
San Borjitas Cave Paintings

HeyMulegeScott - 1-27-2019 at 11:45 AM

These are the best cave paintings I've seen. Beautiful canyon. The graded road didn't require 4x4 but it was nice to have a Jeep with AT tires. Cost was 500 pesos for two people. Here's the description for Discover Baja which was accurate except for road conditions:
Location: Sierra de Guadalupe, Northwest of Mulegé, BCS

Why We Love It: Carbon-dated to be 7,500 years old, these are believed to be the oldest cave paintings in North America, and they are also some of the most impressive in Baja California. These are the most impressive cave paintings on the peninsula that can be visited in a day trip.

What it’s Famous for: The canvas for the paintings is a 30-meter long cave overhang with the ceiling containing over 80 monos (human figures). The monos are bi-colored, with one half painted in black and the other half in red. Monos also appear at right angles to one another, forming an open network of bodies loosely woven together, another distinguishing feature for the San Borjitas paintings.

How to Visit: To get to San Borjitas, you can hire a guide in Mulegé or head out to Rancho Las Tinajas on your own and hire a guide to take you directly to the site from there. Getting to Rancho Las Tinajas involves a rigorous 30 kilometer, 2.5 hour off-road drive through riverbeds, deep sand, and large rocks. The drive should not be attempted without a high-clearance, four-wheel-drive vehicle. A 20-minute hike is required to reach the cave paintings.

DBTC Insider Tip: If you have a highly-capable four-wheel-drive vehicle and a spirit for adventure, you can drive out to Rancho Las Tinajas on your own and hire a guide to take you to the site from there. The turn off for Rancho Las Tinajas and The San Borjitas cave paintings is at Km. 165 on Mexico 1. This is one of the best single-day Baja adventures to be had on the peninsula, with an impressive reward at the end.

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gueribo - 1-27-2019 at 11:47 AM

Thanks for the report and pictures.

David K - 1-27-2019 at 01:49 PM

So great!:light::bounce::cool:

pacificobob - 1-29-2019 at 08:16 AM

excellent post. thanks

gueribo - 1-29-2019 at 08:32 AM

So beautiful. Thanks for the report and photos.