
Baja Sur by bus?

Tiefkühl - 4-12-2019 at 11:18 AM


could you is tell me if it's possible to get to these places by local bus? Probably have to go via some towns as there's no direct connection, i.e. Magdalena. Would suck if I have to back track.

Guerrero Negro - Laguna San Ignacio - Bahia Magdalena - Loreto


[Edited on 4-12-2019 by Tiefkühl]

[Edited on 4-12-2019 by Tiefkühl]

Archie - 4-12-2019 at 11:52 AM

autobuses ABC and autobuses Aguila will take you to all those places except Laguna San Ignacio.

To Laguna San Ignacio, you may have to hire a taxi at San Ignacio or arrange something with locals.

Magdalena its the name of a Bay, not a town. the biggest town on the bay its Puerto San Carlos, and the bus will get you there.

Tiefkühl - 4-12-2019 at 12:17 PM

Thanks, Archie. According to Aguila I can go to San Ignacio from Guerrero Negro. But no result for San Ignacio to Puerto San Carlos bus. That's where I have to go to get to B. Magdalena.

David K - 4-12-2019 at 01:29 PM

San Ignacio south on Hwy.1 to Ciudad Constitución where the side road to Puerto San Carlos begins.

[Edited on 4-12-2019 by David K]

Bob and Susan - 4-12-2019 at 01:54 PM

what a mistake thinking you can vacation travel baja using the bus...

rent a car

read this

baja is not paris or germany or Italy...public transit is not the same
you NEED a car

Paco Facullo - 4-12-2019 at 02:37 PM

How does one know IF Tiefkühl is vacationing ???

They could be going for a job ?
Running from the law ?
Not able to rent a car ? (for whatever reason)
Visiting friends ?

Also the buses are good buses and MUCH safer than driving an auto.....

Tiefkühl - 4-12-2019 at 03:03 PM

Thank you, all.

There's no shorter way. I have to go around to the other side to get to Ciudad Constitución, then on to PSC.

It's a whale-watching holiday and we have 4 weeks so no problem with long distance bus journeys, as long as that's possible.

David K - 4-12-2019 at 05:59 PM

There is a direct road from Laguna San Ignacio south to Insurgentes and Constitución. Both those cities have paved side roads west to Bahía Magdalena. No buss routes on that route, it is partially unpaved. You really should get a map to visualize these places.

mtgoat666 - 4-12-2019 at 07:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bob and Susan  
what a mistake thinking you can vacation travel baja using the bus...

rent a car

read this

baja is not paris or germany or Italy...public transit is not the same
you NEED a car


Alm - 4-12-2019 at 10:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Tiefkühl  
According to Aguila I can go to San Ignacio from Guerrero Negro. But no result for San Ignacio to Puerto San Carlos bus. That's where I have to go to get to B. Magdalena.

You are probably confusing San Ignacio town on Highway 1 with Laguna San Ignacio, which is not. As noted, Magdalena is the bay, Pto S. Carlos is the town on the bay.

Having traveled a a bit by bus along Highway 1, I wouldn't completely ignore Bob's comments. Bus itinerary like yours is doable, with scrupulous planning and allowing a lot of margin for unexpected.

Aguila and ABC online schedule in this part of Baja is approximate, give or take 1.5 or 2 hours, because buses are just stopping there, they leave from towns several hundred miles away. Even on Hwy 1 you could be marooned at GN station for a few hours past due time, not to mention connections to places off the Highway.

It is odd that your itinerary doesn't include such a famous whale watching destination as Scammon's Lagoon. There is no bus going there, but plenty of day-tours from Guerrero Negro.

Tiefkühl - 4-12-2019 at 11:26 PM

Thank you, Alm. Your insights are much appreciated! I did not mention Laguna Ojos de Liebre because it's the first place I head to after landing at LTO (direct 6hr bus).

I've ordered a guide book. Will need to get a map as well.

Thanks again for your help!

Alm - 4-13-2019 at 12:35 AM

"Direct bus"... I remember 15.35 bus from Loreto to Guerrero Negro arrived to Santa Rosalia, unloaded everybody and turned the lights off. I only needed Sta Rosalia but out of curiosity I asked the driver "Quando sale a Guerrero Negro este autobus"?, and the answer was - "It doesn't". Maybe there was some other bus going North later, I don't know. Such impromptu changes occur more often during holidays (it was).

When on some station on Highway 1, there are only 2 directions - Norte or Sur. You don't need map for this.

wilderone - 4-13-2019 at 09:04 AM

Re: "Ciudad Constitución where the side road to Puerto San Carlos"

Instead, it's only 20 miles to Puerto Lopez Mateos from Cd. Insurgentes - you could take a taxi once arriving by bus from Loreto. Too, there is a tour office near the church in centro Loreto that offers whale tours. And there are whale tours from the town of San Ignacio - no need to drive out to the laguna yourself.

gnukid - 4-13-2019 at 09:12 AM

You're planning this for next year since the whale season has ended?

Tiefkühl - 4-13-2019 at 11:34 AM

One of the tour ops has confirmed it is possible to take the bus from GN to SI. For the next journey I catch a bus to Ciudad Contitución and inquire about the next one at the station. Just like David has said upthread.

A tour op in GN says many of her clients come by bus from Loreto. Unless I can get a flight from MEX to GN then it's even better.

The trip is next year January and I already know which whale tours I will go with (we are currently in communication). My big worry is logistics that's why I want to do research on it first. Flights and tour bookings have been sorted.

Btw, is Loreto a pleasant place? I want to chill out there on the last few days of the trip before the long flight home.

fishbuck - 4-13-2019 at 11:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bob and Susan  
what a mistake thinking you can vacation travel baja using the bus...

rent a car

read this

baja is not paris or germany or Italy...public transit is not the same
you NEED a car

I've used the bus to get from Cabo to La Paz a few times.
It was fun 1 time.
Rent the cheapest car and enjoy life.

David K - 4-13-2019 at 12:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Tiefkühl  
One of the tour ops has confirmed it is possible to take the bus from GN to SI. For the next journey I catch a bus to Ciudad Contitución and inquire about the next one at the station. Just like David has said upthread.

A tour op in GN says many of her clients come by bus from Loreto. Unless I can get a flight from MEX to GN then it's even better.

The trip is next year January and I already know which whale tours I will go with (we are currently in communication). My big worry is logistics that's why I want to do research on it first. Flights and tour bookings have been sorted.

Btw, is Loreto a pleasant place? I want to chill out there on the last few days of the trip before the long flight home.

Yes, Loreto is very nice town for tourists. It is the birthplace of California's system of 48 missions with the first mission founded here in 1697. There is a museum next to the old church. On the peninsula of California, now called Baja California, are 27 missions. Learn more at

Alm - 4-13-2019 at 06:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by fishbuck  

I've used the bus to get from Cabo to La Paz a few times.
It was fun 1 time.
Rent the cheapest car and enjoy life.

Right. Rent the cheapest car for 2 hours. By the time you arrive to La Paz, the bus drivers, leaving at the same time as you, will have already finished their tacos at La Paz station.

Alm - 4-13-2019 at 07:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Tiefkühl  

A tour op in GN says many of her clients come by bus from Loreto. Unless I can get a flight from MEX to GN then it's even better.

I recall that GN is served by local airline Calafia but they don't fly to MEX. The closest airport for GN is LTO.

I'm not sure if there are any direct flights from MEX to LTO. Tourists come to GN from Loreto because they are already staying in some resort in Loreto. You might consider Tijuana - many flights from MEX, reasonable prices.

From TIJ to GN there is Aereo Calafia, but given their infrequent schedule it could be easier/faster to take a bus from Tijuana to GN. Start a separate thread if you decide on this route.

[Edited on 4-14-2019 by Alm]

fishbuck - 4-14-2019 at 01:31 AM

If you don't need a car, the bus is great.
You can buy beer at all the stops. The ride goes by quick.

wilderone - 4-14-2019 at 07:53 AM

Four weeks is a good long time for Baja travel. If you stay in these small towns a week each, it's a bit too much. Whale watch two days in a row, move on - not much else there. Your bus travel may take up time you could otherwise be sightseeing awesome spots in between. With bus travel you pay per-person - might be less for 4 weeks in a rental car with many more benefits. If possible, you should rent a car. The highways are mostly two lanes, not too much traffic. You would get a lot more out of your trip. I would also suggest in GN, that you check out Shari's whale camp (Whale Magic Tours) for the ultimate in whale watching there. Loreto is fine for a couple of days, but an excursion in the Sierra de la Giganta to visit the mission and see some of the best landscape Baja has to offer is a "must". You could swing by Todos Santos for turtle hatchling release. Snorkle at Los Arbolitos, snorkel at La Paz islands. You'd be missing a lot by traveling right past in a bus.

BajaBlanca - 4-14-2019 at 08:08 AM

You will love Loreto! It is a wonderful place to end your Baja adventures!

Positive for the bus:

1. You can admire the views. I sometimes take it for long distances when I don't have time to book the flight to or from Ensenada.
2. I think the bus I took 2 weeks ago was Aguila and the bus is brand spanking new

Negatives are:

1. times are fickle, on a recent trip, we left 30+ min. after listed departure schedule
2. if you travel at night, the military stop you and make you get off the bus, open your suitcases for them to check. Disrupts your sleep.
3. great movies all the way up or down the road but they are loud and in Spanish
4. take snacks/water, sometimes it is hours before they stop for a break

I think renting a car gives you so much more flexibility but highway 1 is so narrow and scary to drive. Have fun!

Hook - 4-14-2019 at 08:39 AM

I continue to read reports of unscrupulous rental car companies in Mexico that stick you with bogus damages or refuse to rent to you without "their" insurance, even if you have your own. Rentals can be cheap; the insurance, not so much. READ THE FINE PRINT, if you are booking a car on line (which is almost always cheaper).

wilderone - 4-14-2019 at 09:06 AM

I have never encountered a rental car snafu in Mexico. I'd recommend Cactus Car rental if you're flying into Cabo. Online reservations, price quoted includes insurance, no hassle at the counter. Their office is very close to the highway onramp heading north. If this is your first and only Baja trip, you should experience all you can. No need to lock in whale watch reservation dates at San Carlos or Pto Lopez Mateos - after arriving check in for a boat the next morning. If the weather is bad, wait for a better day.

Alm - 4-14-2019 at 11:18 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBlanca  

1. times are fickle, on a recent trip, we left 30+ min. after listed departure schedule
2. if you travel at night, the military stop you and make you get off the bus, open your suitcases for them to check. Disrupts your sleep.

Simple itinerary like Cabo to La Paz or Tijuana to GN is a no-brainer on a bus. It goes same fast as a car if not faster, and stops are infrequent. Delay on departure is minimal because it starts from this town (except for some Tijuana buses that start from Mexicali).

On a complex itinerary like he is planning, bus becomes less convenient because you are tied to bus schedule. Doable though.

Militaries didn't bother me on the last overnight trip Tijuana->GN, - he stepped in and quickly stepped out, no luggage checking. On all other trips they opened the bags. They open bags when you travel in a car, too. Overnight bus from Tijuana is convenient, saves time and you can catch some sleep, after Ensenada I always have 2 seats for myself. Daytime bus ride is boring, usually takes longer because there is more traffic and sometimes it stops for a lunch, they will say "20 minutos" but if drivers go to cafeteria and sit at the table, it will be 50-60 minutes.

On the last 2 trips I had a bus with individual screen in the backrest, like on the planes, they have headphones so there is no noise and you can choose from several channels.

Edit-PS: if you cross between Baja Sur and Norte, don't forget the time change. When it's 9.00 in Norte it's 10.00 in Sur.

[Edited on 4-14-2019 by Alm]