I recently messaged my friend who volunteers at our clinic in La Paz. She and her husband own about 8 or 10 gas stations. Below is my message to her
and her response
Hola Bea, Willie, y familia, Some friends recently asked if Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD - 15 ppm) rather than Low Sulfur Diesel (LSD - 500 ppm) is
now available throughout Baja California Sur? I figured if anybody would know it would be Willie. Thank you guys and hasta el otoño por la clinica (I
have a ton of feet, stump socks, and prosthetic/orthotic parts to bring down).
Hi Pablito!!! No, there isn’t... sorry!
Miss you guys so much! Hope your doing fine, give Shelley my love!!! Se you próximo otoño!!!😊😊😊