
Mexicali East crossing

BajaRob - 4-2-2018 at 09:06 AM

Will be crossing northbound manana with Sentri. Any recent info on construction and changes to approach?

David K - 4-2-2018 at 09:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaRob  
Will be crossing northbound manana with Sentri. Any recent info on construction and changes to approach?

Hi Rob!
I am sure an answer will be forthcoming! Say hi to Connie from Baja Angel and I!

[Edited on 4-2-2018 by David K]

BajaRob - 4-2-2018 at 10:02 AM

Thanks David, I should not presume that everyone goes first to Todays Posts. It's race time here with the SF 250 Saturday and the Norra 1000 the 21st. Talked to Lynn Chenowith yesterday and a dozen or 2 of rigs he built are running the Norra. Best to you and Elizibeth.

David K - 4-2-2018 at 10:43 AM

Thank you Rob!
Looks like Doug moved your post.
Have fun watching the 250.

Pacifico - 4-2-2018 at 08:47 PM

Here's a recent thread... Good info

BajaRob - 4-5-2018 at 08:41 AM

Just got back to San Felipe from Yuma and El Centro. Decided not to take a chance so crossed north @ San Luis. 4 minutes in the Sentri lane. Still would like to know about situation @ Mexicali east.

BajaRob - 4-6-2018 at 11:14 AM

Anybody lately?

wiltonh - 4-6-2018 at 06:12 PM

I returned my TIP at the East Crossing on Saturday the 24th of March. We missed finding the bank the first time and had to cross back into Mexico. There is construction going on, East of the entrance which messes things up. There are police directing traffic at the construction.

To turn in your TIP you do not need to wait through the line. You drive by the line to the policeman and they will direct you into the South bound traffic lanes. The far right lane goes North and it ends in orange barriers. You stop at the barriers and a guy with a clip board will motion you across the South bound lanes into a parking lot. He takes some data about your vehicle and then opens the cones so you can enter the parking lot. The bank is at the far end.

If you ask the bank guys, they have a way to get you into the line with out waiting. They take your drivers license and tell you that you will get it back when you are in the North bound lane. They take you back out of the parking lot the way you came in but across the South bound lanes and into the first North bound lane. At that point they give you your license back and you are good to go.

There are no signs or any way of knowing what is going on. My wife speaks good Spanish and we talked to 3 or 4 people before we got it all figured out.

We also entered the address for the bank into Google Maps but it takes you to the back of the bank on another road and there is no way to get across to the front side due to a large wall.

[Edited on 4-7-2018 by wiltonh]