
Coco's corner in a blog

BajaBlanca - 2-23-2018 at 04:48 AM

It mentions that someone stole one of his guestbooks. Who would be so mean?

It also says that he is related to Pancho Villa!

ehall - 2-23-2018 at 06:39 AM

What kind of sorry son of a b*tch would steal his guest book? Great read thanks for the link.

tobias - 2-23-2018 at 08:29 AM

Who would steal anything from a man with no legs?

Paco Facullo - 2-23-2018 at 10:22 AM

CoCo sure is a trippy Dude all right !

When I asked him why he likes staying "way out here" his reply was ,

" Whats not to like , I get ALL the free beer I can drink "

Got to LOVE that !

JZ - 2-23-2018 at 10:38 AM

If we are being honest, it's much more fun to visit with Pancho.

[Edited on 2-24-2018 by JZ]

TMW - 2-23-2018 at 12:09 PM

Pancho doesn't get the traffic Coco does. But he does have a better view.

Interesting to me is that in all the years I've stopped to see Pancho he has never offered me a beer or asked if I want one. It has always been me asking if he would like one. Yet I have seen on here (Nomad) more than once that he either offered or sold someone a beer. Does he actually have beer to sell? Maybe I misread what was said here.

Paco Facullo - 2-23-2018 at 12:24 PM

Yes, Coco sells beer ( Pacifico cans ) That's how he is able to drink for free...

After I had bought and drank a few from him he graciously offered me one for free....
Not to mention he lets people stay there for free..

He's OK in my book............

Note, just don't crush the cans after drinking as he uses the empty's ..

TMW - 2-23-2018 at 12:42 PM

Thanks, but I was asking about Pancho.

David K - 2-23-2018 at 03:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
Thanks, but I was asking about Pancho.

Pancho does sell beer, but was so kind, he hands me one when I arrive (ice cold Pacifico). I will pay him regardless if he meant it as a gift. I did give him a few copies of my book last year so he could sell them and keep the money. He asked me to bring a "case of books" next time and he would split the profit! Such a neat guy and by far was better thought of than Coco by my tour guests on the Baja Extreme (2016). We visited Coco first and then Pancho a couple days later and the opinions sure flowed after we left Pancho, in his support.

In 2002, he made my kids and I tacos when we stopped to say high after searching for the lost mission south of there. So, he sells food too. Has chicken in his freezer, as well as fresh fish!

A footnote: The guys filming 'The Devil's Road' (about the 1905 Nelson Expedition) were given my book by Pancho which connected them back to me, a year later... and they wanted to film an interview with me and are using historic notes from my book in the movie. Thanks, Pancho!

motoged - 2-23-2018 at 05:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
If we are being honest, it's much more fun to visit with Poncho.

"we" ????

Why....does he swing?:lol:

motoged - 2-23-2018 at 05:53 PM

Someone stole one of Coco's "sign-in" book a handful of years ago....and it was never returned....

Someone stole the vehicle door at the north end of the Green Door trail....and it was never returned...

Both thefts likely committed by they can show them off in their homes in California A-holes who claim to be off-roaders (as no-one else would find value in such artifacts :no: )

Coco and Pancho are two unique individuals enjoying their homes with their individual need to compare and rate these guys in my opinion.

DK....any idea what Coco's opinions were regarding your "guests" (who likely were Baja first-timers... with little appreciation for his "patina")?

[Edited on 2-24-2018 by motoged]

David K - 2-23-2018 at 06:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Someone stole one of Coco's "sign-in" book a handful of years ago....and it was never returned....

Someone stole the vehicle door at the north end of the Green Door trail....and it was never returned...

Both thefts likely committed by they can show them off in their homes in California A-holes who claim to be off-roaders (as no-one else would find value in such artifacts :no: )

Coco and Pancho are two unique individuals enjoying their homes with their individual need to compare and rate these guys in my opinion.

DK....any idea what Coco's opinions were regarding your "guests" (who likely were Baja first-timers... with little appreciation for his "patina")?

[Edited on 2-24-2018 by motoged]

Hi Ged,
Coco that day was his usual self, nothing out of the ordinary. There were others there at the same time. I returned and visited with Coco a few months later (there were some other Nomads there at the time). Again, a happy Coco and I left him a pile of Baja Bound stickers to give out and maybe one of my books?

I can only relate what my guests expressed after meeting both characters. I like them both and have known them both for the same length of time.

They felt Coco had it far better because of the heavy traffic being right on the road. They gave Coco a lot of attention and donated to his wall of fame, even. Nothing negative was mentioned the next days.

When we went to Pancho's it was like a night and day difference. As you can guess, the obvious was that Pancho sees very few compared to Coco. He is a lot more humble and they thought he was more polite to the females in our group (no girly comments) and deserving/ unexpecting.

Coco is more a celebrity and kind of acts it. They said they would like to return and spend more time with Pancho and said to me that there was no such interest in returning to Coco.

So, I am passing that along... they just liked the humble Pancho over the famous Coco. I am sure there could be a bad reaction to Pancho sometimes, too?

TMW - 2-23-2018 at 06:38 PM

I have not had a bad experience with Coco. I did have a really odd experience with Pancho a couple of years ago that left me really puzzled by his actions.

motoged - 2-23-2018 at 06:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
I have not had a bad experience with Coco. I did have a really odd experience with Pancho a couple of years ago that left me really puzzled by his actions.

Pancho was always friendly when I passed through...but never had any beer for sale...but that didn't matter to me as I didn't expect it. His relative isolation might set up cabin / palapa fever for him as it would for many of us.

Two characters in their own right....both deserving our respect.

Sounds like you and I may have had similar experiences with these guys.:coolup:

TMW - 2-23-2018 at 07:02 PM

I see Coco almost every trip I make to Baja either going or coming or both. I see Pancho only 1 or 2 times a year at most and sometimes not even that much. I saw both of them in Oct which was my last trip south.

You are right they are different characters. I like them both.

advrider - 2-23-2018 at 07:27 PM

THEY are what makes Baja, well Baja! Not just these two but the whole host of charters I meet on every trip! Always stop and buy a beer from Poncho and never pass up a visit with Coco, it's just part of Baja for me. Coco can be a bit colorful with the girls but was a kick and respectful when my wife and I had lunch with him last. To each his own...

4x4abc - 2-23-2018 at 07:45 PM

we "use" Coco like we use all of Baja - for our pleasure

we know Coco is all alone on his windy corner - all year long
that also means when you are celebrating Thanksgiving or Christmas at home (meaning you are not ripping through Baja and maybe stopping at Coco's to take some pics with a grumpy cripple) - Coco is alone.
One year, I was invited to Alfonisa's Christmas feast I wondered why nobody would invite Coco over. So I went and spent Christmas with him.
It was just the 2 of us. Nobody stops Christmas at Coco's

and yes, all of his guest books were stolen
every time he has to go to the hospital for treatment (or leave another leg behind) things are stolen from his place

I gave him a couple of Borrego skulls I had found in Arroyo Santa Maria
stolen as well

I have been in a wheelchair for the last 8 months and can tell you that the depression that follows after you realize you won't be walking anymore will make you grumpy to say the least
if then strangers steal your stuff, your mood will not improve

given all that I admire Coco for being a kind host most of the time

JZ - 2-23-2018 at 08:05 PM

Pancho showed us his drone when we were flying ours.

[Edited on 2-24-2018 by JZ]