Martyman - 3-4-2005 at 02:30 PM
My buddy Tahm and I took off early Friday 2-11 from Venice but had to return as he had parked his car on the street and would have gotten 3-5 tickets.
Gave a ride to canucks Gregg and Bev from San Diego to the BOLA turnoff. Spend another great night in Cielito Lindo but really missed that strong
insecticide smell in the rooms. Gregg and Bev got a ride to town before we could re-arrange our stuff (Hitchhiking is good in Baja) and head to Santa
Rosalia where we stayed Saturday night. That is one partying town as all the cruisers from miles around came with there ranchero music blasting! Tahm
fell in love with Yolanda who works at the supermercado. The cruisers stopped around 2AM and then the fisherman got up at about 4 AM. The best sleep
we got was from 6-8AM.
We made it to Loreto on Sunday met up with Ned and Karol and headed for San Nicholas. Parked the van at Bob & Connies, loaded up the 14 ft zodiac with
too much stuff and headed to make camp near Punta Pulpito. Fishing was okay-no jurel but plenty of fish for dinner everynight. What a beautiful
Ned and Karol actually found a road to a beach nearer to Pulpito and stayed for 7-8 days.
Came in to Loreto to pick up the wife and kids at the airport and stayed at the Villas de Loreto. Nice place, a little more expensive then I'm used
to paying but a really nice place. The waiter at the restaurant (and the food) Evaldo, was awesome. Tahm stayed at hotel iguana which was very nice.
He fell in love with Anna Cristina a lawyer from Mexico City. He also met a beutiful girl from Singapore but she was tring to take things from him
including his money for a private photo shoot!
Went out to Lopez Mateos with the family to see the whales, mucho viento! Too lumpy to touch the whales but got close enough, incredible. Spent a
Saturday night on the way home in Ensenada WOW! Husongs was great The band with the blind accordion player is awesome. I now love ranchero music
(when its played well) I can't think of a place in the states that exudes energy and fun the way Ensenada was rocking that night. There were very few
gringos in town that night. I don't know maybe it was the Herradura!
We stopped at a couple recommended places and were disapointed-
Hotel Serenidad Mulege cafe YUCH!
Hotel La Pinta Catavina- Tahm got the runs
Quinta San Francisco Loreto-toilet smell
in rooms.
Another great trip. I wish I didn't have to go through this depression when I get back to my job. Bien viajes
4baja - 3-6-2005 at 04:55 AM
greggs been liveing in a moter home at docs for about 2 years. hes been helping there while docs up north. what a life
vgabndo - 3-21-2005 at 10:07 PM
Nice to meet you guys on the beach at San Nicolas. I'm glad you had a good trip in the area. Bob got his high-tech panga in the water and it was
performing really well last I heard.
We were just coming in from the island when you guys were leaving, I think with a re-supply of gas, in the inflatable heading south. We got caught out
at Ildefonso and had to quarter nine miles down wind in white caps. Came up in less than 20 minutes. We couldn't believe you were headed back out!!!
Hope to see you down that way again.
roundtuit - 3-21-2005 at 10:37 PM
check your u2u