
Baja Cactus El Rosario

BajaMama - 6-24-2018 at 08:45 AM

Anyone know when the construction at Baja Cactus is scheduled to be completed? It is my go-to stay over.... will rates increase?

woody with a view - 6-24-2018 at 09:29 AM

a month ago it was a lightning rod with all the rebar sticking up out of the walls.

rts551 - 6-24-2018 at 11:19 AM

Looks like its a long time off

Lee - 6-24-2018 at 12:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
The construct is for the restaurant, it will be in front of the rooms and will act as a sound barrier from the highway, too. The rooms are great, as always..

The rooms are fine -- just not as nice as The Villas or Jardin's in SQ. Restaurant as a sound barrier? That's a stretch.

Trucks start using their engine brakes way up the hill and I bet they'll (still) be easily heard as they pass.

A bit of fluff and marketing from DK. Nice try.

willardguy - 6-24-2018 at 12:39 PM

:lol: you know david...."Always Be Selling" think you can buy a copy of his "missionary's gone wild" in antonio's lobby?

dtbushpilot - 6-24-2018 at 02:23 PM

It took them over a year to remodel two single hole bathrooms so I wouldn't look for completion any time soon...

Paco Facullo - 6-24-2018 at 03:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  
:lol: you know david...."Always Be Selling" think you can buy a copy of his "missionary's gone wild" in antonio's lobby?

"missionary's gone wild" ,,, ,,, HILARIOUS !!!:lol:

bajabuddha - 6-24-2018 at 04:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Paco Facullo  
Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  
:lol: you know david...."Always Be Selling" think you can buy a copy of his "missionary's gone wild" in antonio's lobby?

"missionary's gone wild" ,,, ,,, HILARIOUS !!!:lol:


bajamedic - 6-24-2018 at 06:00 PM

I was treated very well and was pleased with both of my rooms during my last stay. I look forward to returning to El Rosario and I will be staying at Baja Cactus. JH

norte - 6-24-2018 at 06:25 PM

Those books have not sold well. I wonder whose fault that is going to be?

mtgoat666 - 6-24-2018 at 07:09 PM

Much nicer places to stay in SQ on beach, or the great hotel in Catavina.
Bettr yet, camp amongst the rocks in Catavina.

drzura - 6-24-2018 at 09:14 PM

According to some on this website, it will be Donald Trumps fault :lol:

Quote: Originally posted by norte  
Those books have not sold well. I wonder whose fault that is going to be?

jbcoug - 6-24-2018 at 11:25 PM

Why all the b-tching? Baja Cactus is a good place ato stay at reasonable rates. If you want to stay north or south, more power to you, but no need to knock a good business.

ELINVESTIG8R - 6-25-2018 at 05:39 AM

Does Antonio have Baja Nomad decals (Calcomanias) at Baja Cactus. The last few times I was there, they were out. To be fair that was a while back.

I have stayed at Baja Cactus before in the more economical rooms near the lobby and found they were very clean and comfortable.

I hope I can pick up some more when I go back. I need one for my truck.


BajaMama - 6-25-2018 at 08:11 AM

Thank you David for your post - sorry you had to remove it. There is an unfortunate mean spirit wafting through BN these days. Baja Cactus is my go to stop. I stopped in Catavina last trip, but the rooms are nearly 3x the price of BC. Drinks and food are a little spendy. In October definitely BC. As to highway noise, being the wife of a snorer, I wear earplugs at night, always have them with me. Sparkplugs, BTW, are the best brand, you can get 100 pairs for around $25 on Amazon...

SFandH - 6-25-2018 at 08:41 AM

Maybe we'll stay there the next trip now that we're no longer going to camp at Santa Inez, Catavina.

Are dogs a problem?

jedge42 - 6-25-2018 at 09:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  

Are dogs a problem?

We stayed there a bit over a week ago with our dog -- no problem ... our first time, nice place, friendly folks ... the construction does start up around 7am, so no alarm clock needed :) we love Cataviña but it was a bit too far this time (and is a lot more expensive) ... we would definitely stay at Baja Cactus again ...


ncampion - 6-25-2018 at 10:41 AM

We always stat at Cactus when that is our stopping spot. Noise is not really a problem for me, although I am a bit hard of hearing. However as Jimmy Buffett says in one of his songs, "..I'm losing my hearing, but I don't care what most people say". Stayed there a month ago and the construction was coming right along but still a ways to go. always best to call ahead for reservations as they do fill up most nights and you don't want to have to stay in the older rooms if possible.

David K - 6-25-2018 at 10:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaMama  
Thank you David for your post - sorry you had to remove it. There is an unfortunate mean spirit wafting through BN these days. Baja Cactus is my go to stop. I stopped in Catavina last trip, but the rooms are nearly 3x the price of BC. Drinks and food are a little spendy. In October definitely BC. As to highway noise, being the wife of a snorer, I wear earplugs at night, always have them with me. Sparkplugs, BTW, are the best brand, you can get 100 pairs for around $25 on Amazon...

You are welcome... I figured there was no longer need to show the construction photos (that was in October, after all) or my attempts at answering the stuff added after, so I removed them last night.

Antonio is a charming friend to all Baja travelers and his humanitarian efforts in the region are famous. When the restaurant is completed, you can be sure it will be top notch. He already has a chef who studied at a culinary arts school to run the kitchen. I am so excited for him to see this and his other projects come to be.

The Trail of Missions TV tour just passed through and Cameron had a fresh load of my books to drop off to Antonio. So, please support Antonio and get your Baja mission and other fun facts at the same time. They are sold in the motel office along with other Baja products, seasonally.

BajaBill74 - 6-25-2018 at 11:05 AM

So why did David have to remove his post? Nice pictures.

David K - 6-25-2018 at 11:18 AM

I did not 'have to'.
There is a point when all it does is feed the drama by those who like to distract. If you didn't see the photos of the construction at Baja Cactus I posted above, they are in my Trip Report #7 here on Nomad... October 2017.

Lee - 6-25-2018 at 01:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jbcoug  
Why all the b-tching? Baja Cactus is a good place ato stay at reasonable rates. If you want to stay north or south, more power to you, but no need to knock a good business.

Must have missed the post on b-tching. Critical reviews are important esp. in light of some who embellish their recommendations.

BC is a fine place to stay and if the noise of construction isn't an issue for early risers, it's not an issue. Last time I stayed at BC, engine brakes through the night was no more bothersome than the diesel trucks parked at the gas station running their engines. Guess being tolerant of barking dogs is part and parcel for being in MX -- just not what I want when I want to sleep.

On the other hand, nothing compares to Jardines for great food next door, gardens for walks, and not a sound.

BC can handle the competition. It'll make them better.

Skipjack Joe - 6-27-2018 at 09:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by norte  
Those books have not sold well. I wonder whose fault that is going to be?

Perhaps it's the subject matter but I think there just isn't enough 'meat' to them.

David K - 6-27-2018 at 09:26 PM

There is, and the reviews by others seem to indicate it is fulfilling . Or, you can listen to someone who has never read it or has never had a kind word to say to anything I have done.

Skipjack Joe - 6-28-2018 at 07:40 AM


I must confess that I haven't read your book in full but I did read your excerpt in the other thread and found it interesting and fairly engaging. So I probably should read it before making any comments about it. The story about the insurrection due to the Jesuits stand on polygamy and subsequent murders by the natives followed by the crackdown by the Spanish government was interesting. To me it showed that the Jesuits were ultimately responsible for the cruelty to the Indians not the government that later enforced it. Actually both sides are guilty because both the Jesuits and the Spaniards were Europeans who looked at them in the same way (well almost). They written passage that they were against polygamy because the men were lazy and polygamy provided a system where multiple wives could do the work to compensate for it. That idea is questionable and just seems a rationalization by the author to support the Church's action, which proved it's undoing.

Interesting read. Hope all of it is as compelling.

BajaMama - 6-28-2018 at 08:21 AM

First: Can the webmaster of this site please eliminate elinvestigator? I have yet to see one post from him that isn't insulting to someone.

Second, I purchased the Baja Missions book a couple of years back and found it very informative, especially for someone like me who is new to adventuring in Baja. When someone mentions a mission I can always look up where it is in the book!

Terry28 - 6-28-2018 at 09:48 AM

I agree, get rid of that guy...He needs serious long term professional help and adds nothing to this least nothing intelligent...

AKgringo - 6-28-2018 at 10:23 AM

I am not big on censorship, but I am in favor of deleting posts that are clearly off topic (including this one). Remember, this thread was about Baja Cactus, not David's book, JJJ, or Elinvestig8tor!

SFandH - 6-28-2018 at 10:34 AM

Best to ignore (no mention of, no reference to, no reply to) posters that annoy you.

So back to Baja Cactus, how much do the rooms cost?

bga23 - 6-28-2018 at 10:57 AM

I’m planing on staying at Baja Cactus next week and I can provide an update on the construction.

David K - 6-28-2018 at 11:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Best to ignore (no mention of, no reference to, no reply to) posters that annoy you.

So back to Baja Cactus, how much do the rooms cost?

I would call them if you need to know current prices, but for around $40 this is the quality that you can expect...

Double (king) bed room (2011 photos):

Single king bed room (2017 photos):

Here is Antonio ('BajaCactus' on Nomad) and his newly acquired 4WD Isuzu for the Desert Hawks Emergency Rescue Service he operates in addition to the motel, gas station, and fire department (u.c.).

JoeJustJoe - 6-28-2018 at 11:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Skipjack Joe  

I must confess that I haven't read your book in full but I did read your excerpt in the other thread and found it interesting and fairly engaging. So I probably should read it before making any comments about it. The story about the insurrection due to the Jesuits stand on polygamy and subsequent murders by the natives followed by the crackdown by the Spanish government was interesting. To me it showed that the Jesuits were ultimately responsible for the cruelty to the Indians not the government that later enforced it. Actually both sides are guilty because both the Jesuits and the Spaniards were Europeans who looked at them in the same way (well almost). They written passage that they were against polygamy because the men were lazy and polygamy provided a system where multiple wives could do the work to compensate for it. That idea is questionable and just seems a rationalization by the author to support the Church's action, which proved it's undoing.

Interesting read. Hope all of it is as compelling.

Interesting that you made the same observation as me about and the Indian lazy men, polygamy, and multiple wives. I posted something about this in the other thread and added some brief research about this subject.

motoged - 6-28-2018 at 11:50 AM

Some good research info being offered up's out there. Thanks for the perspectives ....for all those putting the efforts into topic. :light:

Paco Facullo - 6-28-2018 at 01:23 PM

I want to be a lazy Indian with multiple wife's laying around all day scratching my nut's and drinking the local hooch....

chuckie - 6-28-2018 at 06:07 PM

Move to Oxnard and get on welfare....

woody with a view - 6-28-2018 at 06:48 PM


advrider - 6-28-2018 at 06:53 PM

Love Baja cactus! Rooms are always clean and at a good price. Had to deposit money into there account this year to reserve several rooms, seemed odd but everything was good on arrival! Glad we reserved rooms because there was another moto event in town and we would have been SOL... Can't wait for the new resturant, Mama's isn't what it used to be...

David K - 6-29-2018 at 09:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by advrider  
Love Baja cactus! Rooms are always clean and at a good price. Had to deposit money into there account this year to reserve several rooms, seemed odd but everything was good on arrival! Glad we reserved rooms because there was another moto event in town and we would have been SOL... Can't wait for the new resturant, Mama's isn't what it used to be...

It is like an oasis of comfort, located a day's drive (400 miles) north from Mulegé or south from home and from the border about 5 hours/ 225 miles.

My wife likes just going to Baja Cactus for a weekend get-away. The town is full of nice places and people, there is a great beach to the west, and I get to visit TWO missions! LOL, what other town in Baja has two Spanish mission sites? :lol::light::cool:

ELINVESTIG8R - 6-29-2018 at 10:14 AM

Since Mamá Espinoza took me in when I was a 13-year old homeless boy, I stay at Mama's and eat at Mamá Espinozas restaurant. I love it there. I'm loyal that way. The place is comfortable and the food is good and my sister Roli who owns Mamá Espinozas Restaurant loves me and takes good care of me when I visit. Tato and his wife Angelica run the place when my sister is not in and they are a couple of friendly people. I have lots of family in El Rosario and I love the town and its people. I have stayed at Baja Cactus once in their economical rooms by the office and found the rooms clean and comfortable.


[Edited on 6-29-2018 by ELINVESTIG8R]

David K - 6-29-2018 at 10:35 AM

We have not had a bad meal at Mama Espinoza's, and that it is next door to Baja Cactus makes it a logical breakfast location.

Becuase I like trying other places in town, we have not eaten there on every trip. The new El Faro restaurant has been my favorite and still liking Tacos Misión (new building) (Hugo's) for lunch. Both are on the left, as you drive south.

chumlee57 - 6-29-2018 at 08:40 PM

BC is a great stopover, been there many times. Myself and my wife do prefer the newer rooms, as David states, its a perfect spot at around 400 miles south of the border. We have considered " The Tourista " hotel just a mile or two south in El Rosario, but have not just yet, if anyone has stayed there, i would appreciate a report

David K - 6-29-2018 at 10:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chumlee57  
BC is a great stopover, been there many times. Myself and my wife do prefer the newer rooms, as David states, its a perfect spot at around 400 miles south of the border. We have considered " The Tourista " hotel just a mile or two south in El Rosario, but have not just yet, if anyone has stayed there, i would appreciate a report

We have stayed at Turista Motel twice, when Baja Cactus had no vacancy, a few years ago now... it was very nice and very inexpensive, nice mattresses, I recall. Photos from 2009:

BajaCactus Restaurant...

BajaCactus - 6-30-2018 at 12:14 AM

Dear friends,

Thank you so much for your interest, support and friendship you have gifted us with.

Regarding the construction of our Restaurant, please let me first apologize to anyone who has stayed with us and has been bothered
with all the noise being made by the construction workers.

That was one of the first things we requested the Construction Company, but it has been difficult since there are many employees involved. I talked to them again this afternoon about this issue.

This new building of BajaCactus will include a Restaurant, a small inner terrace, a mezzanine with a Coffe Bar and an outer terrace for small parties/events.

Underneath the Restaurant we will have and a small Massage Spa and some service areas in the basement like the laundry room, storage rooms, electrical rooms, etc.

The first stage of the new Restaurant is the Building itself, which is scheduled to be done in 2-3 months.

We have not shared the final Architectural Design yet outside BajaCactus, so, let it be all of you the first ones to see it... here you have it:

BajaCactus Restaurant Perspective_N-S.jpg - 221kB BajaCactus Restaurant Perspective_S-N.jpg - 215kB

This is the current status as of June 29th, 2018:

BajaCactus Restaurant Construction.jpeg - 134kB

The most difficult and time consuming part has been done (foundation, inter connection with existing facilities). Putting up the remaining walls and roof is what the Construction Company estimates will finish within the next 90 days.

After this, second stage will begin, which is the finishes, decor and equipment. We do not have yet an estimated date for opening since we first need to finish the current stage of the construction, and then make some calculations and numbers.

Again, thank you so much for all the support and friendship.

As always... anything I can help with in this part of Baja just let me know.

Antonio Muñoz
"Where Baja is so much more than a dream..."

[Edited on 6-30-2018 by BajaCactus]

Skipjack Joe - 6-30-2018 at 01:07 AM

It's great that you're adding a restaurant. Hopefully the room prices stay the same.

Bajaboy - 6-30-2018 at 05:39 AM

Looks great Antonio! Can't wait to see the finished product.

Bubba - 6-30-2018 at 06:15 AM

Quote: Originally posted by drzura  
According to some on this website, it will be Donald Trumps fault :lol:

Ain't that the truth...

KurtG - 6-30-2018 at 06:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by chumlee57  
BC is a great stopover, been there many times. Myself and my wife do prefer the newer rooms, as David states, its a perfect spot at around 400 miles south of the border. We have considered " The Tourista " hotel just a mile or two south in El Rosario, but have not just yet, if anyone has stayed there, i would appreciate a report

I have stayed there several times, the rooms are nice with king size bed. Noise has never been an issue and the price is right. Under 400 pesos when I stayed there last fall. We like Baja Cactus and stay there on many trips but when I am traveling alone by motorcycle I like to be able to park it right outside the door. BTW, last year when the town was full of race prerunners I got a room at the Hotel Sinahi. 250 pesos, room was basic and clean with lots of hot water and the people there were very nice. I would stay there again when traveling alone by moto.

David K - 6-30-2018 at 07:13 AM

That looks great Antonio... stellar!

shari - 6-30-2018 at 07:42 AM

I love the new design and look forward to staying there again! The spa idea is fantastic and I will get a massage when I'm there after a nice meal. I know everything Antonio does is a class act so this will be a real asset to the town.

Marc - 6-30-2018 at 08:28 AM

The older rooms are dumps. The office not friendly. Just sayin'.

David K - 6-30-2018 at 08:37 AM

Not sure when you were there Marc, but Antonio has nicely remodeled all the older rooms a while ago and I stayed in one last year, as the newer rooms were full. His front desk staff has always been nice, so if you get someone who is not professional, including at the gas station, please let Antonio know. The labor pool is very limited in El Rosario so he does his best with training, or tries to! Antonio's email is info (at)

shari - 6-30-2018 at 10:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Marc  
The older rooms are dumps. The office not friendly. Just sayin'.

I very much disagree...and I have stayed in lots of dumps!
I only stay in the old rooms which are perfectly fine, clean with a good bed, wifi and good shower...I dont need the gorgeous fancy rooms with king beds.

The office staff are always cordial and professional to me.

chuckie - 6-30-2018 at 11:18 AM

What Shari said...

TMW - 6-30-2018 at 11:58 AM

I don't think I've ever stayed in an older room but I really like the newer rooms. I've never had any problems with the staff.

I've also stayed at Mama Espinoza's motel and at the Tourista motel and both were good.

grizzlyfsh95 - 6-30-2018 at 03:05 PM

I love the sound of Jake brakes in the morning. It sounds like Baja.

Barry A. - 6-30-2018 at 05:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by grizzlyfsh95  
I love the sound of Jake brakes in the morning. It sounds like Baja.

Me too!!! Sounds like people and commerce "on the move", a good sound.

David K - 6-30-2018 at 05:38 PM

I stayed at a recommemded place in Loreto, off the main road... Rooster began crowing at midnight and didn't stop except when the dogs were barking! The most jake brake action I counted at Cactus was two, and none woke me. For real peace, go camping far from everything is how.

Meany - 6-30-2018 at 08:08 PM

Welp!! weather or not it is a Taj Mahol. It looks Great and It will always be a Great place to stop. It looks like Old Baja is vanishing.

del mar - 6-30-2018 at 08:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Meany  
Welp!! weather or not it is a Taj Mahol. It looks Great and It will always be a Great place to stop. It looks like Old Baja is vanishing.

old baja is alive and well, nobody wants it.....:no:

redhilltown - 7-1-2018 at 12:07 AM

Antonio is a great guy and one of the classiest acts I have ever met in Baja...and I have never stayed there but have helped with donations to Desert Hawks. And seeing some of the negative responses here makes me want to redouble my efforts for the next time.

Skipjack Joe - 7-1-2018 at 01:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by del mar  
Quote: Originally posted by Meany  
Welp!! weather or not it is a Taj Mahol. It looks Great and It will always be a Great place to stop. It looks like Old Baja is vanishing.

old baja is alive and well, nobody wants it.....:no:


chuckie - 7-1-2018 at 03:06 AM

I think that's sad but pretty close to right on....

BajaMama - 7-1-2018 at 06:49 AM

Wow Antonio, the design is fantastic! Can't wait to the see the progress mid-October!

[Edited on 7-1-2018 by BajaMama]

azucena - 7-3-2018 at 07:15 AM

Any reason you are not camping at Santa Inez? I have always stayed there until recently when I started going through SF and Gonzaga to get to Hiway 1

David K - 7-3-2018 at 08:45 AM

Quote: Originally posted by redhilltown  
Antonio is a great guy and one of the classiest acts I have ever met in Baja...and I have never stayed there but have helped with donations to Desert Hawks. And seeing some of the negative responses here makes me want to redouble my efforts for the next time.

Right on!

Baja Cactus new construction

Steve in Oro Valley - 7-3-2018 at 09:34 AM

Hi to all my nomad friends ..

Pardon me if this has been addressed already, but are all the rooms accessible along with the restrooms, showers and restaurant?

Or will I need to haul my wife and wheelchair the hard way?


Steve in Oro Valley

[Edited on 7-3-2018 by Steve in Oro Valley]

Skipjack Joe - 7-3-2018 at 09:38 AM

Antonio, if you are reading this,

I think your place is great but since you are rebuilding I would like to make a couple of suggestions dealing with the overall feeling inside the rooms: they feel too dark and cold.

1. I would have larger and if possible more windows than the rooms currently have.

2. I would not paint the wood beams and ceiling that dark wood. Even though it's a classic Spanish look they make the place feel too somber.

The images David posted don't show this because the camera adjusts to neutral gray and overexposes the natural light.

The overall dark ambiance may be welcome in the summer time when there is full bright sun but most of us travel during the other half of the year.

SFandH - 7-3-2018 at 09:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by azucena  
Any reason you are not camping at Santa Inez? I have always stayed there until recently when I started going through SF and Gonzaga to get to Hiway 1

The recent murders of Americans at BOLA by thieves made me decide that camping overnight at Santa Inez is too risky. I'd say about half the times there, we were the only people. At some point, you need to decide what is safe and what isn't. No doubt the decision point differs for different people.

I'm wondering if parking overnight at the new store in Catavina might work.

[Edited on 7-3-2018 by SFandH]

David K - 7-3-2018 at 11:05 AM

Skipjack Joe: The lighting has been changed to LED with brighter effect.

Steve in Oro Valley: You can see the long, handicap ramp in the restaurant drawing. Not sure what you mean about the showers/restroom. They are definitely much roomier than any other motel in Baja. Some have some really hilarious spacing around the toilets!

SF&H: Really, you would camp in front of an OXXO or brightly lit market rather than out under the stars, far from the noise of a highway? The murders in Bahía de L.A. were over the theft of a resident's motorboat by some scum. It wasn't a random highway or campground killing (like the father in a tent with his two little girls, in Malibu, CA USA).

Lee - 7-3-2018 at 07:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Not sure when you were there Marc, but Antonio has nicely remodeled all the older rooms a while ago and I stayed in one last year, as the newer rooms were full. His front desk staff has always been nice, so if you get someone who is not professional, including at the gas station, please let Antonio know. The labor pool is very limited in El Rosario so he does his best with training, or tries to! Antonio's email is info (at)

You're going to defend BC no matter what anyone has to say aren't you David? You definitely have your opinions -- why not let others have their point of view as well?

If someone thinks the rooms are dark, it takes more than LED's to make things brighter.

Jardine's and The Villas in SQ are less than an hour away. Easy choice for many. For anyone wanting an evening stroll after dinner, forget El Rosario. No sidewalks, trucks/cars kicking up dust.

Still, BC is the best game in that town -- I've stayed at The Tourista after it first opened. I'd define it as a dump back then. Maybe it's changed. Doesn't matter as opinions are like ____holes.

Embellish away, DK.

David K - 7-3-2018 at 08:06 PM

I didn't disagree, they were dark... intentionally. It was too create a calm, relaxing feeling. Only the lights at the sink were bright and the fan light was adjustable. Well, people wanted it brighter none-the-less so Antonio upgraded to LED with brighter output. The TVs were also sll replaced to flat screen and Dish Network with a hundred channels or so.

Skipjack Joe - 7-3-2018 at 09:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Skipjack Joe: The lighting has been changed to LED with brighter effect.

LED is a poor substitute for sunlight. I appreciate the lower cost of adding LED lights to enlarging windows if they are even possible. But the heavy dark furniture, beams, and ceiling could be modified to add life to the atmosphere.

BTW, I specifically addressed my comments to ownership in case you missed it.

Quote: Originally posted by David K  

SF&H: Really, you would camp in front of an OXXO or brightly lit market rather than out under the stars, far from the noise of a highway? The murders in Bahía de L.A. were over the theft of a resident's motorboat by some scum. It wasn't a random highway or campground killing (like the father in a tent with his two little girls, in Malibu, CA USA).

You make a good point about the different situations. However, murder occurring anywhere is a sobering thought and people become less prone to risk taking after it happens. I do agree that parking in front of an OXXO is pretty pathetic compared to Santa Ynez. I miss old baja.

advrider - 7-4-2018 at 06:03 PM

I'm thinking there is an interesting story to be told here? If yoiu are so inclined to share?

Quote: Originally posted by ELINVESTIG8R  
Since Mamá Espinoza took me in when I was a 13-year old homeless boy, I stay at Mama's and eat at Mamá Espinozas restaurant. I love it there. I'm loyal that way. The place is comfortable and the food is good and my sister Roli who owns Mamá Espinozas Restaurant loves me and takes good care of me when I visit. Tato and his wife Angelica run the place when my sister is not in and they are a couple of friendly people. I have lots of family in El Rosario and I love the town and its people. I have stayed at Baja Cactus once in their economical rooms by the office and found the rooms clean and comfortable.


[Edited on 6-29-2018 by ELINVESTIG8R]

Lee - 7-4-2018 at 08:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
The TVs were also sll replaced to flat screen and Dish Network with a hundred channels or so.

Definitely a step in the right direction. Glad to read this.

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-4-2018 at 08:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by advrider  
I'm thinking there is an interesting story to be told here? If yoiu are so inclined to share?

Quote: Originally posted by ELINVESTIG8R  
Since Mamá Espinoza took me in when I was a 13-year old homeless boy, I stay at Mama's and eat at Mamá Espinozas restaurant. I love it there. I'm loyal that way. The place is comfortable and the food is good and my sister Roli who owns Mamá Espinozas Restaurant loves me and takes good care of me when I visit. Tato and his wife Angelica run the place when my sister is not in and they are a couple of friendly people. I have lots of family in El Rosario and I love the town and its people. I have stayed at Baja Cactus once in their economical rooms by the office and found the rooms clean and comfortable.

[Edited on 6-29-2018 by ELINVESTIG8R]

Here you go advrider. A little long.

David K - 7-5-2018 at 08:28 AM

David, that is a great story and in the Off Topic forum and as such requires a password to enter. Here are the instructions posted with the password at the end, for Nomads who have not read it before:

Time-limited non-Baja-related discussions. Not for the faint-of-heart. 98% of complaints about this site are in regards to what is seen by people after CHOOSING to unlock and view this forum. Stay out unless you can deal with it. You have been warned. To logout of OT, logout of BN - and then login again. Forum password: over18

BajaMama - 7-5-2018 at 09:02 AM

LOL this is an overnight stop, not a resort. I have never even noticed the light in the rooms over the last decade. During the day I open the curtain, good enough for an hour in the morning to sower and get ready to go!

The WiFi needs some improvement... I am always happy to get an english speaking HBO channel to put me to sleep...

advrider - 7-5-2018 at 07:14 PM

What an awesome story! This would make a good movie or book! Thanks for taking the time to write that and for sharing and thank you for your service.

Quote: Originally posted by ELINVESTIG8R  
Quote: Originally posted by advrider  
I'm thinking there is an interesting story to be told here? If yoiu are so inclined to share?

Quote: Originally posted by ELINVESTIG8R  
Since Mamá Espinoza took me in when I was a 13-year old homeless boy, I stay at Mama's and eat at Mamá Espinozas restaurant. I love it there. I'm loyal that way. The place is comfortable and the food is good and my sister Roli who owns Mamá Espinozas Restaurant loves me and takes good care of me when I visit. Tato and his wife Angelica run the place when my sister is not in and they are a couple of friendly people. I have lots of family in El Rosario and I love the town and its people. I have stayed at Baja Cactus once in their economical rooms by the office and found the rooms clean and comfortable.

[Edited on 6-29-2018 by ELINVESTIG8R]

Here you go advrider. A little long.

ELINVESTIG8R - 7-5-2018 at 08:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by advrider  
What an awesome story! This would make a good movie or book! Thanks for taking the time to write that and for sharing and thank you for your service.

Quote: Originally posted by ELINVESTIG8R  
Quote: Originally posted by advrider  
I'm thinking there is an interesting story to be told here? If yoiu are so inclined to share?

Quote: Originally posted by ELINVESTIG8R  
Since Mamá Espinoza took me in when I was a 13-year old homeless boy, I stay at Mama's and eat at Mamá Espinozas restaurant. I love it there. I'm loyal that way. The place is comfortable and the food is good and my sister Roli who owns Mamá Espinozas Restaurant loves me and takes good care of me when I visit. Tato and his wife Angelica run the place when my sister is not in and they are a couple of friendly people. I have lots of family in El Rosario and I love the town and its people. I have stayed at Baja Cactus once in their economical rooms by the office and found the rooms clean and comfortable.

[Edited on 6-29-2018 by ELINVESTIG8R]

Here you go advrider. A little long.

Thank you Advrider for your kind words.


Skipjack Joe - 7-5-2018 at 09:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaMama  

The WiFi needs some improvement... I am always happy to get an english speaking HBO channel to put me to sleep...

BTW, they have ethernet connectivity in all the rooms and that's pretty fast, especially by baja's standards. Check out the walls in the room and you'll find the ports. I usually carry my own cable with the laptop but I believe they will provide one at the desk if you ask.

I agree that the HBO channel is really nice, especially if you've stayed in baja for a while. A film in English feels so luxurious.

wilderone - 7-6-2018 at 08:17 AM

"this is an overnight stop, not a resort"
I do think this is true, but El Rosario could become a getaway destination in itself for a 2-day stay. There's the mission ruins, museum, La Lobera, restaurants. What would be an asset to the tourists (and citizens) is easy access to a beach. North of El Rosario (before the winding hills) I believe most of it is private property. There are some rutted, eroded dirt roads to a cliff, or a rock strewn arroyo - the beaches a bit out of reach. Then there's the road to Punta Baja - at the punta the fishing co-op boats, just south of there along the coast, the road appears OK, but dicey due to some erosion ditches and deep powder dirt; and cliffside destinations. Taking the turnoff to Punta Baja there is a road that goes about 3 miles to a nice beach, through some interesting geologic formations; I hiked this dirt "road" and there was deep sand in places; and last time I was in the area, access to this road was hindered due to a high dirt berm because of road grading - no place to even pull off the main road. The hike alone would be an attraction, but you'd need safe parking. A stay in town, with a day at the beach, maybe even some fishing opportunities would add some appeal to stay more than a night.

[Edited on 7-6-2018 by wilderone]

David K - 7-6-2018 at 08:56 AM

Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  
"this is an overnight stop, not a resort"
I do think this is true, but El Rosario could become a getaway destination in itself for a 2-day stay. There's the mission ruins, museum, La Ventana, restaurants. What would be an asset to the tourists (and citizens) is easy access to a beach. North of El Rosario (before the winding hills) I believe most of it is private property. There are some rutted, eroded dirt roads to a cliff, or a rock strewn arroyo - the beaches a bit out of reach. Then there's the road to Punta Baja - at the punta the fishing co-op boats, just south of there along the coast, the road appears OK, but dicey due to some erosion ditches and deep powder dirt; and cliffside destinations. Taking the turnoff to Punta Baja there is a road that goes about 3 miles to a nice beach, through some interesting geologic formations; I hiked this dirt "road" and there was deep sand in places; and last time I was in the area, access to this road was hindered due to a high dirt berm because of road grading - no place to even pull off the main road. The hike alone would be an attraction, but you'd need safe parking. A stay in town, with a day at the beach, maybe even some fishing opportunities would add some appeal to stay more than a night.

I agree with Cindi that El Rosario has many attractions in all directions. This we learned back in 2005-2007 when Antonio (BajaCactus) hosted the annual Baja-Rosario Cultural Festivals on the birthday of the town (when the mission was founded in July 1774).

On my website self-guided tours page is this list of links to photos:

El Rosario Area

Missions, Museum, La Bocana, La Lobera
Cactus Garden and Sauzalito mine ruins
Petrified Forest & La Bocana Beach
El Camino Real near Km. 80
Las Pintas Fossil Grotto
Los Martires to El Socorro, cactus forests, petroglyphs found!
Mision San Fernando and petros '05
Mina de San Fernando (plus mission and petros in '00)
El Marmol & El Volcan
Agua Dulce historic spring (plus Baja Cactus Motel)
Mama Espinoza Museum & Search for Santa Ursula
To Punta Baja and down the coast road

As for the access road to the big sand beach just west of town where the river meets the sea (called La Bocana)... I drove there last year and it was an easy drive... I think just one place I had to drive over a hump made by a farmer's tractor. Like most great places to visit in Baja, you should have a 4WD truck or SUV with an air pump for refilling tires deflated for sand or rough roads. Take the road through El Rosario de Abajo (leave Hwy. 1 at the sharp curve, and follow signs, cross the river and continue west, where the Punta Baja road forks to the left, continue straight.

In March 2017:

1774 mission ruins (just off Hwy. 1, in town)

1802 mission ruins (along the road to the beach in El Rosario de Abajo)

La Bocana Beach

Petrified forest trail (north of La Bocana in the mud hills)

The town has two museums, the town museum is in the old school building in El Rosario de Abajo. Mama Espinoza's museum is across the highway from her restaurant, just after the sharp curve left.
I have photos from inside both.

La Lobera is another site worth visiting... I think Cindi called it 'La Ventana' on accident? Again, many photos of this sea lion crater I can share.

Go to and in the El Rosario Area section, click onto the links for each area of interest!

[Edited on 7-6-2018 by David K]

Skipjack Joe - 7-6-2018 at 10:55 AM

"LOL this is an overnight stop, not a resort"

That's the approach the budget motel chain - Motel 6 - uses in the states. You need an overnight stay when going from point A to point B and when you turn the lights off one place is as good as another. In that case the Turista hotel down the road, or any other for that matter, is equally suitable. I've had to stay at the Turista and I'd much rather stay at Baja Cactus than there for a singe night. Turista is a one star motel, B Cactus is a 3 star motel. That's how I would rate it. Although, Antonios older rooms when I stayed in them were also 1 star.

wilderone - 7-6-2018 at 02:06 PM

With Antonio's improvements to include a restaurant (breakfast, coffee the next morning before departure), he's cornered a segment of that market and is a smart move. The two decks of mezzanine type outdoor patio space are nice for a beer, wine after a day of driving, and you want to get out of your room. Maybe a little table with chairs out there. Chips/salsa to go (more $$ per room) and guests don't have to walk around town trying to find a little place for a beer. The coffee bar could have local empanadas, Bimbo muffins, fruit to go for travelers who can't stay for a sit-down breakfast. Most of his clientele may just spend one night, but I think Baja Cactus will be the first choice.

mtgoat666 - 7-6-2018 at 07:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  
With Antonio's improvements to include a restaurant (breakfast, coffee the next morning before departure), he's cornered a segment of that market and is a smart move. The two decks of mezzanine type outdoor patio space are nice for a beer, wine after a day of driving, and you want to get out of your room. Maybe a little table with chairs out there. Chips/salsa to go (more $$ per room) and guests don't have to walk around town trying to find a little place for a beer. The coffee bar could have local empanadas, Bimbo muffins, fruit to go for travelers who can't stay for a sit-down breakfast. Most of his clientele may just spend one night, but I think Baja Cactus will be the first choice.

Espresso shots, fruit, smoothies, yogurt/granola bfast might be interesting.
Pho dinner place would be nice.
Bahn mi sandwhiches to go for travelers

Or just serve same old boring food found elsewhere in town!

wilderone - 7-7-2018 at 11:48 AM

ooooh - yeah - juice bar, fruit smoothies and ice cream bars at an outside counter for all the people who stop for gas.

Does Cactus allow pets?

drzura - 7-8-2018 at 06:53 AM

Good day. We'll be driving down the Baja in a little more than a week. There will be three of us plus one labrador dog. Does Baja Cactus allow pets? Luka is mild mannered and well behaved. Thanks in advance.....

BajaMama - 7-8-2018 at 06:57 AM

Yes, Baja Cactus does have designated pet rooms, I always have my dog when I travel Baja. I have a REALLY big lightweight bed cover I always put on hotel/motel beds so his fur isn't an issue should he decide to hop up. Just let them know when you make the reservation. The gated parking lot is a nice "relief" area with a lined trashcan, you will need your own poop baggies as they are not provided.

[Edited on 7-8-2018 by BajaMama]

surfhat - 7-8-2018 at 08:27 AM

I always took a dog bed with me, and my dogs knew better than to jump up on furniture on the road or at home.

Those cool tiled floors were the best place for them anyway, and I am sure the hotel staff appreciated the little effort it took to keep them off the furniture.

The check in person always appreciated my due diligence.

Once in a while at home, I would give them the privilege of jumping up on my bed for some good loving on a Sunday morning when I was kicking back and not going anywhere, but they always knew it was by permission only.

Every dog owner has their own way and they are all valid.

One last sentiment I heard a few years ago that touches my heart is:

A simple gaze from us, is like a hug to them.

Unconditional love is rare, but with mans best friends, comes naturally. Thanks to mostly all here.