
Punta Prieta / Help

Naomi - 4-24-2019 at 12:46 PM


I'm in need of some help or advice...

My late father, fellow nomad Jeff Wagner, passed away in a car accident back in 2005 just south of Punta Prieta. For years I've been wanting to put a cross at the mile marker where he passed (Hwy 1, KM 22). I am finally doing the drive down to La Paz from San Diego for a few weeks in December. And I will finally be putting up a cross for him.

Seeing as it's just me and my step-mom, I'm thinking that we may need some help. Would just require helping us dig a whole large enough for a 5 gallon bucket, mixing a bag of concrete and setting it to dry. I've hired day-laborers before, but mostly from areas that I'm familiar with; Santa Rosalia, La Paz, Bahia de LA, Loreto...and they're usually not following me out to the middle of nowhere...

Is there anyone around the BCN/BCS boarder or nearby that would be willing to help for a couple of hours? Or even willing to drive from Guerrero Negro to help? I can pay a fair rate or trade!!


David K - 4-24-2019 at 05:21 PM

The town of Punta Prieta is at Km. 13 and the town of Rosarito is at Km. 52.

Just as you come to the edge of Punta Prieta town, (Km. 12.5+) is a store on the right (they sell gasoline too)... I would ask in there if there is a person who would like to make $XX pesos!

BajaBlanca - 4-24-2019 at 07:30 PM

What a beautiful gesture!

ehall - 4-25-2019 at 04:35 AM

Theres usually a couple guys at the lantera a little further south. The 2 guys that sell gas at the Bola intersection might also be interested. Good luck. Very nice thing to do.