
Mulege hotel - dentist 3/11 update!

BajaBlanca - 3-9-2019 at 09:33 AM

Hi everyone. A group of students will be heading to Mulege to visit the visiting free dentists.

These are the six 2019 college scholarship candidates. Before kids head off to college, I make sure their cavities are filled and wisdom teeth dealt with if possible.

They leave tomorrow and spend one night.

Please give me the name of a clean and simple hotel for them to stay at. thanks!

[Edited on 3-10-2019 by BajaBlanca]

[Edited on 3-11-2019 by BajaBlanca]

SFandH - 3-9-2019 at 01:36 PM

I think it's called the Hotel Mulege. On the left 1/2 block after you enter the town through the arch. Family stayed there in December and said it was fine.

Mulege Canuck - 3-9-2019 at 03:03 PM

Clementines B&B has very nice places. Check out the website or drive in and ask for Cliff at the Oasis

chuckie - 3-9-2019 at 03:07 PM

Too much money

AKgringo - 3-9-2019 at 03:12 PM

I think your students would enjoy staying at La Hacienda. It is clean, reasonably priced, and is right in the center of everything!

If there is concert next door at the central plaza, it can be a bit noisy for sleeping, but I''ll bet the kids would be attending it.

mtnpop - 3-9-2019 at 03:22 PM

mulege hotel is only a couple of blocks from the clinic so is the closest to walk to. Hacienda is further into town.
Terrazes is also usually good and close to the clinic and places to eat
Wife will be on the front desk Tues so will tell your coming, how many?? or maybe you have already told them...

BajaBlanca - 3-10-2019 at 02:43 PM

We decided to go with HOTEL HACIENDA and they are comping the 2 rooms. I am so blessed, so so blessed and so happy that everything has come together just perfectly!

I got money for the gas, check. One of the girl's boyfriends will take the 3 girls and shuttle them around in Mulege. He has the cash to go and return with the ladies tomorrow.

I got money for everyone's dinner and breakfast, check.

John B. was here with donations for the kids, and what an incredible donation it my request, he took 3 boys with him to Mulege and he will also stay at the Hacienda with a discount, check!

The 3 boys will return by bus and each has cash to return, check. I will pick them up in San Ignacio tomorrow afternoon and have a full tank, check.

I have been in touch with one of the Rotary Club organizers who will look after the kids at the dental clinic, check. The kids will be there at 7:30 to be the first, the doors open at 8:30 and the dentists begin at 9 am.

My head is spinning but this all came together in 24 hours.

jbcoug - 3-10-2019 at 04:02 PM

Boys delivered!

BajaBlanca - 3-10-2019 at 05:09 PM


TMW - 3-10-2019 at 05:14 PM

Isn't it great when a plan comes together.

BajaBlanca - 3-11-2019 at 08:26 AM


BajaBlanca - 3-11-2019 at 10:07 AM

First photo:

girls at the dental clinic.jpg - 108kB

BajaBlanca - 3-11-2019 at 10:14 AM

The receptionist at the dental clinic called me, slightly perturbed because the girls were late, so they weren't there with the boys (who were on time). This was an issue since they decided to get the kids in first since they have so far to travel. When I asked the girls what had happened, one of them said she was so nervous she got sick. First time at the dentist is scary at 17.

First kid in was Roger. No cavities, yahoo but an impacted wisdom tooth, ohhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooo.

I am waiting to hear back as to whether they will be able to take care of it today. If not, we need a plan B. He is not in pain, at all, which is great.

BajaBlanca - 3-11-2019 at 11:19 AM

Here is the second photo with 5 of the 6 kids! The ones that had cavities got one filling each done. One of the boys was told to take it easy and rest for a bit, so he is back at the hotel doing just that. The last girl has been in the dental chair for quite a while and the ladies will return to Bocana as soon as she is done.

Looks like mission accomplished but I am going to have to get the rest of the cavities done. Project for another day.

group at dental clinic.jpg - 132kB

Bubba - 3-11-2019 at 12:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBlanca  
We decided to go with HOTEL HACIENDA and they are comping the 2 rooms. I am so blessed, so so blessed and so happy that everything has come together just perfectly!

I got money for the gas, check. One of the girl's boyfriends will take the 3 girls and shuttle them around in Mulege. He has the cash to go and return with the ladies tomorrow.

I got money for everyone's dinner and breakfast, check.

John B. was here with donations for the kids, and what an incredible donation it my request, he took 3 boys with him to Mulege and he will also stay at the Hacienda with a discount, check!

The 3 boys will return by bus and each has cash to return, check. I will pick them up in San Ignacio tomorrow afternoon and have a full tank, check.

I have been in touch with one of the Rotary Club organizers who will look after the kids at the dental clinic, check. The kids will be there at 7:30 to be the first, the doors open at 8:30 and the dentists begin at 9 am.

My head is spinning but this all came together in 24 hours.

Love reading things like this. It just confirms my belief that there are still many good people in these very trying times!