
Water Filter

TMW - 4-4-2018 at 12:21 PM

Anyone ever used this?

Paco Facullo - 4-4-2018 at 12:26 PM

That's a nice unit ( although I haven't personally used one ) what I do use is a Grayl unit. Easy to use and is HIGHLY rated . I love mine.

I've even drank Tijuana water from the tap... and didn't get the sheeits either.

Bob and Susan - 4-4-2018 at 01:13 PM

you know...every town in baja sells bottled water

50 bucks buys ALOT of bottled water

John Harper - 4-4-2018 at 01:51 PM

Yes, they are not too practical. If you want a drink from a creek, it's a huge pain in the ass. You can see the picture of the girl laying down to drink? Think about how muddy and rocky creekbeds are. Unless you carry some kind of container to fill first, then drink. Then, you might as well use a Sawyer Mini.

Get yourself a Sawyer Mini, much better. Or, the new Katadyn Be Free is supposed to filter with minimal effort. I've tried a lot of different filters over the years. I'm going to try out the Be Free next week out in the SPM area.

I bought a Lifestraw once, and sent it back before I even tried it. Just not that practical.


[Edited on 4-5-2018 by John Harper]

motoged - 4-4-2018 at 06:24 PM

Some good suggestions....

An alternative affordable, simple, and superior system uses gravity and a replaceable filter....check this out (read reviews and watch videos):

Some folks want a sip or two, some want to maintain a "camping" water supply....:light:

John Harper - 4-5-2018 at 05:47 AM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Some good suggestions....

An alternative affordable, simple, and superior system uses gravity and a replaceable filter....check this out (read reviews and watch videos):

Some folks want a sip or two, some want to maintain a "camping" water supply....:light:

Supposedly the Katadyn BeFree filter is very free flowing and would work will with a hang bag for camp use too. Only downside is the screw top (42mm) which limits you to using Hydrapak reservoirs. I'm trying one out this next week, but it would be nice if they make it fit standard water bottles like the Sawyer does.


Marc - 4-5-2018 at 06:54 AM

I Keep one in the truck. Never used it.

willardguy - 4-5-2018 at 11:48 AM

Yvon Chouinard has made it a point to drink out of every stream river or lake he's fished around the world since he was a child, its all about a strong gut. at least that's what works for him.;)