
How hot in Loreto?

BajaBlanca - 9-21-2018 at 12:58 PM

We shall be in Loreto tomorrow for one afternoon/evening and I am just wondering HOW HOT IS IT?

Howard - 9-21-2018 at 02:14 PM

Sounds like a Johnny Carson bit, "It's so hot...."

Today was the hottest day all week, I would say in the mid-high 90s.

It's been around high 70s-low 80s at night.

bajabuddha - 9-21-2018 at 02:19 PM

.... it's SO HOT I saw a fire hydrant chasing a dawg! :o

BajaBlanca - 9-21-2018 at 08:23 PM


tehag - 9-21-2018 at 09:31 PM

Still in the nineties every day, but the humidity is going down.

BajaBlanca - 9-22-2018 at 04:11 AM

I am miserable already just imagining the heat and we haven't even left for Loreto yet!


Howard - 9-22-2018 at 07:48 AM

As of 8:30 this morning it's quit pleasant out, maybe low 80s, A little cloudy with no air con needed yet.

Have fun in "big" city and don't take any wooded nichols.

tiotomasbcs - 9-22-2018 at 11:53 AM

I'm always dreamin of hanging out in GN during summer!:o

billklaser - 9-22-2018 at 07:48 PM

As usual between July and October, it is hot here in Loreto! Every year the same.

BajaBlanca - 9-23-2018 at 05:32 PM

It was hot hot hot but we survived and are now in La Paz! I don't remember the name of the restaurant down by the end of the malecon that has a downstairs and upstairs, but we ate lunch upstairs with a great view and nice breeze and it was a really delicious chicken piccata. I highly recommend it.

Loreto has the most wonderful stores for arts and crafts. We bought 2 beautiful ceramics to take to Europe next year as wedding gifts!

These particular pieces were done by a ceramicist named Ken Edwards - I cant wait to look him up.

Howard - 9-23-2018 at 05:42 PM

Sounds like the Blue Anchor restaurant. Next time try the mixed molcajete, it's big enough for two.

BajaBlanca - 9-23-2018 at 06:17 PM

We been there and done that! That is precisely what we ate last year when Les had all his heart issues. It was huge and delicious too.