
How much stuff?

fishbuck - 4-24-2019 at 11:24 AM

Can I bring a truck load of old stuff with me across the line into Baja.
Stuff being an old but good Sony flatscreen, a 1 year old bed, an old beach cruiser, a bait tank, a few very dusty motocross trophies, some martial arts and workout equipment.

Is there a big import tax on stuff?

My first load...

More secret spots will be revealed later... unless DK beats me to it again

RnR - 4-24-2019 at 12:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by fishbuck  
Can I bring a truck load of old stuff with me across the line into Baja.
Stuff being an old but good Sony flatscreen, a 1 year old bed, an old beach cruiser, a bait tank, a few very dusty motocross trophies, some martial arts and workout equipment.

Is there a big import tax on stuff?

My first load...

More secret spots will be revealed later... unless DK beats me to it again

You can bring anything that you want to. You just have to declare it and pay the corresponding duty on it.

Pull into the declare lane and show the agent what is in the truck. He will assign a value (usually very low on old used stuff) or you can declare a realistic value.

Duty is 16% of the value.

This is not a big deal. Just do it!

Bajazly - 4-24-2019 at 01:36 PM

How about a 45' container full of machine tools? Anybody have an easy answer for that?

fishbuck - 4-24-2019 at 01:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bajazly  
How about a 45' container full of machine tools? Anybody have an easy answer for that?

Yes, please deliver it to my airport.

fishbuck - 4-24-2019 at 01:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RnR  
Quote: Originally posted by fishbuck  
Can I bring a truck load of old stuff with me across the line into Baja.
Stuff being an old but good Sony flatscreen, a 1 year old bed, an old beach cruiser, a bait tank, a few very dusty motocross trophies, some martial arts and workout equipment.

Is there a big import tax on stuff?

My first load...

More secret spots will be revealed later... unless DK beats me to it again

You can bring anything that you want to. You just have to declare it and pay the corresponding duty on it.

Pull into the declare lane and show the agent what is in the truck. He will assign a value (usually very low on old used stuff) or you can declare a realistic value.

Duty is 16% of the value.

This is not a big deal. Just do it!

I figured it was easy. And my stuff is junk.
But I can't survive without my Sony. There may be an important fishing show... or motocross... or Game of Thrones....

sancho - 4-24-2019 at 02:37 PM

Read of a guy, Mexicali West, I believe, had the used stuff
reciept all ready, Mex Customs pulls out their smart ph.,
checks internet $, charges the 17% or so, totally depends
on who, when, where like many things SOB

chuckie - 4-24-2019 at 03:37 PM

They don't charge much for junk...especiallyif its invisible...

John Harper - 4-24-2019 at 04:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
They don't charge much for junk...especiallyif its invisible...


David K - 4-24-2019 at 05:13 PM

If it is your personal furniture, then with your new Residency visa, you are allowed a one-time no duty crossing. You are not going bootleg, are you?
To own or keep property in Mexico at the end of your vacation, you need to go beyond the tourist card. You can buy in Mexico with the FMM, but once you take personal items down to it, and not bring it all back at the end of 180 days, you are supposed to have the resident visa (it used to be a FM-3). :biggrin::light:

Bajazly - 4-24-2019 at 05:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by fishbuck  
Quote: Originally posted by Bajazly  
How about a 45' container full of machine tools? Anybody have an easy answer for that?

Yes, please deliver it to my airport.

All in it's about 45k lbs of stuff, how many flights do you reckon it will be with the average single piece weighing about 3K lbs?

fishbuck - 4-24-2019 at 05:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bajazly  
Quote: Originally posted by fishbuck  
Quote: Originally posted by Bajazly  
How about a 45' container full of machine tools? Anybody have an easy answer for that?

Yes, please deliver it to my airport.

All in it's about 45k lbs of stuff, how many flights do you reckon it will be with the average single piece weighing about 3K lbs?

About 50 give or take... and a DC-3

I meant have a truck bring it to my runway in Baja so I can use it to make cool stuff.
I was being a wise a$$.
But that joke never left the runway apparently... no lift at all...

Bajazly - 4-24-2019 at 06:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by fishbuck  
Quote: Originally posted by Bajazly  
Quote: Originally posted by fishbuck  
Quote: Originally posted by Bajazly  
How about a 45' container full of machine tools? Anybody have an easy answer for that?

Yes, please deliver it to my airport.

All in it's about 45k lbs of stuff, how many flights do you reckon it will be with the average single piece weighing about 3K lbs?

About 50 give or take... and a DC-3

I meant have a truck bring it to my runway in Baja so I can use it to make cool stuff.
I was being a wise a$$.
But that joke never left the runway apparently... no lift at all...

Yeah I know but I could hope it would be a runway stateside, be quite an adventure bootleg flying all my crap in.

On a different note, my old man flew DC-3's in Antarctica back in the early 60's. Had a Jato bottle fire right when they released it and took the right prop out, cut thru the plane and down they went. Has a cool story about how they were making igloos drinking Black Label Jack. The New Zealand Geologic Survey guys payed tribute and named a peak down there after him.

[Edited on 4-25-2019 by Bajazly]

BajaBlanca - 4-24-2019 at 06:54 PM

What is the name of the peak?

It is hit and miss as to whether they will charge for used stuff, there seems to be no rhyme or reason. Once they charged Les for a suspension spring that clearly said MADE IN MEXICO hahaha He had gotten it at a junk yard. Go figure.

fishbuck - 4-24-2019 at 07:09 PM

My neighbor brought his stuff down by boat from San Diego.
Stripped and hollowed out a big old sailboat and motored it down one load at a time.
Made a rock jetty in from of his lot and build a nice house. The 1st built there.
I have used the jetty a few times to drop off fish on my way to Old Mill ramp.
Might still work.
I need to smuggle in a Bobcat...

Bajazly - 4-24-2019 at 08:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBlanca  
What is the name of the peak?.

Bowers Peak. Search engine has the basic story but heard the whole thing from the old man at my moms funeral back in February. It was kind of cool, first time I heard the unabridged version.

bajapedro - 4-25-2019 at 05:45 AM

I bring stuff down all the time. I find that what really catches their eye is building materials. Furniture, appliances and other stuff +/-. I usually place the things I know they want to tax me on in plain site, as it usually keeps them from looking too hard at the rest of my load. They seem to be satisfied if they can find something and they usually take my word for what I paid for it..
Be warned though, if you have a load like the Beverly Hilbillies, some times they will want to X-ray your load. I have been sent from Mexicali West to the Mexicali East crossing just to be x-rayed. My observation at the Mexicali East crossing, is that anyone crossing with a load of furniture, was x-rayed. I have never been through a x-ray scanner at the new Mexicali West crossing-even with a load of furniture.

PaulW - 4-25-2019 at 07:31 AM

Just saying
Distractions work
Pull a trailer with a vehicle onboard and they never look inside the pickup bed - especially if you have a shell. Even an empty flatbed trailer will do the distraction while the official looks for the tag number or VIN to compare with the registration.