
Tiger Woods

weebray - 5-30-2017 at 04:50 PM

I know this will be of great concern to all you golfers in Baja, especially those of you in the Los Cabos area as one of your courses was "designed" by Tiger Woods. As some of you may know Tiger Woods has been arrested for a DUI infraction in Jupiter, Florida, near his 40 million dollar home on Jupiter Island. He’s not black you know, my mom told me. I just watched a news conference by Jack Nicolas. He is also a golfer of some renown. He is even richer than Tiger. He is white you know, my mom didn’t have to tell me that. He looks like, and I would guess is, a very conservative Republican. The point is that Jack said in his news conference that Tiger needs “all our help.” Just like Jack would help all the poor dark (but not black you know) folks that don’t realize that there would be an “adverse reaction” to taking about six Vicodin, along with some other sketchy chit, and trying to drive. So I beg of you all, let’s rally around Tiger. He needs all our help. I know my friends have already sent him a check and mine is going in the mail tomorrow. Please do your part. This is not the time to kick the man when he’s down and tell him something like “Son, grab your axx with both hands and pull yourself out of the gutter!”

bajabuddha - 5-30-2017 at 04:53 PM

Just goes to show a rich cheetah can be a poor druggie. He passed his BAC with a 0.00, but failed all field sobriety tests. Doesn't have to be booze; DUI means with ''influence" and ain't no excuse for him if he killed someone (or two). Sad. Bigly sad.

[Edited on 5-30-2017 by bajabuddha]

SFandH - 5-30-2017 at 04:59 PM

The guy has had 3 or 4 back operations. Probably an opioid problem that started with prescription pain pills.

willardguy - 5-30-2017 at 05:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by weebray  
I know this will be of great concern to all you golfers in Baja, especially those of you in the Los Cabos area as one of your courses was "designed" by Tiger Woods. As some of you may know Tiger Woods has been arrested for a DUI infraction in Jupiter, Florida, near his 40 million dollar home on Jupiter Island. He’s not black you know, my mom told me. I just watched a news conference by Jack Nicolas. He is also a golfer of some renown. He is even richer than Tiger. He is white you know, my mom didn’t have to tell me that. He looks like, and I would guess is, a very conservative Republican. The point is that Jack said in his news conference that Tiger needs “all our help.” Just like Jack would help all the poor dark (but not black you know) folks that don’t realize that there would be an “adverse reaction” to taking about six Vicodin, along with some other sketchy chit, and trying to drive. So I beg of you all, let’s rally around Tiger. He needs all our help. I know my friends have already sent him a check and mine is going in the mail tomorrow. Please do your part. This is not the time to kick the man when he’s down and tell him something like “Son, grab your axx with both hands and pull yourself out of the gutter!”

first of all its "Nicklaus" not "Nicolas"
Tigers net worth 740 million dollars
Jacks net worth 320 million dollars
now...what exactly are you trying to say about this amazing athlete?

weebray - 5-30-2017 at 05:55 PM

If you have to ask.

willardguy - 5-30-2017 at 05:57 PM

still angry about that OXXO eh?

Does Anyone Remember Prince?

GypsyJan - 5-30-2017 at 07:09 PM

America's Opioid Addiction

weebray - 5-31-2017 at 07:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  
still angry about that OXXO eh?

Dog on a bone.

BajaBlanca - 5-31-2017 at 07:45 AM

Sad situation for T W. He MUST be more careful. I laughed at the line He isn't black. My adopted son is black and he was told over and over in high school that he wasn't BLACK, he was Brazilian LOL because he didn't speak like his peers. We used to get a kick out of that!

weebray - 5-31-2017 at 08:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBlanca  
Sad situation for T W. He MUST be more careful. I laughed at the line He isn't black. My adopted son is black and he was told over and over in high school that he wasn't BLACK, he was Brazilian LOL because he didn't speak like his peers. We used to get a kick out of that!

My mom was a huge golf fan. She hated Nicklas for beating Arnie all the time. She, like a number of people born in 1917, had a hard time accepting a black person invading the country club scene. My sarcastic jab was merely to point out that these people are fallible and, like Trump, spend millions on corporate image makers that "polish" the turd.

TMW - 5-31-2017 at 08:31 AM

Tiger's dad is Black and his mom is Asian. She is from Thailand I think.

bajabuddha - 5-31-2017 at 08:41 AM

OH Lawdy, here comes the birther comments! :lol:


elgatoloco - 5-31-2017 at 09:01 AM

Its harder to live in adulthood when you never had a childhood. IMHO.

Big pharma and opioids are a scourge.

Tiger should move back home to Cypress, CA and get his medical marijuana card.

What's REALLY Sad ..................

MrBillM - 5-31-2017 at 09:07 AM

............. Are those to whom the event is of more than passing interest and project onto entertainers an undeserved importance.

That said, HIS story was that he had an unexpected reaction to pain medication and wisely pulled OFF the road rather than attempting to continue driving and endanger others.

The KNOWN facts support that explanation.

Sounds pretty straight-forward.

Terry28 - 5-31-2017 at 09:18 AM

OMG! I agree with Mr. Bile......does that mean I am on drugs??

LancairDriver - 5-31-2017 at 10:50 AM

Woods hasn't been the same since he took the severe nine iron beating from his ex wife. His back problems haven't helped either. Other minorities have done well on the pro tour before Tiger, but of course not nearly as well as he has done. His endorsements have suffered as well and it has been reported his yacht is up for sale and he still owes his ex a big chunk that is in arrears. Who knows what his situation is now. He appeared untouchable in the golfing world for a long time.

Lee - 5-31-2017 at 11:02 AM

Quote: Originally posted by weebray  
I know this will be of great concern to all you golfers in Baja, especially those of you in the Los Cabos area as one of your courses was "designed" by Tiger Woods.

You're lonely, aren't you? Just wanna talk about golf, don't you? Shouldn't you be posting in OT? Just wanna trash Tiger, right?

JoeJustJoe - 5-31-2017 at 12:20 PM

Weebray, you are not fooling anybody, because we could all see that you're only bashing Tiger Woods, because he is black, and because he was dominating the white world of golf for awhile.

You sent him money, right.

Weebray, I also think your mom is racist, because she should know full well, the racist "one-drop rule" that was popular back in the day.

From Wikipedia, the definition of the racist one-drop rule:

The one-drop rule is a social and legal principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States asserting that any person with even one ancestor of sub-Saharan-African ancestry ("one drop" of black blood)[1][2] is considered black (Negro in historical terms). This concept evolved over the course of the 19th century and became codified into law in the 20th century. It was associated with the principle of "invisible blackness" and is an example of hypodescent, the automatic assignment of children of a mixed union between different socioeconomic or ethnic groups to the group with the lower status.[3]

chuckie - 5-31-2017 at 12:28 PM

Geezo, NO, ALL of us didn't see that..Why would you assume so? More of your anti-American prattle?

JoeJustJoe - 5-31-2017 at 12:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Terry28  
OMG! I agree with Mr. Bile......does that mean I am on drugs??

You must be on drugs if you agree with Gaylord.

How do you explain the two flat tires and fresh damage to the Mercedes?

mtgoat666 - 5-31-2017 at 12:55 PM

Tiger has some money, why does he go out at night without a driver?

And if he was feeling high, couldn't he have afforded a taxi or uber?

It was 3 or 4 in the AM when he was pulled over, makes me think he was partying (most people, including me, need some chemical stimulation to stay up to those wee hours)

LancairDriver - 5-31-2017 at 02:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
I don't give a crap about golf, and even less about celebrity news!

Since this post has nothing to do with sharing information about Baja, take it to 'Off Topic' where it belongs, and may the best troll win!

Some simple instructions that may help. First read subject of post. Tiger Woods; implies golf. If that isn't a clue for one who doesn't give a crap about golf to ignore the post and a clue to move on, then read the post. There are golfers and golf courses in Baja as stated in the post.

weebray - 6-1-2017 at 12:04 PM

Thank you all for making my point. I admit my mom was racist she just didn't know she was. She was born in 1-9-1-7 look it up there was instutionalized racism in 1917. She tried to come into the late 20th century but didn't know how. I admit my post was a little off topic but, as was pointed out, the heading should of given you a clue. As for my misspelling of Nickels I get a D in spelling but the poster gets an F in comprehension. Woods, Trump, Prince and yes even Mr. Rogers are just like you and me. The only difference is they can f/u and they have millions to spend on lawyers and PR people to polish their image. Let's not make them gods and untouchable. Part of being on the public stage is being scrutinized for every move. All this is just my opinion which is what this forum is all about. Some posters here and you know who you are seem to think a forum is about spewing venom to the exclusion of rational discussion. I am not excused here as I can be too sarcastic and "clever". I'm trying to battle my ego. Saludos

JoeJustJoe - 6-1-2017 at 01:45 PM

Tiger Woods, like most people who are stopped for alleged drunk driving, did everything wrong.

You never admit to the cops anything.

You always should refused the field sobriety test, as in most states it's' voluntarily, including California. You should refuse the test even if you think you could passed the test, because what counts is the cops lying perceptions, and most cops are out to fail you, and make you look as bad as possible on their written police report.

Tiger Woods, blew 0.0 in his breathalyzer tests, which he could have also refused in Florida, but would have lost his license for a year. In California, the cops could force you to take a breathalyzer, urine, or blood test, your choice, but you have to take one.

Although in this case, taking the breathlyzer, makes sense, because he was not drinking.

Tiger Woods, also agreed to take a urine test, and admitted to taking prescription drugs, another couple of big mistakes.

Tiger Woods, stands a good chance of beating the rap if charges are filed against him, although most likely he will settle on his terms, so this whole thing can blow over, but then again, it also depends on the toxicology reports.

Lee - 6-1-2017 at 02:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by LancairDriver  
Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
I don't give a crap about golf, and even less about celebrity news!

Since this post has nothing to do with sharing information about Baja, take it to 'Off Topic' where it belongs, and may the best troll win!

Some simple instructions that may help. First read subject of post. Tiger Woods; implies golf. If that isn't a clue for one who doesn't give a crap about golf to ignore the post and a clue to move on, then read the post. There are golfers and golf courses in Baja as stated in the post.

You're stretching here. This thread isn't about golf. It's about Tiger and the OP who loves bashing him.

Some of us are calling a spade a spade. Get over yourself.

weebray - 6-1-2017 at 05:08 PM

Exactly the type I referred to. I used to call them all "to do" because they appear to have nothing to do. Notice their response time is almost instantaneous as if they sit there all day at the computer with their fingers hovering. But, you all know that. FYI I happen to think that Tiger Woods was one of the most remarkable athletes of the 20th century. I didn't bash him, he bashed himself.

The Subject is GOLF ?

MrBillM - 6-1-2017 at 07:23 PM

Yeah, Right !


This latest "Tiger Rag" is just another example of the REALLY STRANGE age-old obsession with the lives of Entertainers (like Tiger) and otra celebrity figures.

WHY people become so obsessed with their activities and peccadilloes has always baffled me. They're just vendors producing a product.


I once had a fellow conservative friend ask me "How can you go to those Lefty Jimmy Buffett concerts ?"



There are a host of entertainers whose politics or lifestyles I dislike, but enjoy their singing, playing, acting, athletics, etc.

While I'm no fan of Golf, I could also care less what Tiger or any of them do in their lives OFF the course.

Well, within reason, that is.

Michael Jackson putting his glove into little boys shorts was a bit over-the-top.

weebray - 6-3-2017 at 08:20 AM

I was hoping it would not be necessary to spell this out but some of you can’t see through the hyperbole and it puts your knickers in a twist. First of all, if golf and Tiger Woods don’t interest you – don’t read it. Second, it is possible I posted in the wrong section of the forum. I really don’t care. Read “first of all.” I think I read Tiger makes about a half a mil. every year. That comes with an obligation weather he likes it or not. Millions of kids and adults look up to him. He has a responsibility to those people to serve as an example of an exemplary human being. He can’t just play golf and step away. He was married to one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. He blew that by whoring around with some of the seediest skanks imaginable. You could of knocked me over with a feather. I never imagined he was just a common drunk like John Dayley. And, BTW, some people don't give a chit about Michael Jackson and that IS a stretch for this forum.

Lee - 6-3-2017 at 01:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by weebray  
I was hoping it would not be necessary to spell this out but some of you can’t see through the hyperbole and it puts your knickers in a twist. First of all, if golf and Tiger Woods don’t interest you – don’t read it. Second, it is possible I posted in the wrong section of the forum. I really don’t care. Read “first of all.” I think I read Tiger makes about a half a mil. every year. That comes with an obligation weather he likes it or not. Millions of kids and adults look up to him. He has a responsibility to those people to serve as an example of an exemplary human being. He can’t just play golf and step away. He was married to one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. He blew that by whoring around with some of the seediest skanks imaginable. You could of knocked me over with a feather. I never imagined he was just a common drunk like John Dayley. And, BTW, some people don't give a chit about Michael Jackson and that IS a stretch for this forum.

Your moralistic and racist bashing is downright ugly. Your racist mommy taught you well. Tiger is ''whoring'' around? With ''skanks?''

You need to clean up your act before pointing your finger at Tiger.

weebray - 6-3-2017 at 02:31 PM

Pretty much what I expected from you. Kind of like "when did you stop beating your wife." Keep hovering over that computer.