Sharksbaja - 2-24-2005 at 12:41 PM
.Just got back to Oregon where the sun stayed shining while I was gone and the rain found me in Baja. Thanx to Pompano for the advice to stay
overnight at Punta Concepcion. It was awesome!!! It was just me and the dog(Buzz) and u were right........desolate, (capital D). I only saw 3
fishermen as I was just starting out on the trip. Vast beaches of pebble-sized cobble stones. Good places for sea shells. Vast piles of clam shells.
At times the desert coastal land will flatten out and it's fun to haul-ass albeit briefly.

mineral rich mountains

sweeping alluvial soils cover the whole coastal transition from the beach to the mountains. This has created a huge amount of washes (major ruts)
running the entire length to the point on the east side of the bay.

looking across towards Playa Stanispac
Approx 10 miles in a ranch nestled below the foot of the mountains is obviously where the water source is. I drove up close enough on a side road to
see an elevated water tank. At many times one must drive on the beach as thaat becomes the road. 4x4 with good clearance is highly recommended.
Roughly 8mi out (on the shore) will be the remains of
Corona Daves place. I know this because of what was posted earlier by the Nomads.

he had a cool cactus garden with paths and rock work

inlaid bottles in a wall

the bano(still works!)

narrow car ramps, notice the Corona

nice entrance, must have been a decent casa

VW fan/shroud

weight watcher??
Maybe Dave had a Corona Jones but he was also a hard worker with multiple talents with the ability to not only survive out there, but to create an
atmosphere not unlike our own.
Does anyone has an old photo of Dave's casa? Here's to Dave, R.I.P.

look for the rest of the trip in a later post, gotta get back to work now
Bruce R Leech - 2-24-2005 at 01:17 PM
thanks for the nice report Sharks.
and thanks a million for the chipino sauce you left with me, it was the best I ever had we ate it the next day with a nice bottle of wine and we were
in heaven the rest of the day. but now we are sad because we have no way of ever getting more.
David K - 2-24-2005 at 05:46 PM
Awesome photo spread Sharksbaja!
I never tried posting muliple photo links in one post... didn't know it was possible, never tried.
Do you have any pics at the manganese mine?
BornFisher - 2-24-2005 at 09:16 PM
What a GREAT post!! Gracias!!!!!
Corona Dave's place...
Mexray - 2-24-2005 at 11:30 PM
I'll see if I can dig up some old photos of the place I took a few years ago. It's a shame how vandals have torn it all down. His 'casa' was neat,
with a built-in bar, etc! Did you see the 'flip-flop' tree - the deposito for discarded sandals? I'd love to hike up the washes behind CD's old
place to see the sights.
There's a small, tight canyon about 8 miles south of CD's with small pintados. The location is shown on pg 40 of the Baja Calif. Almanac - just up
from a fish camp that's marked 'Margarita' on the eastern shore of the Bahia. N26-38.662 / W111-41.799 is the Cyn's entrance...and N26-37.438 /
W111-42.582 is the where the arroyo intersects the peninsula road.
That is a neat drive, and you really need a couple of days to enjoy it all.
P. Concepcion and beyond
Sharksbaja - 2-25-2005 at 01:54 AM
where was I??? oh yeah, somewhere way out there on Punta Concepcion. Earlier today I looked closer at what Baja backroads do to your paint job......
not pretty. The road is very narrow for much of the drive and winds thru scrub, lined with razor blades. Oh well what the hell, you could of bought a
Hummer like those u see all over So. Cal. No dirt or scratches on those babies.....bunch of wimps.... no, I like to take an almost brand new truck and
thrash it on Bajas worst roads.22,000 miles in the last year goin' back n forth thru Baja. Its like heaven...who gives a chit when u r havin' that
much fun. Now for the rest of the story.....
if your mouse has a middle button...use to scroll...

big blu and my pointy-faced dog

sweeping vistas

crags, caves and canyons

this was one of two real fish camps way out. About 3 miles from the point the road vears east up thru the mountain range . Following a wash to the
pass then down the other side to arrive at a most gorgeous place. Saw nobody except a couple foot tracks, probably a panga touched ground here at the
cove below

like a living a postcard here

It ees totally amazing to see such a radical change of scenery in a matter of a few miles

I was awestruck by the monolithic rocky outcroppings

I am not sure if these ruins are the manganese mine David K. asks about but I can tell you giant machines once stood behind huge concrete walls. It
looks at closer inspection to be a ore crushing operation and covers many acres. It also looks as if some fairly big homes were perched on the bluffs
overlooking the sea.

looks like a shft for storing explosives

this is a view from the pass looking towards Mulege on the way out. u can see a speck of the Sea of Cortez in center

these birds gathered on this spot for no apparent food or reason, but there were at least five different types hangin out. "Birds of a Feather"
Kinda like Nomads....
I would not hesitate to make the trip again.... but with more days to spend there. Unfortunately my GPS was on the fritz so someone else needs to dial
it all in.
Always bring out more trash than you bring in
Nice report!
Santiago - 2-25-2005 at 07:16 AM
Pompano search
Sharksbaja - 2-25-2005 at 11:27 AM
Hey there Pompano, u were rite. It was a very interesting trip and the info much appreciated.
[Edited on 1-14-2007 by Sharksbaja]