
Shame on you Antonio

weebray - 8-22-2018 at 08:43 AM

Just stopped at your gas station in El Rosario. We waited specifically to support you and your rescue operation. I made my handicapped wife wait to her discomfort. The bathrooms were closed with a sign that there was no water. That was a boldfaced LIE (una mentira). There was plenty of water at the mop area tap. Baja California, like much of the world, has a water problem. You are not unique. If you run a gas station and take peoples money to support your empire you have a responsibility to have an open and clean restroom. That's just the way it is my friend. We will not be stopping in the future. I would like to suggest others may want to do (not do) the same.

chippy - 8-22-2018 at 09:56 AM

Aren´t the bathrooms new? Maybe the water wasn´t connected? Did you ask anybody there?

motoged - 8-22-2018 at 10:15 AM

Boycott shaming.....:rolleyes:

You say that YOU made your wife wait....and was your contribution to his "empire" a bano deposit?

A monetary donation at the motel office would have been simple....buying gas isn't a's just business....

[Edited on 8-22-2018 by motoged]

Paco Facullo - 8-22-2018 at 10:19 AM

Just a suggestion, please wait for Antonio to reply to this BEFORE Damning him for good.

There could vary well be a legit explanation.
This is coming from a lifelong plumber. (me)

Email from Antonio

David K - 8-22-2018 at 10:29 AM

Wanting the facts, as always...

I copied the post and emailed it to Antonio so he could reply. He is so busy not only with all the things he does in El Rosario but his dad, Antonio Sr., is in the hospital...

Dear David,

Thank you for the heads up. I am the hospital right now attending to m Dad. He is not doing very well due to his kidney cancer.

I will respond to BajaNomad as soon as I get back home.

Just a quick comment, Weebray is right, but I cannot provide what I do not have. The water well in town dried out and I have been getting a little bit from the local farmers, just enough to keep the motel open, but unfortunately not enough for the gas station restrooms.

What Weebray saw is the little water we are comply by law to keep as reserve for fuel spills and/or any emergencies.

We have been struggling with this water problem for a few months now, but it got worst a couple of months ago. I am already taking measures to solve it though.

I will explain all these and more on the BajaNomad site.

I need t get back to my Dad... thanks Bro.

Hugs to you and Liz!!!


Antonio is such an honorable and kind person, I wish you all could meet him and appreciate what he does for everyone. Our grief goes out for his father in his final days...

Antonio (BajaCactus) and Antonio Sr at jrbaja's place in 2004 when we met them.

ehall - 8-22-2018 at 11:00 AM

nice work once again DK

JZ - 8-22-2018 at 11:07 AM

"I made my handicapped wife wait to her discomfort."

Husband of the year candidate right here folks.

[Edited on 8-22-2018 by JZ]

Bubba - 8-22-2018 at 11:17 AM

Not cool to blast a business/person in a public forum without knowing facts.

Kudos and Complaints

MrBillM - 8-22-2018 at 11:49 AM

I'm reminded of advice I was given in business 40+ years ago and have repeated often:

"A happy customer might tell his friends. An unhappy customer will tell everybody he can."

It's a tendency that the Web has enhanced exponentially and which is demonstrated reading customer reviews on any product or service.

mtgoat666 - 8-22-2018 at 12:44 PM

If the bathroom is closed, I have noticed a lot of wide desert along that highway - you can pull off most anywhere and have lots of privacy to do your business :light:

woody with a view - 8-22-2018 at 02:08 PM

Water the cactus and wave at the lookie-loos when the stare as they pass. Facing the road of course!:biggrin:

JZ - 8-22-2018 at 02:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
If the bathroom is closed, I have noticed a lot of wide desert along that highway - you can pull off most anywhere and have lots of privacy to do your business :light:

We pulled over a little past Chapala, as I had to poop. Walked way off the road, up some rocks, and behind a bush.

I'm squatting down doing my business and spot some TP a few feet from me. Apparently, the desert is not as big and wide as we think.

Sanitario Searching

MrBillM - 8-22-2018 at 02:21 PM

In Mexico ???????

" have a responsibility to have an open and clean restroom ......... "

Good Luck on that one. Those are far and few.

BTW, in fairness to the original post, a wee in the weeds or a dump in the desert may be a challenge for a handicapped person.

[Edited on 8-22-2018 by MrBillM]

norte - 8-22-2018 at 02:28 PM

Aas Antonio said, Weebray is correct. Quict dumping (whoops) on him.

Antonio is a class act

thebajarunner - 8-22-2018 at 02:32 PM

Yes, I have had my frustrations with his station
Enduring the endless years of bano upgrade
Last two times there we hit the "every four hours we shut down the pumps to read the meters" moment.
But, it is certainly a cut above the norm
and my brief times with him have always been good moments
He operates under difficult circumstances to say the least.
And deserves better than a blanket suggestion to shun his station.

norte - 8-22-2018 at 02:40 PM

Its just as easy to visit the Los Pinos station or now the new one in Catavina. Competition is good, right?

55steve - 8-22-2018 at 02:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bob and Susan  
Quote: Originally posted by norte  
Its just as easy to visit the Los Pinos station or now the new one in Catavina. Competition is good, right?

there is a new gas station in catavina?
I must have been napping

Yes, another Los Pinos station - with a great market as well.

SFandH - 8-22-2018 at 03:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Email from Antonio  

The water well in town dried out............

That sounds like a major problem for Antonio and the rest of El Rosario. I wonder what the town is going to do.

bajaguy - 8-22-2018 at 03:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by norte  
Its just as easy to visit the Los Pinos station or now the new one in Catavina. Competition is good, right?

But they don't support a fire department or an ambulance service

Support Pinos/Rodriguez

thebajarunner - 8-22-2018 at 03:58 PM

I would just as soon run out of gas and walk

JZ - 8-22-2018 at 04:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by 55steve  
Quote: Originally posted by Bob and Susan  
Quote: Originally posted by norte  
Its just as easy to visit the Los Pinos station or now the new one in Catavina. Competition is good, right?

there is a new gas station in catavina?
I must have been napping

Yes, another Los Pinos station - with a great market as well.

Open already? Diesel?

thebajarunner - 8-22-2018 at 04:25 PM

Catavina station was not close to opening six weeks ago
and the store did not sell cerveza

woody with a view - 8-22-2018 at 04:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Quote: Originally posted by Email from Antonio  

The water well in town dried out............

That sounds like a major problem for Antonio and the rest of El Rosario. I wonder what the town is going to do.

They will use it farming the entire riverbed until it runs out. Duh.

advrider - 8-22-2018 at 05:39 PM

I will buy his gas, stay in his hotel and probably eat at his new restaurant when it is done. I've always had a good experience with the hotel and gas station. Not having water could happen any where, especially Baja, amd it was backed by a good reason for the shortage!

DavidT - 8-22-2018 at 05:53 PM

This looks like a job for the Bumper Dumper.

"Take a little wild out of the wilderness"


hermosok123 - 8-22-2018 at 06:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by weebray  
Just stopped at your gas station in El Rosario. We waited specifically to support you and your rescue operation. I made my handicapped wife wait to her discomfort. The bathrooms were closed with a sign that there was no water. That was a boldfaced LIE (una mentira). There was plenty of water at the mop area tap. Baja California, like much of the world, has a water problem. You are not unique. If you run a gas station and take peoples money to support your empire you have a responsibility to have an open and clean restroom. That's just the way it is my friend. We will not be stopping in the future. I would like to suggest others may want to do (not do) the same.
Since when did traveling in Baja require a restroom with water? Oh I forgot it came about when I stopped carrying gas cans.

Bajaboy - 8-22-2018 at 06:46 PM

Certain people should stay out of Baja if they are worried about a clean/open bathroom.

From what I've heard from many, the water problem affects much of Baja/Sur.

mtgoat666 - 8-22-2018 at 07:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by weebray  
Just stopped at your gas station in El Rosario. We waited specifically to support you and your rescue operation. I made my handicapped wife wait to her discomfort. The bathrooms were closed with a sign that there was no water. That was a boldfaced LIE (una mentira). There was plenty of water at the mop area tap. Baja California, like much of the world, has a water problem. You are not unique. If you run a gas station and take peoples money to support your empire you have a responsibility to have an open and clean restroom. That's just the way it is my friend. We will not be stopping in the future. I would like to suggest others may want to do (not do) the same.

You are a sensitive snowflake. It’s Mexico! Sometimes the bano is closed or atrocious. Get over it!

At least you aren’t black in the USA, count yourself lucky! Did you know that Starbucks doesn’t allow black people to use their restrooms? Truth!

Skipjack Joe - 8-22-2018 at 07:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DavidT  
This looks like a job for the Bumper Dumper.

"Take a little wild out of the wilderness"

Don't even need the bucket.

I once saw a guy riding the highway like that. Driver didn't know.

[Edited on 8-23-2018 by Skipjack Joe]

Water supply in El Rosario...

BajaCactus - 8-22-2018 at 08:29 PM

Dear friends,

My apologies to Weebray and anyone else who have stopped at our Gas Station and has been inconvenienced with the lack of restrooms facilities due to the water shortage our town is going thru right now.

Allow me to elaborate:

-- El Rosario has no Public Water Utilities Services (Water, sewage). The solution has been Local Committees formed by the community. The water well that supply our area serves around 600 users. There has always been a lack of coordination and stability in these Committees.

-- The water well that serves our area is 150 feet deep. It was 100' but last year dried out and they made it 50' deeper. However, it ran out of water again.

-- The studies show that the underground water can now be found at 200 feet, however for some technical difficulties they cannot dig deeper in the current well, it seems we need to relocate the well to another area, along with the electric services.

-- The new well relocation cost is around $ 40,000 USD... and here relies the problem. There is no Government aid, all has to be done by the community. Work has already being done to raise that money among the 600 users. You can of course understand the difficulty to coordinate all of them.

-- In the meantime, our area has been having deprived of this resource for almost 10 months now. For the last 2-3 months things have been worst.

-- Thankfully, BajaCactus has been receiving help from local farmers who have their own well. We have been hauling water daily (very expensive) with a Water Tender, as much as we can get our hand on, however it has been just enough to keep our Motel open... unfortunately not sufficient to have the Gas Station restrooms open, which by the way, uses much more water than the motel on a daily basis.

-- In the gas station we are required, by law and regulations, to always have a short supply of water available for fuel spills and/or any kind of emergencies. This is the water Weebray saw as "plenty of water".

Now, the problem is that even when they are able to make a new well and re-start the water services, we will still rely on the "local committee" administrative work to keep it going, and the solidarity and the coordination of the so called 600 users. I have come to realize it is not good enough, I cannot control what the community decides to do... or not to do.

So... last month I started the long process to request the Government for a permit to have our own water well at BajaCactus. I had not done this before because it is a very long and tedious process (natural water resource is very well guarded by our Government) and there is no guarantee to be approved. Besides things have been working in the past, not perfect, but enough to get by.

-- So, I started this process and this past weekend a Geological Survey was done in our property... water was found at 330 feet (aprox).

They told us we should have an answer from the Goverment in the next 6-9 months. If we are approved, and we are able to make a water well, we should eliminate this problem for good.

In the meantime, I am strongly supporting (pushing) the Community in whatever they need to have the work done to make the new well functional as soon as possible.

As you can see, it is very difficult to me to provide what we do not have, and most importantly, what I cannot get. Nevertheless my Staff at the Gas Station have direct instructions to, at their discretion, offer to any customer at the Gas Station, the use our facilities at the Motel, where we do have some water. You just need to ask.

This is not an issue that will be resolved quickly, nor is a matter that we can control.

A final thought... there are no water meters in businesses and/or homes in El Rosario. When the water services are fully operational, we all pay a fixed monthly fee, no matter how much water we use, under these conditions, what would be the point to deny the restrooms services to anyone?... What would I gain as a business?... On the contrary, having clean, fully functional restroom services is on our interest since it draws more customers... and they leave relieved and happy :D ...

By the way... Weebray made me realize I have to be more aggressive in finding a quick/temporary solution, so today I instructed my Supervisor to find if there are any Portable Restrooms companies in the area willing to rent us a couple to have at the Gas Station. I know it will be very expensive because of the distance from San Quintin and that it will not be a pretty solution, but it could be a solution after all.

Again, my apologies to anyone who has been affected by this, it is not intentional... I will keep doing my best effort to solve it as soon as possible... and my deepest Thanks to everyone who have been supporting the Desert Hawks, thanks to you all, is currently the only Active Emergency Rescue Service south of Ensenada.

Happy trails everyone!!!

Antonio Muñoz

[Edited on 8-23-2018 by BajaCactus]

Lee - 8-22-2018 at 09:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by weebray  
You are not unique. If you run a gas station and take peoples money to support your empire you have a responsibility to have an open and clean restroom. That's just the way it is my friend. We will not be stopping in the future. I would like to suggest others may want to do (not do) the same.

Lots of places in town with banos. Including Mama's a few steps away.

bajamedic - 8-22-2018 at 10:14 PM

I do believe the world would be a better place if we had more Antonio's and less... well, keyboard warrior/complainers. JH

ehall - 8-23-2018 at 05:23 AM

Thanks Antonio. That 400' well is going to be very expensive. Good luck amigo.

chuckie - 8-23-2018 at 06:21 AM

Thank you,Antonio.....lotsa things seem to be out of our control these days....

JoeJustJoe - 8-23-2018 at 06:55 AM

I think I have seen everything now.

I can't believe there is a member here calling for a boycott of a Mexican gas station, just because their bathroom was not in working order.

I checked the Mexican constitutions, and nowhere does it guarantee an open and clean restroom, and so that's not the way it is.

I think only McDonald's, comes pretty close to making that a reality.

It's unfortunate that Weebray's handicapped wife, couldn't use the bathroom at that gas station, but we have all been there too, and most of us probably just held it, and searched for another bathroom without calls of gas station, boycotts.

This is what you call "ugly American" behavior in a foreign country, and Antonio, doesn't have to Kowtow, to Weebray, or other Baja members forwarding complaints to Antonio, looking for excuses.

Thank God, most members don't seem to agree with Weebray's, calls for a gas station boycott. So there looks like there is hope after all.

thebajarunner - 8-23-2018 at 07:57 AM

Try to use the MickeyD downtown Ensenada bano....
Last time I tried it was "outta here pal"

Antonio, that was an elegant response
Good luck solving these woes, my friend

Digging it

MrBillM - 8-23-2018 at 08:03 AM

400 feet is a fair distance which would be expensive up here. I imagine the costs are less in Mexico, but STILL ......................... ?

I'm reminded of a friend who had a well drilled on some property in Pipes Canyon. He was "guaranteed" that they'd reach water. Which (as it turned out) meant that they'd simply keep drilling (at his expense) until they did.

And they did.

AKgringo - 8-23-2018 at 08:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by MrBillM  
400 feet is a fair distance which would be expensive up here. I imagine the costs are less in Mexico

Maybe not! Labor is about the only thing in Baja that would be lower than the US. The drilling equipment, well casing, pumps, and other necessities are probably the same as CA plus the 16% IVA added. Even fuel is now higher south of the border than in CA!

Chasing the water deeper will create more storage capacity in a well, but probably not for long as the water table continues to drop.

I am rooting for Antonio to persevere, and prosper!

[Edited on 8-23-2018 by AKgringo]

Well said Antonio.

Don Jorge - 8-23-2018 at 08:32 AM

Having watched many a well punched in Baja and the USA in search of liquid gold I empathize with your plight. You sometimes find water to both live and prosper and sometimes you don't. The dynamics of aquifers is a barely understood science but one thing we do know is rain events, big rain events are very beneficial to local aquifers.

What we all need in this western continent we call home is a good old fashioned, really wet, wet winter.

We can then return to b-tching about closed roadways and washed out bridges. The bathrooms will have water, might even be clean, and although inconvenienced by travel disruptions noone will have to deal with their own POOH poo. Sometimes seems that is how everyone wants it nowadays.

weebray - 8-23-2018 at 08:46 AM

Consider me castigated. The more vitriolic posts, from the usual suspects, I ignore. The rational responses are appreciated. Antonio's answer was also constructive in putting more light on the issue. I would like to add a few notes to clarify my motivation in the first place. The sign said there was NO water, that was simply not true and it bothered me that someone was filling the mop bucket right under the sign. Next door the dirt was being watered. I asked for a key for what I considered an urgent need. The cashier said she did not have one. OK, I went up to the office - they also said they did not have a key. Oh sure! Later, at the motel, we observed a contractor's pick-up filling up 11(eleven) 5 gal. containers from the hose in the parking lot. I assume they were guests at the motel. An employee was washing down the walkway. I would like to humbly suggest having a key available with the bathrooms well marked as to the water shortage. You could even turn off the sink taps. You may have an employee stress the water shortage when handing out the key. Attach the key to an EMPTY water bottle. Using the bathroom while stopping for gas is a time honored tradition. My bad for assuming that what I remembered was a nice place to be as it always was. Boycott is not what I was suggesting and my post was poorly worded. I am suggesting that you make other plans if you count on a bathroom when you stop. To all you cowboys that prefer to water the cholla you may be interested to hear that the old Mexico you knew in 1970 is changing. If you're not interested in changing with it so be it. Frankly my dear I don't give a damn.

elgatoloco - 8-23-2018 at 09:02 AM

All's well that ends well. No pun intended. :saint:
Maybe OP can change post title to something like "i pulled in and could not understand WTF was going on but now i do"? or not.

norte - 8-23-2018 at 10:06 AM

In spite of the fact that Antonio has many friends here that would by gas regardless of the conditions, it is still a business and Antonio runs it like one (and also makes a very good living doing so). Thanks OP for bringing these poor conditions to everybody's attention.

DavidT - 8-23-2018 at 10:58 AM

For every problem there is a solution .

JZ - 8-23-2018 at 11:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by weebray  
Consider me castigated. The more vitriolic posts, from the usual suspects, I ignore. The rational responses are appreciated. Antonio's answer was also constructive in putting more light on the issue. I would like to add a few notes to clarify my motivation in the first place. The sign said there was NO water, that was simply not true and it bothered me that someone was filling the mop bucket right under the sign. Next door the dirt was being watered. I asked for a key for what I considered an urgent need. The cashier said she did not have one. OK, I went up to the office - they also said they did not have a key. Oh sure! Later, at the motel, we observed a contractor's pick-up filling up 11(eleven) 5 gal. containers from the hose in the parking lot. I assume they were guests at the motel. An employee was washing down the walkway. I would like to humbly suggest having a key available with the bathrooms well marked as to the water shortage. You could even turn off the sink taps. You may have an employee stress the water shortage when handing out the key. Attach the key to an EMPTY water bottle. Using the bathroom while stopping for gas is a time honored tradition. My bad for assuming that what I remembered was a nice place to be as it always was. Boycott is not what I was suggesting and my post was poorly worded. I am suggesting that you make other plans if you count on a bathroom when you stop. To all you cowboys that prefer to water the cholla you may be interested to hear that the old Mexico you knew in 1970 is changing. If you're not interested in changing with it so be it. Frankly my dear I don't give a damn.

No one cares.

chuckie - 8-23-2018 at 01:12 PM


Lee - 8-23-2018 at 02:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  


TMW - 8-23-2018 at 03:02 PM


CJ - 8-23-2018 at 03:36 PM

Defiantly a Snowflake

Paco Facullo - 8-23-2018 at 04:51 PM

I care ! About what ? I haven't a clue ............

motoged - 8-23-2018 at 04:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CJ  
Defiantly a Snowflake

Defiantly or definitely ??????????????

Alm - 8-23-2018 at 07:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  

Chasing the water deeper will create more storage capacity in a well, but probably not for long as the water table continues to drop.

Yep. There is no long-term solution with constantly increasing needs and limited supply. Have a feeling that it's not the banos on gas stations that use the most water in Baja.

mtgoat666 - 8-23-2018 at 07:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Quote: Originally posted by weebray  
Consider me castigated. The more vitriolic posts, from the usual suspects, I ignore. The rational responses are appreciated. Antonio's answer was also constructive in putting more light on the issue. I would like to add a few notes to clarify my motivation in the first place. The sign said there was NO water, that was simply not true and it bothered me that someone was filling the mop bucket right under the sign. Next door the dirt was being watered. I asked for a key for what I considered an urgent need. The cashier said she did not have one. OK, I went up to the office - they also said they did not have a key. Oh sure! Later, at the motel, we observed a contractor's pick-up filling up 11(eleven) 5 gal. containers from the hose in the parking lot. I assume they were guests at the motel. An employee was washing down the walkway. I would like to humbly suggest having a key available with the bathrooms well marked as to the water shortage. You could even turn off the sink taps. You may have an employee stress the water shortage when handing out the key. Attach the key to an EMPTY water bottle. Using the bathroom while stopping for gas is a time honored tradition. My bad for assuming that what I remembered was a nice place to be as it always was. Boycott is not what I was suggesting and my post was poorly worded. I am suggesting that you make other plans if you count on a bathroom when you stop. To all you cowboys that prefer to water the cholla you may be interested to hear that the old Mexico you knew in 1970 is changing. If you're not interested in changing with it so be it. Frankly my dear I don't give a damn.

No one cares.

And no one cares what a$$-wipe jizz thinks! :lol:

chuckie - 8-23-2018 at 07:48 PM

how rude

woody with a view - 8-23-2018 at 08:03 PM

This reminds me of 3rd grade. Amazing that all you blow hards feel a need to continue to show your asses. You all made your point. Dont stay there or do, but please move along kids.

bajabuddha - 8-23-2018 at 08:50 PM

jeez, chuckie...... I thought you were disagreeing with the turdbird. :o

I rescind my previse post. Who gives a chit what Jizzy sez or thinks too.

[Edited on 8-24-2018 by bajabuddha]

BAJA.DESERT.RAT - 8-24-2018 at 02:47 AM

hola Antonio Muñoz

i thank you very much for your gracious and very difficult to give response. difficult to give meaning for all that you do and have done for us.

yes, water is a very fragile necessity of which no one has any control of or understanding how a simple gas station must be run as dictated by the mexican government and services as simple as a bathroom can be complicated by a water shortage.

i am very sure that antonio is trying to correct this situation.

instead of boycotting antonio, how about trying to remember with your very short memories when there were gas and diesel shortages years ago, he had the residents and businesses of the town and countryside cut back on their filling up and filling up OUR ( GRINGO ) cars, trucks and rv's that i am sure didn't please the residents, but allowed US to be able to get to where we were going.

instead of giving antonio such a difficult time, maybe even give a special propina for his digging a very expensive deep well that can serve him ( and us ) far into the future so some of us can PEE AND POOP ! as well as giving monies for the extraordinary ambulance and fire services that he's providing that hopefully we won't need but would be there JUST IN CASE !!!!!!

just my two yen and THANK GOD ANTONIO IS THERE FOR US !!


chuckie - 8-24-2018 at 06:06 AM

lost in the wasteland of nomadonia.....

motoged - 8-24-2018 at 07:26 AM

Some of us get it, Chuck :cool:

I stayed at the motel (as I do when coming down that way) one time and left my wallet at the front counter when checking out....before getting gas. I was unaware of the misplacement....and while pumping gas, Antonio's father came up to me with my wallet....

His alertness saved me an extended panic attack.....

They have my business and respect.

chuckie - 8-24-2018 at 07:42 AM

Oh,I get it Eddie....Antonio does a great job, always has....under difficult circumstances.....I was referencing the whirlaword re Jizzys comment...Which clearly left YOU confused...EH?

shari - 8-24-2018 at 07:59 AM

i am ashamed at this thread...that someone expects Antonio to be ashamed for the water issue that is beyond his control. Of all people on this board, Antonio deserves our support and respect for his proven, time honoured commitment to helping people in general...and saving lives.

thank you for responding Antonio and boy I sure feel bad for your water situation there....especially with your new projects at the hotel. It must be very frustrating and costly. Water shortage is one of the worst things that can happen for a hotelier. How can we help you?
There are lots of other bathroom options in El Rosario...the bus terminal and restaurants come to mind and I imagine if you explained the problem with a disabled wife they would have let you use the bathroom at the hotel.

David K - 8-24-2018 at 09:15 AM

Maybe the OP (weebray) will consider editing the title of his post from "Shame on you Antonio" to "Baja Cactus struggles with water crisis" or some other neutral wording. Antonio never lies and has always been a hero and non-political. The bathroom in his motel lobby has ALWAYS been available when the Pemex bathrooms were closed. Antonio has posted that many time over the years. It is the door to the left of the front desk.

willardguy - 8-24-2018 at 09:26 AM

well at least Antonio must listen....go back five years and listen to the mostly negative hotel reviews by prominent nomads, of course with the exception of you know who :rolleyes: so Antonio has made strides and I sure hope this water issue gets better....pray for lots of rain!

and interestingly enough, notice who authored the thread!

AKgringo - 8-24-2018 at 09:39 AM

If a restroom is unusable because there is no water, it should remain locked, or it will quickly become unusable because of disgusting conditions.

However....I suggest that Antonio immediately adopt a policy of making sure that there is a bucket of water in the restroom at all times for an emergency flush and refill! All employees should be trained that a customer with an urgent need should be promptly given access, or the key.

It is only a short term fix, but it would prevent a customer from having a bad experience that will tarnish the image of the business.

ELINVESTIG8R - 8-24-2018 at 10:03 AM

I can confirm everything Antonio said regarding the water situation in El Rosario.

BajaNomad - 8-24-2018 at 10:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaCactus  

Nevertheless my Staff at the Gas Station have direct instructions to, at their discretion, offer to any customer at the Gas Station, the use our facilities at the Motel, where we do have some water. You just need to ask.

In follow-up posts, it seems this notation by Antonio has been overlooked. It's always been my understanding that Nomads (or perhaps anyone who asks) is invited to use the hotel's lobby bathroom. It's right next to the desk, small but convenient, clean, and incredibly appreciated. Hope you appreciate it as well, and kindly leave it as clean for the next person.


Marc - 8-24-2018 at 11:39 AM

At hand on all trips.

Skipjack Joe - 8-24-2018 at 07:21 PM

Those are so useful at the border line.

Paco Facullo - 8-24-2018 at 07:25 PM

Once, I tried to use one of those to poo in ???

Didn't work out as I had intended...............................

Portable restrooms...

BajaCactus - 8-25-2018 at 12:37 PM

Portable restrooms now available... It is not an elegant solution... And expensive... But nonetheless a solution.

And as mentioned, the restroom at the Motel Frontdesk has been always available as well.

Thank you everyone for your understanding and support.

Antonio Muñoz

IMG-20180825-WA0013.jpg - 25kB

chippy - 8-25-2018 at 01:29 PM

Baja Cactus does give a crap about their customers. Well done Antonio!

JoeJustJoe - 8-25-2018 at 04:44 PM

Weebray wins! Sad.

Lee - 8-25-2018 at 07:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
Weebray wins! Sad.

OP owes Antonio an apology.

And an attitude adjustment on how to be in Baja without whining.

That's Progress, I Guess

MrBillM - 8-25-2018 at 08:23 PM

The fact that some of those who travel extensively in Baja have any expectation of encountering a clean restroom is amazing.

WHO would have thought that they'd see THAT day ?

Of course, even those who do will be mostly disappointed.

It's contrary to the culture.

mtgoat666 - 8-25-2018 at 09:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Marc  
At hand on all trips.

Some of us got enough self-respect (and lack of prostate problem) to get out of the car to pee!
When I get so incontinenent and immobile that I resort to Depends and peeing in Gatorade bottles, I think I will give up travel and hire a nurse/butler and stay home and drink whiskey and c-cktails all day

chuckie - 8-26-2018 at 03:20 AM

Old saw: "How many doors does a Baja rest stop have? TWO, driver and passenger"......and there you have it.....

SFandH - 8-26-2018 at 07:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  

When I get so incontinenent and immobile that I resort to Depends and peeing in Gatorade bottles, I think I will give up travel and hire a nurse/butler and stay home and drink whiskey and c-cktails all day

Good that you said when not if. Plumbing changes are almost inevitable. You could stay home and drink all day now, then you probably wouldn't have to worry about aging. Just a thought.

[Edited on 8-26-2018 by SFandH]

weebray - 8-27-2018 at 07:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
Weebray wins! Sad.

Sad but true Joe. Sad that most of the responders to my post spent so much time and energy trying to skewer the messenger. A familiar pattern on this forum. A few suggested my post was too abrupt and made unsubstantiated accusations. I agree, my post was rude and "limbaugheske". (note to self: do not write when upset or angry) Few chose to overlook the mistakes in form. One of the few that was thoughtful enough to actually think about the post was Antonio. I commend him for his quick response.


MrBillM - 8-27-2018 at 08:48 AM

The problem is that, the more Baja becomes like the []i]Estado Unidos, the less it is like the Baja we loved for the last 60+ years.

It is inevitable, though. BUT, judging from attitudes among those from Latin America here in the USA, resistance to restroom evolution will be one of the final barriers to fall.

Lee - 8-27-2018 at 08:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by weebray  

I agree, my post was rude and "limbaugheske". (note to self: do not write when upset or angry) Few chose to overlook the mistakes in form. One of the few that was thoughtful enough to actually think about the post was Antonio. I commend him for his quick response.

To write Antonio should have shame because the OP was angry over a closed restroom is an embarrassment to anyone who knows Antonio.

Just another troll seeking attention by attacking a Nomad who supports this forum and his community.

advrider - 8-27-2018 at 08:21 PM

Good job BC, I'll gas up and pee in the desert or rent a room! Hope the water works out, I really want to try the restaurant...

David K - 8-28-2018 at 12:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by weebray  
Since I don't hover over the computer waiting to make some "clever" vilification of a contributor it may take awhile for my response. I won't mention any names but ** you epitomize the exact kind of usless ant pod that sits by his computer waiting to jump in with nothing to say. Speak to the issue, state your opinion, otherwise keep it in your pants.

Weebray, have you read BajaCactus' reply and seen the photo of the temp fix since your post? I made a suggestion to you, above. You maybe didn't see it?
Why are you still "shaming Antonio"?
Did he not respond to you with courtesy and explain the situation that you called him a liar about?
There is an EDIT button next to your posts and you can fix errors.
I don't know how better this could have been handled? Too bad you missed all the past posts by this hospitable Baja businessman and Nomad member that told us the lobby bathroom at the motel was available to anyone. Just Edit and Save and clean away this uncalled-for smudge on Antonio's character.

Should not all Baja businesses treat customers, as well as Antonio has? Should we not reward that kind of business with patronage and recommendations? Now that you have the facts, how about it?

[Edited on 8-30-2018 by BajaNomad]

JoeJustJoe - 8-28-2018 at 01:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by weebray  
Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
Weebray wins! Sad.

Sad but true Joe. Sad that most of the responders to my post spent so much time and energy trying to skewer the messenger. A familiar pattern on this forum. A few suggested my post was too abrupt and made unsubstantiated accusations. I agree, my post was rude and "limbaugheske". (note to self: do not write when upset or angry) Few chose to overlook the mistakes in form. One of the few that was thoughtful enough to actually think about the post was Antonio. I commend him for his quick response.

Yes you win Weebray, and while I don't agree with you, and see you like somebody in restaurant yelling at the poor waitress for burnt toast. ( no one needs to eat a restaurants mistake, but you don't have to be rude about it)

You are entitled to your opinion, and I don't see where anybody changed your mind about about the gas station and the closed bathroom. The bottom line is the gas station didn't meet your expectations, and you're entitled to leave your bad review.

I think David K, is wrong for demanding you to change the title of this thread you started, and admit you are wrong. Who is David K. the final arbitrator?

I think if anything, you made the gas station in El Rosario, more popular than ever, and it seems most think, Antonio is a class act, and he takes customer service and customer complaints seriously.

David K - 8-28-2018 at 01:54 PM

Joe, there was never any "demanding"... are you clear on that?
I asked if "maybe" he would consider editing the thread title now that he has the facts and heard from Antonio, who was extremely kind even after being called a "liar".
Perhaps weebray was unaware that anyone who posts here can EDIT their own posts. That's all.

chuckie - 8-28-2018 at 02:15 PM

such an angel, that DK!

David K - 8-28-2018 at 02:30 PM

That would be my wife...

Joe, can you read English???

thebajarunner - 8-28-2018 at 04:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
Quote: Originally posted by weebray  
Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
Weebray wins! Sad.

Sad but true Joe. Sad that most of the responders to my post spent so much time and energy trying to skewer the messenger. A familiar pattern on this forum. A few suggested my post was too abrupt and made unsubstantiated accusations. I agree, my post was rude and "limbaugheske". (note to self: do not write when upset or angry) Few chose to overlook the mistakes in form. One of the few that was thoughtful enough to actually think about the post was Antonio. I commend him for his quick response.

Yes you win Weebray, and while I don't agree with you, and see you like somebody in restaurant yelling at the poor waitress for burnt toast. ( no one needs to eat a restaurants mistake, but you don't have to be rude about it)

You are entitled to your opinion, and I don't see where anybody changed your mind about about the gas station and the closed bathroom. The bottom line is the gas station didn't meet your expectations, and you're entitled to leave your bad review.

I think David K, is wrong for demanding you to change the title of this thread you started, and admit you are wrong. Who is David K. the final arbitrator?

I think if anything, you made the gas station in El Rosario, more popular than ever, and it seems most think, Antonio is a class act, and he takes customer service and customer complaints seriously.

Here is a cut and paste of what David asked the OP poster....

"Maybe the OP (weebray) will consider editing the title of his post from "Shame on you Antonio" to "Baja Cactus struggles with water crisis" or some other neutral wording."

Do you hate DK so much that you can twist words to this degree?
Just wondering.....

JoeJustJoe - 8-28-2018 at 04:29 PM

The BajaRunner, I don't hate David K. I like David K.I don't like David K. politics, for example his views on global warnings.

However, I would never dream of showing David K. a few article making a case the global warming is real and man made, and then telling him or suggesting to him that he go back and edit his posts, telling everybody how wrong he was, and indeed global warming is real. I especially wouldn't do that, if David K. still clinged to his belief that man made global warming is a hoax.

Maybe David K. is not demanding Weebray, change his views, but the way it look to me is that David K. is sure trying to twist Weebray's arm to change his view/post.

I also didn't think David K. should have ran and forwarded Weebray's bad review to Antonio, in hopes Antonio, justify his actions to Weebray and others. It's a gas station, nobody would care about a call to boycott.

It sure looks like arm twisting to me.

David K wrote: Maybe the OP (weebray) will consider editing the title of his post from "Shame on you Antonio" to "Baja Cactus struggles with water crisis" or some other neutral wording. Antonio never lies and has always been a hero and non-political. The bathroom in his motel lobby has ALWAYS been available when the Pemex bathrooms were closed. Antonio has posted that many time over the years. It is the door to the left of the front desk.

David K wrote: Weebray, have you read BajaCactus' reply and seen the photo of the temp fix since your post? I made a suggestion to you, above. You maybe didn't see it?

Why are you still "shaming Antonio"?

Did he not respond to you with courtesy and explain the situation that you called him a liar about?

There is an EDIT button next to your posts and you can fix errors.
I don't know how better this could have been handled? Too bad you missed all the past posts by this hospitable Baja businessman and Nomad member that told us the lobby bathroom at the motel was available to anyone. Just Edit and Save and clean away this uncalled-for smudge on Antonio's character.

[Edited on 8-28-2018 by JoeJustJoe]

A Lot of Crap over taking a Crap ?

MrBillM - 8-28-2018 at 04:50 PM

An amazingly dogged trivial pursuit over a single Poop.

Or Pee ? Both ?

That was never clarified, was it ?

But, it is (as usual) just a good excuse to bite back and forth. And, what more could be asked ?

At least the subject fits the debate and isn't about something weighty over which nobody here has any control, anyway.

norte - 8-28-2018 at 05:24 PM

Yes, Bill. It was about crap...Then it became about David and Antonio because he can not leave well enough alone. Now its all about David and the original crap has been flushed.

Well, now it is a bunch of crap

thebajarunner - 8-28-2018 at 06:09 PM

The length of the discussion is not about feces (except for several who apparently are fixated on that topic- sad)
It is about defending a good man
and a friend.
David defended a friend
I defended a friend
Others defended a friend
Simple and sweet
All the rest is a bunch of crap

Bajaboy - 8-28-2018 at 06:57 PM

Too bad the op didn't just go to Antonio in the first place instead of opening this can of worms.

philodog - 8-29-2018 at 10:57 AM

I understand having a bad experience at a business and writing a hasty negative review based on assumptions. But when that review includes serious character defamation it's probably over the line. And when the business owner responds with a rational explanation and your assumptions are proved incorrect it is just inexcusable not to edit or remove the review because of a fragile ego. Weebray, you are a weak man.

[Edited on 8-29-2018 by philodog]

JoeJustJoe - 8-29-2018 at 11:42 AM

Damn, I'm going to have to switch sides and defend Weebray, although I think he is pretty crazy demanding that Mexican bathrooms, always be clean and open at all times.

However, I also think Weebray, has legitimate customer service concerns from an indifferent staff, where even Antonio, mentioned the staff had discretion to send customers to the motel to use the bathroom, but they didn't. The other stuff about nearby restaurants willing to always let customers use their bathroom is all and good, but perhaps Weebray, didn't know about it.

You have a bathroom emergency, even if the water is not working or turned off, give the guy one bucket of water, to flush the toilet in the bathroom after he or his wife uses it, or tell him where a nearby bathroom is. It's not that hard to do.

I think Antonio handled the complaint well, maybe too well, out of guilt, that the staff did something wrong???

[Edited on 8-29-2018 by JoeJustJoe]

wessongroup - 8-29-2018 at 01:10 PM

Liked the discussion more when it was focused on "water"

A very important topic for most all ... in one way or another, and there is a fixed amount when talking about a closed system which is called in this case ... the Hydrosphere :):)

"On earth, the total amount of water has almost certainly not changed since geological times: what we had then we still have. Water can be polluted, abused, and misused but it is neither created nor destroyed, it only migrates. There is no evidence that water vapor escapes into space."[5]:26"

there are many other sources for information on the Hydrosphere ... I just used Wiki

for greater detail ... with peer review

and don't be too hard on farmers ... they are doing the best they can ... under the circumstances IMO

a bit dated ... but still holds true for most in production of food and fiber

[Edited on 8-29-2018 by wessongroup]

TMW - 8-29-2018 at 04:23 PM

Lois Henry when she worked at The Bakersfield Californian newspaper wrote several stories over the past several years concerning water in the area. Who owns what, who sold what to where and stuff about all the major players. It's bigger, more involved and more complicated than most people realize.

I think Lois left the paper but still comes back from time to time and does some of the local talk shows. She was a heck of an investigative reporter.

I think we had a "water discussion" going elsewhere

thebajarunner - 8-29-2018 at 05:06 PM

This thread and is noxious title need to die, and soon

Skipjack Joe - 8-29-2018 at 06:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bajaboy  
Too bad the op didn't just go to Antonio in the first place instead of opening this can of worms.

Maybe he wanted to publicly shame Antonio. There's a lot of that going on around here.

norte - 8-29-2018 at 08:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Skipjack Joe  
Quote: Originally posted by Bajaboy  
Too bad the op didn't just go to Antonio in the first place instead of opening this can of worms.

Maybe he wanted to publicly shame Antonio. There's a lot of that going on around here.

and you expected any different?