I am thinking of starting an a English/Spanish school.
I will center it around the TV show "I love Lucy"
Baja trivia*
Did you know the Ricky/Lucy estate still owns property in Baja?
Do you know where?
I do
[Edited on 3-23-2019 by fishbuck]fishbuck - 3-23-2019 at 03:50 PM
I will give you a hint.
You probably guessed...
The have a "PRIVATE" Pista(runway).
My spanish school policy is the same as my Tae Kwon Do Acadamy. .
The 1st lesson is always free...David K - 3-23-2019 at 03:58 PM
I think I have said before that Desi & Lucille rented our Del Mar beach house in the 50's until their divorce and then Desi one additional year.
Desi bought his own house on the beach just down a ways from ours. It surprises me that they also had a place in Mexico in the 50s?fishbuck - 3-23-2019 at 04:05 PM
Interesting and...
WRONG!fishbuck - 3-23-2019 at 04:07 PM
But nice try Grasshopper.fishbuck - 3-23-2019 at 04:21 PM
Keep guessing...
Do you need another hint...?fishbuck - 3-23-2019 at 04:26 PM
I will give you the in hint in Español.
En esta pieza Richie Carter toca las congas y el bongó.fishbuck - 3-23-2019 at 04:49 PM
Mike, I don't read codes too well... What are you trying to say? Lucille and Desi divorced in 1960 (I was 2-3 that year). We moved into rental every
summer while they rented our house. It was a tradition started by the former owner (Fletcher family) and continued by my folks. The house was the
first one on the north end of Del Mar, west of the race track and fair grounds.
Ok. Thank you. That is awesome info.
The family still maintains property in Baja as far as I know. But I don't think that will ever change.
Desi prefered Latin culture to Hollywood culture.
So he and his Pals of the era enjoyed fishing for marlin in Baja.
Before Cabo.
That is a hint. Sandlefoot - 3-23-2019 at 05:07 PM
I do not know if this is at their property, but it is not more than a five-minute walk from it!!
Happy Trails! fishbuck - 3-23-2019 at 05:12 PM
Radar on... searching... thank you...fishbuck - 3-23-2019 at 05:14 PM
Positive contact...fishbuck - 3-23-2019 at 05:34 PM
I do not know if this is at their property, but it is not more than a five-minute walk from it!!
Happy Trails!
Elton siempre grita, "¡A ganar, a ganar, pollo para cenar!" cuando gana una mano.
Been there!!! And it is a real show!!! They had a pool shaped like a guitar!!
Los Cruces, North of La Ventana, around the corner and south of El Coyote Beach!! The owners there say this was the first place the Spaniards landed
on the Baja! There are three crosses by their malecon!
I do not know if this is at their property, but it is not more than a five-minute walk from it!!
Happy Trails!
Elton siempre grita, "¡A ganar, a ganar, pollo para cenar!" cuando gana una mano.
Been there!!! And it is a real show!!! They had a pool shaped like a guitar!!
Los Cruces, North of La Ventana, around the corner and south of El Coyote Beach!! The owners there say this was the first place the Spaniards landed
on the Baja! There are three crosses by their malecon!
Happy Trails
Thank you!
I have never been all the way down there.
But I have spent time at the Hotel bar and pool.
If i could be somewhere right now.
That is it.StuckSucks - 3-25-2019 at 08:07 AM
I can't remember how or why I know this.
Desi prefered his Baja place and spent alot of time there with his friends.
One such friend was Bing Crosby. The Crosby estate still maintains a house there. If the is a plane on the runway usually means someone is "in
residence". So don't bother them. There is a usually a plane or 2 parked.
I don't know which house but I think it was near Desi's.
Desi loved to go to La Paz and perform in the clubs. I imagine he was very popular there.
Even though Cuban he fit there very well.David K - 3-27-2019 at 04:34 PM
If you have more details, please share.
In Gene Kira's excellent 1999 book, 'The Unforgettable Sea of Cortez', page 103: "The construction and opening of Rancho Las Cruces in 1950 as
a fly-in private club catering to such personalities as Desi Arnaz and Bing Crosby was the first such event of the Golden Age, and was the beginning
of Baja California's modern tourist industry".
This was before I Love Lucy (1951-1957).BajaBlanca - 3-27-2019 at 06:28 PM
Wow, I had no idea. I love Lucy was one of my favorite shows!David K - 3-27-2019 at 10:20 PM
John Wayne was a big Baja fan. He loved Gonzaga Bay in the 60's and 70's. I heard he helped Papa Fernandez get a secure title of the land at Punta
Willard/ San Luis Gonzaga.