
College graduates update 2019

BajaBlanca - 5-9-2019 at 02:19 PM

This thread is a tribute to ALL of you who have helped me for so many years now.

Julian graduated college last year on our scholarship and got hired by IMSS - the Mexican health insurance program. It is a lifetime position and he is thriving! His boss left him in charge of the whole department and rose to the challenge. She was so impressed when she returned.

BACKGROUND: 2012 and Julian and 2 others had dropped out of high school and were sitting on the front porch one afternoon. I was so saddened since they had been my students, so I knew how smart they were.

They were bored, so I suggested they work at the fish factory our local cooperative runs. The next day, all 3 were working. Not one week went by and Julian and Alfonso came begging for funds to pay their high school tuition. The third kid stayed on at the plant.

We covered the tuition and both boys ended up going to college and majoring in business administration. Alfonso has yet to finish his last semester exams (what the heck??????) but here is a photo of Julian from a couple days ago: happy at work and thinking of asking his girlfriend to marry him (she is a doctor). whoooooooooohoooooooo

Julian at his desk May 2019.jpg - 45kB

This is Alexis whom we also put through college! He is working at El Boleo in Santa Rosalia. He majored in business administration with a minor in finance. He is working in the finance department and doing so well that they have given him free housing as a bonus. His whole salary is his to save so I have suggested he save for a house.

He had to have English for this job so the summer before he graduated, weebrays wife gave him FREE English classes and that clinched the job for him. Thanks Wendy!

Alexis at El Boleo 2019.jpg - 53kB

Last from that year is Clarissa and she is now a professor at the college she graduated from here in La Paz. She majored in Marine Biology and that is what she teaches. Her next class is on Friday so she will send me a photo tomorrow.

I saw a photo on facebook where she took her Mom on vacation! Her dad passed years ago and that is why she needed help to go to college. Her twin sister was in our scholarship program but got pregnant her first year. She is now learning how to do manicures...she was to be a lawyer. Night and day for both of them.

Clarissa with turtle April 2018.jpg - 124kB

Thanks to all of you. Know that there is a special place in heaven for you! We gave these kids fillings, glasses, special classes, shoes, laundry soap, shampoo, toothbrushes (I need more Steve Martin!), clothes from ties and dress shirts to tees and shorts. Now they are on their own. Each one will help 2 other students, that was the deal.

pauldavidmena - 5-9-2019 at 03:41 PM

Of course the success of your students is first and foremost a tribute to you, who gave them not only a goal but the means to achieve it!

BajaBlanca - 5-9-2019 at 08:53 PM

Thanks for the kind words! I really had no idea what I was getting into but without a sliver of a doubt, now it is my passion. I feel so lucky to have so many santa's helpers !!

BajaMama - 5-10-2019 at 07:32 AM

Good work Blanca, I am happy to be a part of it.

TMW - 5-10-2019 at 08:02 AM

You reap what you sow and this is your reward. Well done Blanca.

ElCap - 5-10-2019 at 08:08 AM

Thanks for all you do Blanca!

fishbuck - 5-10-2019 at 10:32 AM


fishbuck - 5-10-2019 at 10:35 AM

One turtle says un mil words!!!!

fishbuck - 5-10-2019 at 10:38 AM

And I can see how it would be very facil for her sister to become pregnant.
God bless her please!.

BajaBlanca - 5-10-2019 at 08:51 PM

At least her sister got married. Had another kid. and although they struggle, I do believe that one of them (she or her husband) will go back to college one of these days.

So, here is the photo of Clarissa with her college students!!

Clarissa teaching 2019.jpg - 86kB

Tomorrow all the La Paz students and graduates will be over for brunch and I will post some photos.