
Pressing my luck with another trail question

Jinete Viejo - 2-15-2018 at 02:23 PM

After the good intel I received on my question about the Window Rock trail I thought I would try another. I ran into Bill Nichols last year and he said that he had just completed a trail that connects Santa Rosalillita (where the harbor project failed) to El Tomatal (aka Miller's Landing). He was more than willing to share the track but our GPS's weren't compatible. Prior to this trail, it was necessary to go out to the highway to get around a hill called "C. San Javier" on the Almanac. At the risk of becoming a pest, I'll ask; can anyone post a map showing this trail?

JZ - 2-15-2018 at 03:20 PM

If he gave you a file you could convert it to a different format here:

Or download the GPSBabel program.

Jinete Viejo - 2-15-2018 at 04:04 PM

Actually, we both have Garmins but mine isn't capable of wireless transfer of tracks and he was reluctant to plug his into a computer. Apparently he stores every track he has in the GPS and understandably didn't want us to have access to that much sensitive information.

4x4abc - 2-15-2018 at 06:00 PM

it is more or less visible on Google Earth

mcnut - 2-15-2018 at 09:17 PM

Not one to doubt Bill Nichols in any way shape or form but the GE image does show signs of a route as Harald noted.......and the GE image is dated 2006.


bajatrailrider - 2-17-2018 at 09:33 AM

If bill says there is a trail there is one. Most of my single tracks not on maps also not on GE image. Too much tall brush and trees.