
La Paz last days - Feb. 2018

BajaBlanca - 3-2-2018 at 02:49 AM

Our trip to La Paz came to an end....everything was perfect in the apartment we were in. The apartment goes for $200 a month, utilities included if you don't use the A/C. It is 10 min by car to the malecon area.

Here is where we all chatted about the day when we happened to be home at the same time. The bottle sculpture in the back, as well as various others in the garden, were made by ALEJANDRA PALOS who is the daughter.
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I went to visit the elementary school where the granddaughter goes to school! First graders really had me working it! So adorable and if you live in La Paz, and have the inkling, go to any school and participate in the English class! I taught them about eating - dancing - swimming.

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At one point Mom and I went to the anthropology museum and I left a rant in their guest book about how absurd it was not to have all the signs in English as well as Spanish. I left my phone number and 2 days before we left, they called me. I went in and met with the director (who says he will come to La Bocana).

I now have a new project! I will be translating all the signs for them!

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Remember the Polish bicyclist? She is now in Mazatlan.

We met great folks when we went to lunch at Kochi Kochi with weebray and his wife! The food was great as well. and we were blessed to have a princess at the table! Landlady Maru and her granddaughter came to lunch with us.

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We went to a restaurant on the marina called Capri. It was empty probably because the food was nothing to write home about but the location is beautiful - right on the water. The margaritas were excellent. I am guessing Les would say the Pacificos were excellent too! Mom had a salad that was huge and she loved it.

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We found a little ice cream place right around the corner from where we were - they make their own ice-cream! It is creamy and delicious!

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We are back in La Bocana with all the memories of the nice folks we had the pleasure to meet. I met a girl in Walmart who will be starting online English classes. I introduced her to Barbara who works with the poor kids way up in the hills. Now Mel is volunteering with the kids.

Clarissa - my very first student in the scholarship program - graduated. Her entire family celebrated with her. She wrote the most moving dedication on facebook. Every single time I read or or talk about it, I start to cry.

Our landlady is an incredible human who believes that we are put on Earth to help one another. She is a 2 PhD holder who donates time to work with autistic kids.

She also does hypnosis therapy. She also is a writer. They used to own Casa Leree in San Ignacio and while there, she interviewed all the ancient ones in all the tiny villages up and down the coast here abouts. She wrote a book that just got published. Maru Ortega and her husband will be down to do a book talk with the locals here since their parents are the ones who were interviewed. I can't wait.

We also did a lot of medical stuff - if you need a specialist on bones or hands, ask me. If you need a specialist in hernia's, Les found a great one. If you need a podologist who can make your achy cracked feet turn into baby feet, we found one. And the seguro popular is really fast and easy when you want an x-ray. Pretty impressive.

GREAT TRIP and we have decided to buy a house in La Paz and spend a couple months there and a couple months in La Bocana every year! Found two lovely homes and who of them may become ours!

tobias - 3-2-2018 at 08:25 AM

That is so cool. I felt like I could see you guys falling in love with the city while we were having drinks and wandering about the malecon.

Udo - 3-2-2018 at 08:28 AM

Nice vacation!

TMW - 3-2-2018 at 12:34 PM

Excellent trip photos and report, thanks.

Winters in La Paz and summers in La Bocana now that's a great combination.

BajaBlanca - 3-2-2018 at 08:18 PM
