
Why I ran to San Felipe!

yankeeirishman - 2-19-2005 at 04:43 PM

bajalou - 2-19-2005 at 06:14 PM

I'm sure you've seen all the new industrial buildings bordering Hghy 5 in the south part of Mexicali. Also a lot of housing developments, both starter and larger homes. On the east side of town a lot of development is also occuring. And a lot of "help wanted" signs in all parts of town - is's booming!!


TMW - 2-20-2005 at 12:32 PM

I just wish they would do something about their air quality. I don't see how anyone can live in that.

Lou do they have the street work done in Mexicali yet?

bajalou - 2-20-2005 at 01:30 PM

The work around Walmart is still going on. If you come in the old border (downtown) make the very first right turn you can - then another right and it will take you to a divided highway that ends on Lazero Cardanes a mile or so east of Walmart. From this you can get around the corner onto 5 and head right out. (the construction doesn't bother this - Probably be done in a month or so???)
