
Beartooth Communicator

bajaguy - 7-12-2017 at 05:05 PM

Anybody out there using Beartooth??? - Reviews??

Beagle - 7-12-2017 at 07:00 PM

Looks like it's still in development? Really cool looking. I hope to hear more.

mtgoat666 - 7-12-2017 at 09:07 PM

It's a radio that uses ISM band. So your phone talks to your radio, via blue tooth, which talks to your other friend with radio and blue tooth connected phone. Why not leave the phones home and just take a set of radios?
EM radiation is gonna give us all cancer!

[Edited on 7-13-2017 by mtgoat666]

freediverbrian - 7-12-2017 at 09:22 PM

Only five miles range? But , Text and gps is cool

We're ALL going to DIE ?

MrBillM - 7-12-2017 at 09:39 PM

Of Cancer ?

From those Microwaves ?

I suppose that we'll know when kids brains start rotting.

Though, given their preference for texting, their hands might rot first.

We might someday be looking at generations of amputees.

DanO - 7-13-2017 at 01:22 AM

Interesting thread, until it was hijacked by the usual suspects. Anyway, existing walkie talkies have much longer range, but the ones with GPS functionality are very expensive and they don't have the texting function or some of the other bells and whistles of this app. Thanks for posting this, Bajaguy, it bears watching (get it?).

chuckie - 7-13-2017 at 05:56 AM

Interesting, but seems very limited and expensive for the benefits derived. Good set of radios does it for me..

Alm - 7-13-2017 at 07:23 PM

There is already GPS on your smartphone (or download any of available free apps). No cell service or data connection is required for this.

Talking to your buddy over the radio is easier than texting, and more fun, IMO. Teenagers are texting to each other when could call, because this is "cool". Though I suspect the real reason is undeveloped communication skills and usual for this age feeling of insecurity when talking to the opposite sex.

The only real benefit of this gadget is that you can leave a message (text, not voice), if the other party isn't there to answer, but (hopefully) keeps his/her device On, and will retrieve the message at some time later. Don't know how important is this - probably not much, unless it's an emergency, and then I would rather carry Spot or Delorne.

EMF = AMF (?) Aside ..................

MrBillM - 7-14-2017 at 09:04 AM

................ And, disregarding the obvious limited utility of the device, LONG professional (and recreational) experience in communications would indicate a healthy skepticism regarding the practical "range" of said devices which have always been predicated on an optimistic evaluation under (mathematical) "perfect" conditions.

That "Line-of-Sight" transmission is affected by a host of variables, including uneven terrain and relative heights between the transmitting and receiving units.

Given the power limitations, the most critical component is the antenna design. It doesn't "appear" that the unit has much in that regard, but developing technology has resulted in higher efficiency contained within smaller units, so "Quien Sabe" ?

In any case, they ARE cheap. Should they prove unsatisfactory, they can be tossed without too much pain.