It depends what list and what year you're talking about, but our own alarmist, Joerover, and twice listed as Los Cabos, being the most dangerous
cities in the world, and there are a few articles posting this alarmist type of information.
Regarding the US State Department, travel advisory, that says to exercise caution, is good advice, but it's hardly a travel warning that tells
Americans to keep away from Los Cabos, seeing it's supposedly the most dangerous city in the world.
In Cabo, was really the most dangerous city in the world, wouldn't you think the US State Department, would tell Americans to keep away?
If you go to France, they also have a travel advisory, big deal. It's not enough to keep me away from France or Mexico.
For the life of me, I can't come across anyone saying to tourists don't go..
It's simply a warning and an advisory for travelers to do a due caution thing.
There IS crime in Baja.....violent crime.
To dismiss this as so much hype is irresponsible to tourists who visit the "top 6 destinations" and get the mindset it's all puppy dog ears, yellow
daisies, gentle seas and oak overtones of Merlot. |