
Anyone need a competent employee in Loreto?

hiker_dave - 2-26-2018 at 04:45 PM

Hi, I have a friend in Loreto who is a local and she is in need of a job in town. She has worked hospitality and restaurants previously. Any leads or suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!!

[Edited on 2-26-2018 by hiker_dave]

motoged - 2-26-2018 at 07:14 PM

I would think a local resident has a better sense of the town than Nomads...:light:

ligui - 2-27-2018 at 11:06 AM

Motoged , what is wrong with asking nomads if they might know someone that could help out ? There are many nomads that live in loreto and might be in need of some help and could get this person some work .

This is what we do on this web site ....

To hiker-dave Welcome to the baja nomads ! Sorry about the group on this site that just can't get it . The idea of Baja Nomads is to enjoy and share infor.

I have send a e-mail to many of my friends in the loreto seeing if they could pass the word around . Hate to see someone who wants to work without it .

Will let you know if I hear of anything . Again Welcome , looking forward to your future posts .

motoged - 2-27-2018 at 01:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ligui  
Motoged , what is wrong with asking nomads if they might know someone that could help out ? There are many nomads that live in loreto and might be in need of some help and could get this person some work .

Nothing wrong with asking for help...I was just thinking that a local person would have more insight to the town and local employers...and that a small cadre of expats might be aware of fewer contacts/opportunities...

It appeared that the person was hoping to find employment in the hospitality/restaurant industry...and I assumed the majority of them were owned/operated by local nationals.

I certainly hope she finds employment....if the BN's could help, that would be great.

chuckie - 3-1-2018 at 09:07 AM

That's what the Pols call "walking something back":o

BajaTed - 3-1-2018 at 10:39 AM

PS, finding a job for a local is a big deal, good on you.

Being a beneficial "Patron" to the locals is a part of the culture in Baja.
Bootstrap type help is sometimes all there is.

JoeJustJoe - 3-1-2018 at 11:02 AM

Hiker_Dave, does your friend have references?

What made you come to "Baja Nomad" looking for employment for your friend?

Based on past job offers to local Mexicans on "Baja Nomad."

Your friend could expect some low ball offers near slave wages, that are also under the table. However, the masses here will think the offer is very fair.

TMW - 3-1-2018 at 11:39 AM

It's not always easy getting the right job for the right amount of money. It's easier if you have the right connections that allow you to network with various people. Often starting at a low paying job may be the only thing available or to get your foot into the door until something better comes along.

One thing everyone should consider very carefully and that is your reputation. The kind of worker you are. How you get along with fellow workers and bosses. Some employers are willing to put up with a lot of crap from someone who is really good at their job but should you ever change jobs and other employers are aware of your attitude and how you interact etc you may find yourself with little options.

I have a friend who finding himself out of work told me he would do anything no matter what the pay. He just wanted a job. I helped him get a job and within a month he was complaining about the pay and that no one knew what they were doing. Soon he was out of work again. He asked me again to help and I did and it was a rerun all over again. After that I just stayed out of his request. Today he does piece mill work when available.

While it may sound great at the time I always caution against telling a boss where to shove it when they quit. You may get great satisfaction from it and the boss may very well deserve it but down the road it could come back to haunt you.

But that's just my opinion about jobs in general.

I hope she finds a good job with good pay.