
Contact Info for El Sacrificio Lodging

basautter - 6-25-2017 at 08:04 PM

Can anyone provide contact information for the cabins at El Sacrificio? I am heading down in October, and Alfonsina's is booked for a few of the days I will be visiting. Thanks in Advance!

TMW - 6-25-2017 at 09:51 PM

Here is their face book page

David K - 6-25-2017 at 10:04 PM

A reminder, Punta Bufeo has motel rooms. 5 miles north of Gonzaga. See my Trip #1 report for photos, also on Facebook, link here:

[Edited on 6-26-2017 by David K]

carlosg - 6-26-2017 at 08:46 AM

Hi basautter,

Here's a couple of numbers that may be of help:

San Luis Gonzaga El Sacrificio:
Rural Phone 011 52 55 5150 1167

In Mexicali:
Mobile 011 52 686 119 1115
Work 011 52 686 525 9945
Work 011 52 686 566 3354

I, personally would prefer calling Luis (the owner's brother, he or the lady cook at the camp only speak spanish) on the rural phone because he's the one in charge on the site and is a really nice guy (if you don't get on his bad side) he's the guy that drives the tractor. The other numbers (686)'s are in Mexicali as well as the emails, those are contact numbers for the owners.

I just called El Sacrificio and asked about the cabins: $70.00 US per night, I think it accommodates about 4.

And here's a short trip report on our visit to El Sacrificio during Easter 2016:

Quote: Originally posted by carlosg  
Campo El Sacrificio and Campo Beluga

We stayed at El Sacrificio last Easter and enjoyed it: clean flush toilets and cold water showers, restaurant where they also sell basic suplies including ice, beer, sodas, bread...etc.. and even offer a couple of hours of AC power at the main palapa where we stayed. Open for trip report, it also includes a report on Campo Beluga.

[Edited on 2-19-2017 by carlosg]

It was cold showers for the campers, I think the cabins have hot showers.

[Edited on 6-26-2017 by carlosg]

El Sacrificio Photos

David K - 6-26-2017 at 09:04 AM

Examined the location and rooms (cabins) in July 2011. They were $50 then and hardly worth half that given the conditions inside. It came across solely as a fisherman's camp and nothing to excite the ladies about.

This past New Years 2017 holiday weekend and I went there to give it a fresh new look... and they were closed! The gate was locked and with fencing along each side of the road going in, required a long back up to turn around. NOT considerate if anyone has a big rig or trailer!


(Shirtless) manager at El Sacrificio.



Community room

Cabin with AC

Shower with rag for showerhead


Nobody there!

I really hoped to get a better impression over the 2011 visit! If these cabins are $70, I think the comfy looking rooms at Punta Bufeo for $30 would get my business?

carlosg - 6-26-2017 at 10:11 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Examined the location and rooms (cabins) in July 2011. They were $50 then and hardly worth half that given the conditions inside. It came across solely as a fisherman's camp and nothing to excite the ladies about.

This past New Years 2017 holiday weekend and I went there to give it a fresh new look... and they were closed! The gate was locked and with fencing along each side of the road going in, required a long back up to turn around. NOT considerate if anyone has a big rig or trailer!


(Shirtless) manager at El Sacrificio...


Nobody there!

I really hoped to get a better impression over the 2011 visit! If these cabins are $70, I think the comfy looking rooms at Punta Bufeo for $30 would get my business?

Hi David,

With all due respect, that shirtless character is NOT Luis and regarding the place being closed on New Year's.... give them a break...!!! It was New Years...!!! and not only that but not many people are out there vacationing during winter... specially with the weather in northern Baja in that time of the year. And YES it's more of a fishing camp with the cabins having no amenities at all.

And about the rooms, when I was there in 2016 they seemed in very good condition and clean, with AC all night and compared to what Alfonsina's charge (rip-off) it's a bargain...!!!

I just called and it's in full operation with the restaurant open... but NO sandy beach, only rocks.

Now, about Bufeo. I think we will certainly visit this place next time we're down there, your pics show a nice beach, nice solid cabins (any inside pics?) with AC (does it work all night?) with a nice front porch and... right across from Isla San Luis for good fishing... not much solitude but nice beach.

Is that phone on FB a working one? It obviously is a rural phone.

Thanks for you info David.

[Edited on 6-26-2017 by carlosg]

David K - 6-26-2017 at 10:38 AM

Hi Carlos, being open on vacations, like New Years, seems to be important for this kind of business? Sacrificio was the only place that was closed to guests of all the campos and hotels between San Felipe and Punta San Francisquito I visited doing my book research.

When the three of us arrived on that July 2011 trip (with my wife and her daughter), the shirtless guy was the one from a group of about 4 men sitting in the shade who got up and came to us to show us the place... Of the people there, he was the one who was 'managing' the operation. The creepy feeling of the men eyeing the ladies plus the guy with no shirt was just a bit much for them. When the hot room without even a shower head on the pipe did little to appeal to us, for $50 (and I tried to convince the girls that appearances can fool you in Baja), the vote was 2 to 1 to move on to Baja Cactus in El Rosario for the night.

I will add the Art (edm-1) and his wife came here right after us, in their 4x4 motorhome and had a great time, staying in their motorhome. See his July 2011 trip report.

So, it was just a perception then, and again to find it closed on my second drive in this past January and the terrible place to put the gate without a spot to turn around, didn't help to improve their marketability! ;)

Thank you as always for your great posts here!

carlosg - 6-26-2017 at 05:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by carlosg  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Examined the location and rooms (cabins) in July 2011. They were $50 then and hardly worth half that given the conditions inside. It came across solely as a fisherman's camp and nothing to excite the ladies about.

This past New Years 2017 holiday weekend and I went there to give it a fresh new look... and they were closed! The gate was locked and with fencing along each side of the road going in, required a long back up to turn around. NOT considerate if anyone has a big rig or trailer!


I really hoped to get a better impression over the 2011 visit! If these cabins are $70, I think the comfy looking rooms at Punta Bufeo for $30 would get my business?

Hi David,

With all due respect, that shirtless character is NOT Luis ...

Now, about Bufeo. I think we will certainly visit this place next time we're down there, your pics show a nice beach, nice solid cabins (any inside pics?) with AC (does it work all night?) with a nice front porch and... right across from Isla San Luis for good fishing... not much solitude but nice beach.

Is that phone on FB a working one? It obviously is a rural phone.

Thanks for you info David.

[Edited on 6-26-2017 by carlosg]

Thanks for the info. David,

I called (011-52-1-686-122-9989 the satellite -rural- phone is not working) Bufeo earlier today to find out about reservations: $900.00 pesos per room with AC but they also have "regular" rooms for less, once we decide our travel plans they'll contact us with information of a bank account to make deposit for reservation... we are definitely going... I was afraid of high temperatures like in Mexicali (today 113 Fahrenheit but in Papa Fernandez homepage: 91 degrees as of now) but it seems like it drops a lot just getting away from the valley and on the SOC.

On some older post you mentioned that Bufeo is owned by one of Papa Fernandez grandsons and most of the land north is in that family as well, thats nice to hear... it belongs to the locals.

rts551 - 6-26-2017 at 05:35 PM

Bufeo was 500 pesos a couple of months ago. The man there told me that Papa's daughter owned the camp with grand-daughter and husband running it. the Papa's daughter. Luis at the next camp north is a grandson. The rooms look solid from the outside but are very basic on the inside.

David K - 6-26-2017 at 10:10 PM

Yep... and temps on the gulf are always less than Mexicali... and even the San Felipe weather station seems to give a higher temp than if you are on the beach. Even in the middle of summer, it has always been under 100 on the beach and over 110 just a few miles inland.

basautter - 6-27-2017 at 04:48 AM

Thanks everyone for the great feedback!