I really dont like the Facebook formatting style, either. Discussion boards, organized by subject area, are much easier to find information and much
easier to read for me. I find Talk Baja too disjointed.
Truth be told, I would actually pay a modest fee per year to keep Nomads running.
There is a gringo discussion board in the town I live in on Mainland Mexico that solicits donations. But the moderator completely dominates every
discussion (he had five times the number of posts of anyone else), edits many posts to suit himself, limits any discussion of commercial enterprises
that dont pay for advertising and shuts down discussions when, in his opinion, they have run their course. He also has been known to create aliases
for himself on that board. I refuse to donate or post to a outlet so censored, and dominated by one individual's point of view, as that one. If you
think DK dominates THIS board, you wouldn't believe how that guy controls discussions over there. No criticism of him is allowed, even when he goes
overboard on the censorship and deletes valuable info. He bans people all the time and you MUST agree to receive his monthly request for donations by
email or you are bounced.
Nomads is certainly a breath of fresh air, from my perspective. That's Gulag over there.
Doug is that rare moderator who doesn't let his ego get in the way of good discussions. You'd be surprised how often ego impairs good
discussions............just like in conversation. |