
Searching for filling sponsors...update with photos

BajaBlanca - 11-22-2017 at 09:10 AM

So, I will be taking 6 students to Vizcaino dentist Dr. Alma this Friday. She has a special deal of 50% off her regular prices, so fillings will be $250 pesos each.

I am sure I will be needing quite a few pesos to handle all the cavities found since these boys and girls have never been to the dentist. Ever.

I have asked Dr. Alma to clean their teeth for free. I assume that one student will need her wisdom teeth removed, I am waiting to hear how much that will cost. She says they hurt.

In a very perfect world, some of you will help me with sponsoring one filling? Just say "I am in" and I will know how many fillings we can do on Friday.

Thanks all, please help, 250 pesitos is a pretty good deal and I don't want to miss this chance.

Thanks all and God bless. Blanca

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[Edited on 11-27-2017 by BajaBlanca]

Paco Facullo - 11-22-2017 at 09:20 AM

Teeth are such an important part of one's health !

Count me double in..... ( dos cavities )

Desertbull - 11-22-2017 at 10:26 AM

I am IN for 4 cavities. $1000 Pesos ... Thanks for the offer to help out! luv it

BajaBlanca - 11-22-2017 at 02:49 PM

Thank you all so much! What a blessing you are.

Well, the Lord works in mysterious ways....and he always hears my prayers. After I wrote the request for help, I decided to contact Mariana in Abreojos who once worked as a dental assistant so that she could take a quick look at everyone's mouth and tell me about how many cavities = fillings I was in for. From past experience (remember the one kid who had 11 fillings and about gave me a heart attack???), I knew this was going to be hard. Six kids is six kids. Never going to the dentist also means ugliness first and beauty when the oral hygiene is under control.

Mariana says "Happy to look" but " I am on my way to Vizcaino so it will have to be this pm."

After my jaw dropped (I mean how can God answer so fast?) I ask if she can take some kids? she answers that she can take 2 but she would be leaving at 10 am.

It was 9:30 and the kids were in class. I'LL BE THERE! is my response.

After confirming with Dr. Alma that she could take them and that she would do ALL the fillings in one fell swoop, I was good to go.

My Brazilian driving well....sometimes it serves me well! I flew to the high school. Asked their teacher to let me speak to 2 girls. They said they could go and would call mom/dad on the way. I get permission from the principal to pull them out of school. Suffice it to say that I arrived in Punta Abreojos at a little before 10.

And off they went and are on their way back. I will drive to Abreojos as soon as they call.

Elizabeth has 5 new fillings and Michelle has 3.

Thanks everyone !!! Here are the photos from just a bit ago:


Elizabeth at dentist Nov 22, 2017.jpg - 76kB


Michelle at Dentist Nov 22, 2017.jpg - 75kB

advrider - 11-22-2017 at 07:18 PM

Awesome! I'm in for three. Do you have a paypal account?

jbcoug - 11-22-2017 at 08:08 PM

Blanca, sign me up for three!

BajaBlanca - 11-22-2017 at 08:33 PM

Thanks advrider! That brings us to all 8 fillings from today paid for and one extra for the rest of the gang! Have to change their appointment to Saturday.

The dentist today fixed Elizabeth's chipped front tooth as a freebee too.

Here is the receipt.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone and I will U2U you about how to make a deposit advrider.

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BajaBlanca - 11-22-2017 at 08:35 PM

3 more! yessireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Dr. Alma's ad

BajaBlanca - 11-22-2017 at 08:55 PM

Aprovecha nuestra promocion:
*50% de descuento en resinas, amalgamas, limpiezas y extracciones (pagando de contado)
*20% de descuento en protesis fija y removible, coronas de porcelana, endodoncias. (2 pagos)
*válido del 15 de nov al 15 de diciembre.

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Chup - 11-22-2017 at 09:52 PM

I'm in for dos. Let me know how I can get $ to you.


BajaBlanca - 11-23-2017 at 08:24 AM

newbie Chup! Thanks and Happy thanksgiving! I will U2U info on how to make a deposit. U2U access is at the top right of your screen, next to logout.

Gracias, muchas gracias.


gator - 11-23-2017 at 09:32 AM

Hi Blanca, I'm in for 2.

Fun at the dentist

John M - 11-23-2017 at 12:00 PM

Almost an oxymarooon eh?

Barbara and I are in for two. Please send us a U2U regarding paying.

John & Barbara M

TMW - 11-23-2017 at 12:09 PM

Hi Blanca,

If John can do two I can too.

Send me a U2U on how to.

BajaBlanca - 11-23-2017 at 12:48 PM

What a GREAT Thanksgiving! Way to go everyone!

No more money until I get a grand count of how many fillings we need....Saturday is the day and when I get back, I will post the results.

I mean, I can dream that maybe they won't have any cavities or wisdom teeth coming out...right?

All kidding aside, I think we have reached a great total - a secret sponsor deposited US$200 - by my count we have a total of 34 fillings covered with that cash and gator and John M (fun at the dentist LOL) and Tom!

Another secret sponsor says he can also help out.

My heart is just so thankful right now. I feel like it will burst. Thanks one and all. Happy thanksgiving! Turkey smells so goooooooooooood.


Paco Facullo - 11-23-2017 at 12:59 PM

Yes ,a vary Happy Thanksgiving it is , to one and all.

Well, the girl with wisdom teeth problems just might be covered also.
But do let us know.

CaboMagic - 11-23-2017 at 02:36 PM

Blanca, you continue to do amazing giving ..

We are happy to fill some teeth :) Check your email please and thanks, L&T

bledito - 11-24-2017 at 07:15 PM

ok now stop feeding them all those sweets.

BajaBlanca - 11-25-2017 at 08:25 PM

Hello everyone, a quick note because I am exhausted! We left at 7:30 AM and I got home at 5 pm.

1.5 hours to get there, about an hour on each one's mouth, lunch, top up gas and 1.5 to get home. Stopped by 2 houses and met mom at one and mom and dad at the other. Full but very rewarding day.

Tally: Luis Gustavo 2 fillings, 2 impacted wisdom (not done)
Enrique 9 (small/no anesthesaia but nine!), wisdoms OK
Alexander 2 fillings,wisdom teeth OK
Aylin 3 fillings, 1 impacted wisdom, 1 normal wisdom that is bothering her and needs to come out.

xrays for Luis Gustavo and Aylin were 240 pesos each. I did it to confirm that they have impacted wisdom teeth that Dr. Alma cannot do, Aylin has one that Dr Alma can pull out but we ran out of time today. Doc Alma has a dentist friend who comes from out of town and charges 2k per impacted tooth. I have to research this more. No me gusta that number.

So, I will post more tomorrow but here is a little taste of what is to come.


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More tomorrow! Good night for this tired lady.

BajaBlanca - 11-26-2017 at 08:27 PM

Hello everyone! Here goes the Math:

sponsor - student
adv - Michelle's 3
jb - Elizabeth's 3
chup - Michelle's other 2
gator - Luis Gustavo's 2
johmM - Rogelio Alexander's 2
TMW - Aylin's 2

$200 that was deposited: x 18 = 3600 pesos
- 250 Aylin's 3rd filling
- 2250 Enrique's 9 fillings
- 480 xrays for 2 kids
- 660 lunch rounded down 620

So, Paco's $500 will help with the gas (350 in Bocana and 600 Vizcaino). I hope this is OK with you!

Desertbull - I have to go back to Vizcaino and take out Aylin's wisdom tooth that is bothering her. So 1000 will go for gas and her tooth if that is OK with you?

Phew - thanks everybody! We got this done :))))))))))))))

Photos of the receipts:

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This is the lunch receipt - we ate at Marthita's in Vizcaino. If you haven't gone there, I highly recommend it.

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Thanks again everyone!! This is a project super well done, if I say so myself!! Now for some of the photos. I have to pick and choose since I took almost 40 LOL

BajaBlanca - 11-26-2017 at 09:12 PM

Here is how our day at the dentist yesterday went:

First we stopped for a cup of coffee at the El Crucero restaurant right at the turnoff to highway 1. This process of making coffee is called Café Colado and it is famous and well loved.

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Onward to the dentist ....

Enrique - 9 fillings OMGosh. We had a talk about sodas and candy and brushing in general. For xmas they will all get toothbrushes and toothpaste.

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Luis Gustavo's turn.

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Kids will be kids! They are peaking in to watch Enrique.

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Luis Gustavo getting his xray

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Aylin was the last one to go in since I thought she would take the longest. Photo 1 is Aylin getting fillings and Photo 2 is getting her xray.

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My favorite is this one which we took after all was said and done:

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BajaBlanca - 11-26-2017 at 09:40 PM

A couple more photos:

We went for lunch at Marthitas and they were really excited. One takes eating out for granted, they haven't even eaten at Campo Rene's restaurant. Only 20 minutes away from Punta Abreojos where 2 of them live.

They hadn't had breakfast so at 2:30, they were quite ready to eat.

I must confess that I gave them some etiquette lessons...we discussed the proper way to hold a fork and knife, how to show you are done with the meal. A teacher is a teacher is a teacher.

Three of them ordered the stuffed chicken breast and it truly looked delicious!

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rdrrm8e - 11-27-2017 at 11:56 AM


Please check u2u

[Edited on 11-27-2017 by rdrrm8e]

BajaBlanca - 11-27-2017 at 03:37 PM

I did! Thanks!

BajaBlanca - 11-29-2017 at 08:25 PM

I would like to thank everyone again for this most amazing ending to the dentist project!

Merry Xmas all :))

BajaBlanca - 12-1-2017 at 09:17 AM

We shall be taking Aylin to get her bothersome wisdom tooth removed next week.