Until recently I dismissed stem cells in my medical practice for the most part. I have met patients who have had bad knees or could not walk who went
down to Dr. Hino's clinic rather than go under the knife. Some stated he cured them but other patient claimed the opposite. So what exactly are stem
cells? Stem cells are cells that become different parts of the body in the embryo. They are programmed to become a liver cell, or a brain cell, or a
lung cell. Most stem cell treatments are taken from umbilical cord blood to treat patients. Yet how do these cells help adult humans?
Stem cells contain exosomes. Exosomes, once in circulation in the body, go to damaged areas of the body and start signaling the patient's immune
system to respond to the damaged area and start repairing it. Embryonic stem cells contain many more of these exosomes but are generally not
acceptable in Mexico due to ethical issues. However, they are not necessarily better. You can achieve the same results with cord blood. When the
technology gets more refined, exosomes will be available without using stem cells.
Why is the technology in Mexico more advanced than the U.S.? Because the U.S. will not allow intravenous infusion of stem cells, yet Mexico will.
This is because of FDA regulations that prohibit the use of stem cells systemically in the United States.
Stem cells are not hocus pocus, they are part of a specialty known as regenerative medicine. When you go to a stem cell clinic, they should have a
regenerative medicine license on their wall as part of the requirements of COFEPRIS for protection of the patient under the regulations of the
Secretary of Health in Mexico. Make sure the stem cells are screened by a valid laboratory for infectious diseases and actual cell count.
Using platelet rich plasma topically can regenerate skin and give a more youthful appearance and also for hair regeneration.
There are many exciting developments in the world of regenerative medicine.