
La Recua - new documentary movie by Trudi Angell

gueribo - 3-19-2018 at 05:38 PM

Trudi Angell of guided-mule-trip fame is working on a new documentary. Catch the trailer here, and the summary below:

An old desert-grown vaquero in Baja California has a new goal in life. So he gathers a herd of mules and donkeys, builds saddles and traditional gear for his outfit, and plans an historic re-enactment of the old-time merchant pack-trains that once traveled through that rugged mountain country over 100 years ago. His 8-year-old grandson becomes his right-hand man along the two-hundred-mile fading mission trail.


Dario Higuera has a dream. He knows it will take some time to make the old-style recua gear. A part of the film will describe how the pack-string equipment was made or gathered; part describes the history of the old falluqueros and their lifestyle; and in general the story will be dedicated to how our present-day burros and arrieros are re-enacting an era of commerce, las recuas (the ‘old-time truckers’) that was key to livelihood and ranching culture for centuries on the lower California peninsula.

Documenting vignettes along every step of the way, Dario and his compañeros will herd those donkeys across 200 miles of spectacular desert and down the old California mission and cargo trails. Some of his family will join him on the trail. Ramoncito adores his grandfather, and their bond is bound to strengthen as they share hardships and heartfelt moments along the way. Amigos old and new may ride along on the journey, exchanging memories of the past and enlightening viewers to the concept of pre-highway peninsular travel.

Twining their stories together like the strands of a horsehair rope, the thread of this epic journey will be to weave the Californio vaquero and arriero history, and the personal backgrounds of Dario Higuera and his companions into an exciting tale as they move that "long-eared cargo train" down the trail...and realize "Dario’s Dream".

Dario_2.jpg - 48kB

[Edited on 3-29-2021 by BajaNomad]

gueribo - 3-19-2018 at 05:42 PM

You can read more (or support the project) on Trudi's website:

gueribo - 3-19-2018 at 07:42 PM

And if you watch to the end of the trailer, you'll have a little laugh.

StuckSucks - 3-20-2018 at 09:23 AM

A fun watch. When is the doc coming out? How can we see it?

BajaBlanca - 3-20-2018 at 10:30 AM

What a great ending LOL

Made me want to give it a try!

[Edited on 3-20-2018 by BajaBlanca]

StuckSucks - 3-20-2018 at 11:05 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBlanca  

Made me want to give it a try!

A couple shots of tequila makes it easy.

gueribo - 3-20-2018 at 04:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by StuckSucks  
A fun watch. When is the doc coming out? How can we see it?

I'm on Trudi's update list, and when the film is complete, I'll post details here. Looks like later this year.

shari - 3-21-2018 at 07:07 PM

this is such an epic project!!! Trudi is amazing and this will be an incredible journey!

David K - 3-21-2018 at 07:16 PM

Trudi is very passionate about El Camino Real. I recently spoke at some length with her (and our own Baja Bucko) about accuracy in documenting the true El Camino Real. Look for some exciting things if you are a Baja history (Old California history) fan of the mission road from Loreto north.

Cliffy - 3-22-2018 at 11:53 PM

What an absolutely fascinating project.
I'll be watching to see it!

windgrrl - 3-23-2018 at 06:46 AM

This is a wonderful project. Thanks for the link.

gueribo - 3-23-2018 at 09:59 AM

In the meantime, you can tide yourself over by watching Corazón Vaquero: The Heart of the Cowboy!

CV2.jpg - 209kB

gueribo - 10-28-2018 at 01:42 PM

Here's a new trailer of the documentary, with snippets from the trail. So well done . . . beautiful and heartfelt.

gueribo - 10-28-2018 at 01:47 PM

A still from the trailer.

Dario's Dream trailer still.jpg - 59kB

gueribo - 2-9-2019 at 08:02 AM

Progress on the documentary continues. I saw the storyboard and some snippets when in Loreto last month, and it's going to be outstanding. It will debut at independent film festivals, and then be released to the public.

There's a Facebook page to follow the progress:

The latest FB post:

A table full of history . . . Dario Higuera's saddle with his "trademark" tooled design. It's on display at the "cowboy museum" gallery. Near the plaza Loreto downtown. Come on in and visit!

Dario table.jpg - 156kB

Dario saddle.jpg - 153kB

[Edited on 2-9-2019 by gueribo]

gueribo - 2-10-2021 at 10:55 AM

Bumping this to the top - the documentary "Dario's Dream" is nearly finished. I attended a pre-screening (and Q&A with Dario - so fun to be on Zoom with Baja ranchers!) . . .

The documentary is outstanding, a profound experience. It's beautifully filmed, artistic, and moving. You won't want to miss Dario's journey as he re-creates the burro train journeys of old.

You can follow updates on the Facebook page:

David K - 2-10-2021 at 11:05 AM

Thank you!:light:

BajaBlanca - 2-10-2021 at 01:47 PM

Very cool!

La Recua Movie (Mule-Pack Train on El Camino Real)

David K - 3-26-2021 at 04:34 PM

Several preview clips to see...

gueribo - 3-28-2021 at 04:18 PM

Here's the latest from Trudi Angell on the documentary. A beautiful, beautiful film.

"This is a quick note to let you know that our film, La Recua - The Mule Pack Train, is about to hit the big screen...and a whole lot of smaller ones. In the next few days I'll send you details about our World Premiere (live and online streaming) coming up, in Santa Barbara - Alta California!"

La Recua - new Baja film out soon

ElCap - 3-29-2021 at 10:54 AM

From Trudi Angell - who shouldn't need an introduction if you have spent any time in BCS.

La Recua
Recua [rék•wah] - a caravan; from arabic - something that follows one another.

Here's the trailer, I think the film is soon to be released.

Paulina - 3-30-2021 at 06:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gueribo  
Here's the latest from Trudi Angell on the documentary. A beautiful, beautiful film.

"This is a quick note to let you know that our film, La Recua - The Mule Pack Train, is about to hit the big screen...and a whole lot of smaller ones. In the next few days I'll send you details about our World Premiere (live and online streaming) coming up, in Santa Barbara - Alta California!"

Do you know, or can you ask Trudi when the film will be available for online streaming for those of us residing in Baja?


gueribo - 3-30-2021 at 06:28 PM

Hi, Paulina...yes, I sure can. I'll post info here soon about how to view.

Paulina - 3-31-2021 at 04:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gueribo  
Hi, Paulina...yes, I sure can. I'll post info here soon about how to view.

Thank you! I'm looking forward to it.

gueribo - 3-31-2021 at 07:40 PM

Here's the latest from Trudi:

How to watch La Recua – on-line or live:

Baja California Sur’s own Docu-Story has traveled north, up El Camino Real, to Santa Barbara in Alta California. View and Vote at its World Premiere festival, Apr. 1-10, 2021.

Buy Ticket ($10) for La Recua Here:
You buy your ticket now to watch during the festival - April 1st to 10th, 2021. If you are in Mexico, see FAQs below**

La Recua [rék•wah] – The Mule Pack Train will be available for Streaming Online, and on the Big Screen at a local drive-in theater in Santa Barbara – at the 36th Annual Santa Barbara International Film Festival (

In 2018, three generations travel 20 days by mule on old El Camino Real trails, packing traditional trade goods on donkeys, meeting old friends along the 200 mile route, and sharing stories: an amazing glimpse into the past and Baja California Sur’s cultural treasures.

Our two youngest riders, Azucena age 10, and Ramoncito age 8, are sure to capture hearts as they share their own stories and learn the ropes along the trail.

Produced by Trudi Angell and co-directed by Darío Higuera Meza (of Corazón Vaquero fame). We take you on a gorgeous trail ride down the peninsula to learn about the history of pre-highway travel in the Original California … on the back of a mule!

A beautiful film for the whole family.

Praise for La Recua:
• La Recua is superb! … it tells a complete story of a man, his family, his society, and his culture through the journey of the recua. Paul Ganster dir. Institute for Regional Studies of the Californias
• It is a true tribute to the region, it's people, their culture and traditions! Xavier Breña, Mex.
• I was so impressed with the intimacy and beauty of the experience - the characters, landscape and history of the Recua. Shaw Salzburg, Loreto, BCS
• Great story, great filming, great music. Such a vision, so lovingly portrayed. Barb Ware, Ukiah, CA
• The cinematography, the editing, the way it flows like El Camino Real, and most of all, the essence of it, which is The Heart. Tracy Durlan, Todos Santos, BCS

FAQs About the Festival and the Film:

• Facebook -

• Twitter and Instagram - @larecuamovie

• In Spanish with English subtitles.

• If you are in the southern CA area, see the web site for a Drive-in screening of La Recua (mid day on April 1st) – and read all of their FAQs here:

• The film is available online April 1-10 in the US & Canada**. It has been Geo-Blocked (unable to be viewed) to exclude Mexico**. The reason for that is some other festivals to which we have applied or have yet to apply require that a film be premiered in their region. It will still be a number of months before we can sell it to the public, so enjoy at festivals now, vote for us if you love it, and then buy later!

**If you are in Mexico and chompin’ at the bit to watch the film… please contact Trudi for more information at

• How to Vote for La Recua: Following your viewing of the film, every ticket holder (or passholder) can vote, one time, online, for the film on the film’s landing page.

Muchas Gracias Todos! Trudi Angell

[Edited on 4-1-2021 by gueribo]

David K - 3-31-2021 at 08:28 PM


gueribo - 5-18-2021 at 11:05 AM

Happy news for La Recua! If you haven't seen it yet, set aside some quiet time to let this beautiful documentary, in all its Baja goodness, touch your soul.