
san felipe to Gonzaga

rts551 - 2-25-2005 at 06:46 PM

Anyone been on the road south to gonzaga since all the rains. Leaving in two weeks and debating on Hwy 1 or the dirt road.

bufeo - 2-25-2005 at 09:00 PM

I'm posting this from Punta Bufeo, 9 mi north of BdslGonzaga.

All is fine. I'll be driving up tomorrow a.m. to see the SF 250 and will get a very recent assessment, but I don't think the road S of Puertecitos is any better or worse than usual.

If it's impassable, I'll let you know after I make the round trip. :D

rts551 - 2-26-2005 at 05:36 AM


been on it many times. Live in Arizona and going further south to the pacific but like the shorter route along the gulf. just wondering if it is worse than usual.

Arthur - 3-14-2005 at 03:41 PM

I've never been on it, but the Moon guide says that a passenger can can make it (slowly) so I want to try it in a couple of weeks in my Prerunner.

Can you count on gas at Alfonsina's most of the time? We could make it without that, but it would be good to have available. Once we hit 1 we'll have to turn back north, and then Catavina may not have gas right away.

Cyndarouh - 3-14-2005 at 03:55 PM

[Edited on 3-15-2005 by Cyndarouh]

Hwy.5 to Hwy.1

bajaloco - 3-14-2005 at 06:32 PM

We just drove the road from Hwy.1 to Mexicali two days ago. Can't tell any difference in the condition, it seems roughest between Gonzaga and Puertecitos. We saw alot of traffic, from semi trucks to small passenger cars. I would not reccomend it in a passenger car. There was gas available at the Gonzaga Pemex and probably at Bahia de Los Angeles Pemex next week or so. The wild flowers are in bloom and it alone is worth the trip.

[Edited on 3-15-2005 by bajaloco]