If you chose to believe that was their purpose and do not want the facts to get in the way, fine. Bad stuff did happen, it always has and always will.
I think neither of you knows exactly who and when these things happened. Genocide is an intentional killing of an entire race and that couldn't be
further from the truth.
The question I have for you two is, do we just stop teaching about the past because it may have been bad? Does ignoring history do any good? I am not
religious, my attempts are just to preserve the facts of Baja's past. Missions were the tool used to colonize much of the Western Hemisphere and were
successful in most cases for Spain and Portugal.
The fact remains that these artifacts were built and do exist, so why not learn who, what, when, where, and why? That's what my book and my articles
attempt to do. The padres did stop the Indians from killing each other, which was common before the Spanish came. The Jesuits did insist on having
authority over the Spanish soldiers to protect the Indians. Things became bleak for the Indians when the Spanish government removed the Jesuits and
took over civil authority of California at the end of 1767. That is when times became rough for the Native Californians. |