
San Juanico to SM Commundu to Loreto Roads

1Bajalover - 12-7-2017 at 08:50 PM

How are the roads from San Juanico to San Miguel Commundu to Loreto?
we are traveling in a smaller S U V with less clearance than a truck - I am told the road from Insurgentes to San Juanico is really good now but not sure about taking that back road into Loreto?

Thanks for any info

AKgringo - 12-7-2017 at 09:10 PM

Here is the most recent report (that I know of).

I have not driven those roads for a year, but had no real problems then in a Kia Sportage with moderately oversize tires.

Edit; I have the older model Sportage. It is a 2dr, with rear wheel drive and a transfer case with low range. I don't know how the crossover type SUVs do.

[Edited on 12-8-2017 by AKgringo]

David K - 12-7-2017 at 09:17 PM

North from Insurgentes to San Juanico only has a short couple of pot hole sections in the paving (at the ComondĂș junction and on the Las Barrancas road for a couple miles) last August.

The paved road into ComondĂș is good.

ComondĂș to San Javier and Loreto has a few miles of 4WD recommended grades up and down the mesa east of El Horno to Palo Chino, unless some major grading was done since last spring.

1Bajalover - 12-8-2017 at 07:27 AM

Thank You!

it looks like San Juanico from Insurgientes is good right now

David K - 12-8-2017 at 07:48 AM

That's all paved highway, yes. Just some potholes in the two places I mentioned. Remember to turn left for Las Barrancas to access the new San Juanico highway.