

Marla Daily - 5-5-2019 at 07:03 PM


This is current information. Anyone with a Fideicomiso at Bancomer needs to know that Bancomer KEEPS NO RECORDS OR RECEIPTS. It is YOUR responsibility to be able to prove you paid your annual Fideicomiso fee to them. If you don't keep your receipts for each and every year, you WILL be required to pay your annual fee for any year you cannot provide a receipt when you go to sell your property!

We are on the buying end of a current transaction. The seller, now 93 years old, has had her Fideicomiso with Bancomer for 30 years (2018 was the expiring year ~ because 30 years ago they were only issued for 30 and not 50 years.) She paid her fee every year. During our transaction, Bancomer announced that they had no record of payment for the last dozen years of her fideicomiso; that she owed 12 years' worth of back fees, with interest, to Bancomer before the transaction can proceed. In this case, she had kept her receipts for the last 12 years and more, issued directly to her by Bancomer in Loreto. With no apology or shame, the bank accepted the receipts.

We were also informed that Bancomer is no longer in the Fideicomiso business. They are no longer processing new Fideicomisos. They recommended Banca Mifel.

[Edited on 5-6-2019 by Marla Daily]

fishbuck - 5-5-2019 at 07:49 PM

Thank you for this important information.

Bajazly - 5-6-2019 at 08:19 AM

Records??? We don't keep no stinking records!!, we'll just make up the rules as we go and get rich(er).

HeyMulegeScott - 5-6-2019 at 08:33 AM

Sounds like a shakedown. You can bet they have records and if she actually didn't pay on time all those years they would have collected. Good to know though.

BajaBlanca - 5-6-2019 at 01:56 PM

Wow, that is just awful to hear and thank goodness your seller had her receipts!

bajatrailrider - 5-6-2019 at 02:46 PM

That is the first problem Bancomer the worst bank in Mexico. Change banks

Hook - 5-7-2019 at 06:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by bajatrailrider  
That is the first problem Bancomer the worst bank in Mexico. Change banks

Easier said than done, if your fide is with them. They drag their feet if you try and dissolve your fide with them; usually blaming the same poor record keeping.

I know people who have waited over two years to get documents from Bancomer. They usually have to get an attorney involved. More pesos, of course.

fishbuck - 5-7-2019 at 09:00 AM

Who is the best for Fide now?

brucedog - 5-7-2019 at 09:47 AM

Ours is with Scotiabank, we pay online every year, electronic receipt, easy....