

CaboMagic - 11-23-2017 at 02:34 PM

On this traditional day of giving thanks, and counting blessings, you are counted!

You continue to make an enormous difference in the lives of children, you touch the hearts of adults, you inspire goodness and kindness.

May God continue to bless you and Les, and all the elves that do their thing too :D:bounce:;D Tommy & Lori

TMW - 11-23-2017 at 06:03 PM

Well said.

shari - 11-23-2017 at 06:38 PM

What a wonderful way to put into words what Blanca does...inspires goodness and kindness in others by her own actions...kudos Blanca and all those who help you accomplish your goals!

Paco Facullo - 11-23-2017 at 09:49 PM

Blanca makes us all better people......

Thank you, Blanca

BajaBlanca - 11-24-2017 at 12:10 PM

Thank you everyone! It takes a village and I love that we come together when the going counts.

Shari - you gave me and my bike club free housing when we went to Bahia Asuncion so many years ago. It was a HUGE group and the boys and girls had a blast.

Lori - always a kind word and laptops too :)))

Tom who drives hours and hours with tons of stuff from Mom's house!

Paco and all the rest of you who came to my rescue in dealing with kids and the dentist and fillings galore make it all worth the effort. There is no gasoline in La Bocana or Abre due to some manisfestation somewhere regarding the violence in Baja but I have enough to get to Vizcaino....Dr. Alma guarantees there will be gas when I get there. I hope she is right or we have to camp out at her office til there is enough gas to get home.

Thanks all!