I was on the Central Pacific side of Baja for the entire month of November. Tons of flies at each place I stayed. I've never experienced that amount
of flies before. At the Wall, several people got sick. Gringo George from Alejandros speculated that it was due to the flies (rolling in human poo
then coming to your campsite and walking on your cooking utensils, pots, pans, food). People theorized that the unusual amount of flies was due to
all the rain from two major hurricanes just months prior.
Sanitation is becoming a problem with the hordes of people that now visit those surf areas. Most know the drill, but I witnessed some people pooping
less than 25 yards from their campsites. And many people walking inland to take care of their business without a shovel. Even if you bury it and
burn your paper, the coyotes come at night and dig it up. But they don't eat the entire pile, so there's remnants of human waste exposed for the flies
to find on.
The Wall has become so popular that eventually it could become a toxic ghetto. I know many who stopped going there 20 years ago because it was too
crowded then. Good times!