moseattle - 2-22-2005 at 04:47 PM
Hi all
I was planning to be out at San Ignacio lagoon towards the end of March. Will have a 4wheel drive to go out to the lagoon. Can I just wing it and
find a place to camp and then a panga to get on or do I need advance reservations with a tour company? I'm trying to keep this relatively inexpensive
and still get out to see the whales.
Many whale freaks (me included)
Ken Bondy - 2-22-2005 at 04:58 PM
think that that is the best time. Generally I would say that if you just show up at the lagoon, even at that time of year, somebody will take you
out. Just look sad and be nice.
day before easter?
moseattle - 2-23-2005 at 11:04 AM
Any problems with being there on the day before Easter? We're driving in on Friday and then would want to go see the whales on Saturday. Do they
take the day off on Saturday or Sunday because of the religious holiday?
elgatoloco - 2-23-2005 at 11:48 AM
When we were on a tight schedule last year we made a reservation with Kuyima ahead of arrival. Then we got to town in the afternoon and checked in at
the office at the town square and drove out early the next morning and got on the boat and saw whales whales whales! As the work is obviously
seasonal I would doubt that there are many days off. The whales are a major part of the yearly income for many many folks in the area.