
Guns & Rifles

Price - 3-3-2005 at 04:37 AM

We own a few antique guns & rifles that we us as art on the walls - is there a way to get them to San Felipe ? I have heard that they can be shipped from a gun dealer in the US to a gun dealer in MX - true or not ?

Bruce R Leech - 3-3-2005 at 07:20 AM

Price I don't think you can do that . but even if you can you don't want to have them in your house once they git here.

JESSE - 3-3-2005 at 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Price
We own a few antique guns & rifles that we us as art on the walls - is there a way to get them to San Felipe ? I have heard that they can be shipped from a gun dealer in the US to a gun dealer in MX - true or not ?

There are NO gun dealers in Mexico that i know of, you can get a limited permit for hunting guns, but i don?t think they would give you one for collecting.

go here "old gunner"

yankeeirishman - 3-3-2005 at 08:41 PM

The only way to legally import firearms and/or ammunition into Mexico is to secure a permit in advance from the Mexican Embassy in Washington, D.C. or from a Mexican consulate.

Sorry, your all wrong

fishinrich - 3-3-2005 at 09:24 PM

I am the only one on this board who has possession, transportation and hunting permits for 4 shotguns and 2 rifles, 250 shotgun shells and 500 22 shells in 5 different states in mexico. You do not have to go through washington dc or the mexican consulate. You do have to live in mexico, You do have to belong to a shooting organization of some kind. You register your guns with the military in the state you live. To tell you the truth the paperwork is easier than in the state of california. Yes there are gun dealers in mexico. As far as being made to kill other people--bullchit--people kill people. Shooting and hunting is fun. fishin rich


Dave - 3-3-2005 at 09:34 PM

Hey Rich, what about reloading? Think they would frown on that?

fishin rich is correct

Gypsy Jan - 3-4-2005 at 12:00 AM

I am severely of two minds on this question.

I was never raised around guns, but the Growling Gabacho grew up with guns and hunting and feeding the family that way as a natural part of his life.

Living in Baja, we have two guns, a marine shotgun and a 32, both legally imported and vetted by the federal government.

The Mexican government did a very thorough background check on our character.

You must have a permission to transport the guns and it is specific as to what states you can travel through.

The kink or funny thing in this is that you can't buy ammunition in Baja and it is illegal to transport more than ten bullets (this law may have changed, haven't checked it lately)

Our shooting club sponsor who told us about this, laughed and said that he would buy a Carl's Jr. supersize drink before crossing the border, and after emptying the cup, fill it with the ammo. (BTW, very sincerely, I am not advocating circumventing Mexican law, just relating what I was told.)

reloading/buy shells

fishinrich - 3-4-2005 at 06:42 AM

Dave--reloading is not allowed. Powder, primer and wads are not legal and nither is the actual reloading machine. A box of 25 remington 12ga shells costs $18usd in mexico. Remington is the only brand they sell because the shells have to be made in mexico in order to be sold in mexico and remington is the only manufacturer. Jan---You can buy ammo in la paz and on my paperwork I am allowed to have 250 shotgun shells and 500 22 shells in my possession so like you said the rules vary widely even with something so serious as firearms. Fishin rich

burro bob - 3-4-2005 at 03:46 PM

Fishinrich or Pompano, thanks for the great info. Once while camping out above Mikes I had a vaquero ride into camp he was carring a lever action rifle of some caliber and a six shot pistol on his hip. He was the real thing. After checking that I wasn't doing anything illegal he left. He wasn't agressive or intimidating but he also wasn't worried about me seeing his weapons. When I checked later here in San Felipe I was told that it is\was legal to have a pistol (if properly registered) if it didn't carry more than 6 bullets and was smaller than .32 caliber. Sounds like this might have changed.
I am also interested in bringing some replica firearms down for props. I have seen stuff for sale in Cabelas catalogs that are just art work, no moving parts or the posibility to convert it to a working gun. Do you still think think that it is necessary to try to import this via the regular firearm regulations you have allready posted, or is this just a question for the Aduana.
burro bob

Ken Bondy - 3-6-2005 at 10:42 AM

I don't really want to get in the middle of the nastiness here but I am curious about some of the legalities of guns in Mexico. I used to do a fair amount of bird hunting and bass fishing at a place called the Lake Hidalgo Lodge near El Fuerte on the mainland. I was required to get a Mexican hunting license before I arrived, which was easy through a local organization in So. California. I had the choice of using their guns and ammunition, or bringing my own. I always used theirs, which was good and convenient. But I know other hunters brought their own guns and shells into the country. They had to obtain a gun permit, of course, but my understanding was that it was pretty easy. Has anyone on the board ever done this? How easy or difficult was it to bring your own shotguns and shells into the country? I have always been curious about this but I have never asked anyone about it. This post triggered the curiosity again.



Price - 3-11-2005 at 04:54 AM

We are not looking to kill or maime anyone - just want to know about bringing antique rifles & a handgun into Baja - can we do it - yes or no - if yes how ? we don't want to do anything illegal !!!!

Anonymous - 3-11-2005 at 11:58 AM

JR, you can blame the guns instead of the patriots. That's perfectly o.k.
If I buy a gun, I buy it with the intention to use it.
The comparison with Rosy o'D was very wrong.
I do need to eat. But I do not need to kill.
And as a civilised human, I need a spoon if I do not want to eat with the fingers.
But I do not need a gun and I do not need to kill a bear, a bird, a bison, or my neighbor.
Killing in general is wrong > eating is not.
And that is not a matter of selfcontrol!

As always if you have one question about Baja/Mexico, you will have at least two answers. ( maybe more )
As others pointed out, you can hunt in Mexico.
In your case, bringing into / having antique guns in your home in Mexico, it might be the same.
Ask your consulate.
Apply for carrying the antique guns into Mexico.
Get the O.K. in writing.
And you might run into trouble at the border.
The guy at the border might give a damn what the consulate said.
... as with everything in Mexico, the law is different at the border than in La Paz.
Matter of layout.
Sorry, no good or final answer < but that's Mexico!

Bruce R Leech - 3-11-2005 at 12:10 PM

obviously you don't stand behind your advice or you wouldn't do it Anonymously.

put your name on it.
what are you ashamed of?

Guns Do Not Kill People!!!

Skeet/Loreto - 3-11-2005 at 02:11 PM

How can anyone, I mean Anyone be so Stupid to beleive that Guns Kill People of Anything?
Proof: Lay a fully Loaded Gun of anytype on top of a Table. Start a Clock and see How Long does it take for the Gun to Kill anything.

To Ken Bondy During my early times I would take a Shotgun into Baja aboard my Airplane and never had any trouble.

I had a 38 Pistol taken from me at a Military checkpoint, was given a Receipt and told where and How I could get a Permit and get my Pistol.

However I would not take a Gun of anytype into Mexico, I would Hunt with a Rented Weapon, that way you do not have to worry about a :Bad Guy" giving you problems.

SpecialNote: The State of Texas now has about 12 States involved in a Mutual Agreement to Honor each others Concealed Weapons Permits, last State was Penn.

My Wife and I feel much Safer in Texas than we did in Calif. but we felt the safest in Loreto the years we lived there.


No more Blather!!

Skeet/Loreto - 3-11-2005 at 02:40 PM

Please proceed to the nearest Mexican counsels" Office and make and Official Inquiry.. Please give the spefic Location, the Type of Weapon, and Go from there.


If they say its O.K., get it in Writing with Official Stamp and signature for that Office/


comitan - 3-11-2005 at 08:49 PM

After the theft at your house do you still want to brings guns to Baja?