...

blackwolfmt - 5-14-2017 at 05:11 PM

buddha are you sure its a woodpecker and not a woodc-ck or American Snipe they would raise H e ll on our buildings in MT we
would killem N grillem very tasty birds, just have to have a bird hunting stamp and good to go I prefer the 10.22 they fast and wiley, I would just snipe them off the side off the cabin no problemo

blackwolfmt - 5-14-2017 at 05:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
Not a sport...

And yes CHUCK it is a sport

chuckie - 5-14-2017 at 05:22 PM

Nah its bird murder...and that stuff you wrote about snipe and woodc-ck is bullchit

chuckie - 5-14-2017 at 05:45 PM

anything is wortha try..BUt we tried all that stuff..nuttin worked cept killingthem..

Russ - 5-14-2017 at 06:08 PM

Yep, quite a troublesome pest. I'd use the BB gun. First go out a site it in at the range you think you'll be at. BB guns are really distance orientated. Just a few feet will make a big difference. Being it's your gun you probably already know this. If you're going to shoot the pest in the States you better check with the local cops and maybe the game department. It can get really ugly if you're not allowed to kill or harass birds in some areas. Down here BLAST away.

[Edited on 5-15-2017 by Russ]

rts551 - 5-14-2017 at 06:09 PM

We were able to deter them by hanging up plastic ribbon where they were working on the side of the house. They need soething to stand on/cling to . That is where the ribbon was stapled.

bajabuddha - 5-14-2017 at 06:46 PM

Daisy it is. Y'er all right.... it is Burd Mirder... and it can be somewhat sporting, eh old chap? I agree with the owl box idea, I have a rubber snake on the aluminum rafters of my carport where LBJ's like to hunker in and poop all over everything. Now there's poop on the snake. Da Boid gotta go... sleep wit' da fiches.

And Wolfie, I did hunt snipe as a youngster. Never got one in the gunny-sack tho... ;)

vandenberg - 5-14-2017 at 07:09 PM

The little buggers hammer on my satellite dish and after a while manage to get it out of alignment.
An owl maybe the answer, but where do I get one.?

[Edited on 5-15-2017 by vandenberg]

tjsue - 5-14-2017 at 08:31 PM

There are lots of them on eBay, take your choice:

chuckie - 5-14-2017 at 09:14 PM

Try all the methods, then shoot em

The answer to your woodpecker problems

Howard - 5-15-2017 at 08:22 AM

yumawill - 5-16-2017 at 08:53 AM

Build with CEMENT. Great deterent. Termites don't like it either.

BajaMama - 5-16-2017 at 12:49 PM

Years ago when we lived in the desert we had a HUGE pigeon problem. Pest control guys only had stupid solutions, and although I am a bird lover I was getting a little p-o'd at all the bird poo rolling off my roof. My hubby pulled out the pellet gun, popped one, then tossed the dead bird up onto the roof. He heard through the grapevine that birds don't like being around dead birds. Did the trick and we only had to kill one bird instead of poisoning a bunch. Had to pop one about every two years or so.

bajabuddha - 5-16-2017 at 02:01 PM

BajaMama, I had the same problem when I bought my house 13 years ago... the lil' ol' lady who sold it to me had left the eave rafters and the semi-attic open for pigeons to nest in.... first year was an unholy mess of poop and early coo-calls waking me up. I had to bust at least half a dozen of 'em, plus get into the nests and clean it all out, board up the holes. You're absolutely right about them knowing this is now a kill-zone; my neighbor still has a bird feeder in the front yard and sky-rats, but NOT A ONE will venture onto my turf now. I haven't had a single pigeon in my area in over 10 years now.

Woodpeckers on the other hand are attracted to the scent of the urine/poop residue still inside the old nest areas, and this one in particular has been attracted to a 4x4 supporting beam... no bugs in the wood, he is just drilling to be his normal pesky little self... for now. Just a matter of time methinks.

woody with a view - 5-16-2017 at 02:48 PM

Occasionally, here in Sandy Eggo there is a small red headed woodpecker that goes to town on the power pole in front of my house. I think its pretty cool.

J.P. - 5-17-2017 at 10:01 AM

We bought a huge house in the Ozark's it had a Hand Split Wood Shake roof on it those pesky Wood Peckers destroyed it. We had it replaced with a 30 YEAR Comp. roof then they went to work on the Facia. boards.:fire::fire:

bajabuddha - 5-17-2017 at 10:30 AM

I finally put Woody to rest about an hour ago. :cool:

[Edited on 5-17-2017 by bajabuddha]

Terry28 - 5-17-2017 at 11:35 AM

Now you may have to answer to Bia!!

Russ - 5-17-2017 at 12:37 PM

Want to barrow this?

So far my woodpeckers aren't a problem

[Edited on 5-17-2017 by Russ]

blackwolfmt - 5-17-2017 at 12:50 PM

NICEEE!!! Russ what you got there??

Russ - 5-17-2017 at 01:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by blackwolfmt  
NICEEE!!! Russ what you got there??
KalibrGun Cricket BullPup
Tack driver at 25 yards and at 50 yards I can get 10 shots in a quarter size ring.

[Edited on 5-17-2017 by Russ]