
Insurance/Claims adjusters in Baja

ercunnin - 11-26-2017 at 01:29 PM

I have kind of a strange question. My wife and I are moving to Rosarito with the kids in a few months. I have worked in the insurance industry, as a field and desk claims adjuster for State Farm for over 10 years. Are there any adjuster jobs in Baja as far as you know? I would like to stay with insurance as I love helping people. Any insight would be great. I do speak fluent Spanish as well. Or maybe work as a public adjuster or something. Not really sure how claims work in Mexico. Thanks!

David K - 11-26-2017 at 01:47 PM

You first must become a Mexican citizen or aquire a work visa as tourists (FMM holders) are not permitted to work and potentially deprive Mexicans from employment.
Once that hurdle is passed, seek insurance agencies in Rosarito for sponsorship or employment. Best luck and enjoy the huge change in life you are about to undergo.

ercunnin - 11-26-2017 at 01:57 PM

Thanks for the quick response. I kind of figured the visa stuff. My wife is a Mexican citizen so I could always go that route as well. I lived in Guanjuato for 2 years when I was a single guy and loved it. But just worried about work with the family and everything. Thanks again!

David K - 11-26-2017 at 02:08 PM

You will do great. Many ex-pats have reported getting insurance in Rosarito. Stay in touch!

bajaguy - 11-26-2017 at 02:40 PM

Talk to Geoff at Bajabound ...

manovas - 11-28-2017 at 05:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ercunnin  
I have kind of a strange question. My wife and I are moving to Rosarito with the kids in a few months. I have worked in the insurance industry, as a field and desk claims adjuster for State Farm for over 10 years. Are there any adjuster jobs in Baja as far as you know? I would like to stay with insurance as I love helping people. Any insight would be great. I do speak fluent Spanish as well. Or maybe work as a public adjuster or something. Not really sure how claims work in Mexico. Thanks!

Hi ercunninm, we have an insurance family business in Tijuana. If you want to become an adjuster you have to have the appropriate legal status and visa. We have a website were we sell online mexican auto insurance for US travellers and expats ( if you are interested we can work something out. Rosarito can get boring sometimes :lol: