
the roads north and places near Tecate to stay one night?

1Bajalover - 2-7-2018 at 02:16 PM

we are headed north in two weeks : - ( and thinking to go through
Tecate this time instead of T J - can anyone give a road report? we are
in a smaller S U V - no trailer etc just a car- and would like to spend the
last night this side of the border but tecate has gotten pretty overwhelmingly large the last few years so wonder if there is a spot anyone likes and can recommend on the way to tecate? cannot camp so a hotel would be needed
Thanks All!

David K - 2-7-2018 at 02:44 PM

*Might help to know where you are heading north from, Ensenada, San Felipe, La Paz?
*What route are you using Hwy. 1 to Hwy. 3, or Hwy. 5 to Hwy. 2, etc.?
I am sure you will get some good replies and have a super time!

bajaguy - 2-7-2018 at 03:47 PM

Highway 3 from Ensenada to Tecate (Ruta de Vino - Wine Route) is in great shape. They have done a lot of work on it and is a pleasure to drive.

Not familiar with lodging in Tecate, however since it is about 90 minutes (+/-) from Ensenada to Tecate, you might consider staying overnight in Ensenada

Quote: Originally posted by 1Bajalover  
we are headed north in two weeks : - ( and thinking to go through
Tecate this time instead of T J - can anyone give a road report? we are
in a smaller S U V - no trailer etc just a car- and would like to spend the
last night this side of the border but tecate has gotten pretty overwhelmingly large the last few years so wonder if there is a spot anyone likes and can recommend on the way to tecate? cannot camp so a hotel would be needed
Thanks All!

gsbotanico - 2-7-2018 at 06:06 PM

If you want to spend the night on the Mexico side, my recommendation is to stay either in Ensenada or Tecate. There's not much in between except Guadalupe Valley, which is pricey and close to Ensenada.

Yes, Tecate is not like it used to be. There are some nice places to stay. Drive into the center of the city toward the border crossing and turn west (left) on the old highway called Blvd. Benito Juarez. Don't get on the toll road.

About a mile west are some nicer motels. There is also a good restaurant called La Misión at #1110. The stretch before and after the restaurant has some choices for lodging, mostly on the south side. You can stop and check any of them out. That's what I do. If you don't like it, go to the next.

TMW - 2-7-2018 at 08:15 PM

Someone asked about Tecate hotels not long ago, do a search on here. I think there were three in town.

There are hotels on hwy 3 thru Guadalupe Valley too.

I would stay in Ensenada. It's only about an hour and a half to Tecate. If you go on line you can get some good deals for Ensenada. I stayed at the San Nicolas hotel for $65 + tax in Oct. Villa Marina is a little less and a room up high is a beautiful view of the city. In my opinion the Corona hotel has the best margaritas. Plenty of places to chose from and plenty of good restaurants.

TecateRay - 2-7-2018 at 10:25 PM

Try the Posada Inn at Rancho María Teresa on Guadalupe Valley. . It’s right on the highway from Ensenada to Tecate.

Lee - 2-8-2018 at 12:08 AM

I recommend Ensenada as well. Usually stay at Motel California, North of town near Hgwy 3 exit. Easy drive to Tecate.

sabrinajs - 2-13-2018 at 07:06 PM

We recently stayed at Rocas del Valle in Guadalupe. Its still under construction, but they have really nice bungalows. It was under $100 when we stayed.