
Great news for Alexis! new story 4/28

BajaBlanca - 4-25-2018 at 09:02 PM

One of the students from the very first group I sponsored got his first job today!

He will be working at El Boleo - he went to school in Santa Rosalia, so this was our first choice so that he could go visit his parents at their remote ranch (the same one Les and I visited ages ago).

For those who speak Spanish, here is the email he sent me - it is beautifully written!

Agradeciendo todo lo que hace por mí, todo el apoyo que me ha brindado y me sigue dando; así como a todos los Jóvenes de BECA BLANCA que apoya, aportando su granito de arena para que continúen estudiando.

Hoy fui llamado por la empresa MINERA Y METALURGICA DEL BOLEO S.A.P.I. de C.V., para presentar mi documentación de ingreso. Firme contrato de trabajo, en el departamento de Finanzas, área de Contabilidad e Impuestos; ocupando el Cargo de ANALISTA DE IMPUESTOS Y DEVOLUCIÓN DE IMPUESTOS.

Me despido de usted, enviando mi más cordial Saludo.

Here are some photos of his journey to get to this moment

Alexis at TEC.jpg - 41kB

Alexis at college.jpg - 60kB

Alexis 2016.jpg - 74kB

This is a very GREAT day! When I think back to him being my student is high school, going to the dentist in San Ignacio, getting accepted into college, seeing his incredible writing improve over the years and going to his graduation this past March and crying tears of absolute joy with his Mom! After that, I sent him to La Paz for a month to study English since I was told by a Boleo lawyer that this was a prerequisite for getting a job there. Alexis had private classes at no charge with WEEBRAYS wife and for that I am ever so grateful! and we sent him to a school as well.

He has a beautiful resume with many of his accomplishments listed - he was meant to succeed and we gave him that chance.

Thanks everyone!

[Edited on 4-27-2018 by BajaBlanca]

[Edited on 4-28-2018 by BajaBlanca]

dtbushpilot - 4-26-2018 at 12:12 AM

Congratulations Alexis! You ROCK Blanca, thank you for all you do for the kids.

chuckie - 4-26-2018 at 03:48 AM

Great JOB!

gator - 4-26-2018 at 07:55 AM

Awesome! Congratulations to both of you.

Paco Facullo - 4-26-2018 at 09:17 AM

A BIG congratulations is in order !

Blanca, it is so vary nice when all the effort that Alexis, yours and everyone else involved see's it come to a great fruition ..

Well done !

BajaBlanca - 4-26-2018 at 05:31 PM

Thanks everyone and this is what it is all about!

He came full circle and really makes me very proud.


advrider - 4-26-2018 at 07:58 PM

You give back so much to Baja! Good on you for all of the hard work..

BajaBlanca - 4-27-2018 at 06:16 AM

So, I want to share some stories about this journey with Alexis - and there are many. Every so often, I will add one here to this thread.

When he was in high school, I was teaching him English at the time, the scholarship candidates and I got together every day to plan educational goals etc.

Alexis was so shy, he barely opened his mouth ever. Painfully shy? That was Alexis. As a youngster, I was also shy (hard to imagine, but it is true) so, I had a talk with him and gave him some suggestions. I was worried that it might affect him at college.

One of the suggestions was to try out talking to a one of his classmates that he did not know very well. Another was to approach a total stranger. Start small talk and see what ensued.

Nowadays, Alexis is the exact opposite! He speaks so easily to anyone and everyone. A couple years ago he told me that he took to heart my advice to break out of the shell.

TMW - 4-27-2018 at 01:54 PM

Excellent advice and now he can live his dream, thanks.

BajaBlanca - 4-28-2018 at 09:19 AM

Story #2

Alexis had two protruding growths on the side of his ear, quite unsightly. Such a delicate topic to broach with him, but I thought it might impact his chances for a job.

We met Manuel when he came to fish in La Bocana some 6 years ago. He is a successful plastic surgeon in Tijuana and has been Manuel's monthly expenses sponsor for the last 4 and 1/2 years.

My first step was to approach him and ask if he would be willing to operate on Manuel. He asked me to send photos of the growths and once he studied them, he thought he could easily do it.

Very gently, I asked Alexis if he would be interested in removing the growths. He told me that it had been his wish ever since he was a kid. So, I asked him to send me photos of his ear growths. It turned out that Manuel could do it!

A guest at the B&B happened to be going to Ensenada and after hearing the situation, agreed to take Alexis to Ensenada (even though they had never met). Alexis took a bus to Vizcaino, they met up there and he dropped him off at the bus station in Ensenada. From there, Alexis took a bus and once in TJ, Manuel had Alexis picked up by his chauffer (can you believe it?), took him into his home (they had never met either), fed him and made him feel at home. He operated the next morning. After the procedure, the chauffer took Alexis sight-seeing around TJ and then dropped him off at the bus station. One very happy kid went back to Santa Rosalia that day.

Life is so beautiful at times. This was one of those times.

verrugas Alexis.jpg - 44kB

LancairDriver - 4-28-2018 at 01:36 PM

Congratulations Blanca on getting another one off to a good start in life. This has the potential of expanding greatly as each one who has been helped will step up and be in a position to help others in their community in the same way they have been helped. You have set a great example for these young people to participate in.