
house sitting versus off-season rentals?

pauldavidmena - 5-25-2019 at 06:36 PM

Having visited Baja as a "Nomad Wannabe" for over a decade, I've noticed that this is the time of year that many ex-pats flee north of the border to escape the heat, hurricane season, etc., potentially leaving their dream homes unattended until they return. Some seek renters at reduced rates, while others seek out house sitters, often opportunistic entrepreneurs who might pay nothing at all to ensure a property owner's peace of mind. I guess property management companies represent a third option, but I was wondering which alternative - between house-sitting versus off-season rentals - was more common in your part of BC or BCS.

advrider - 5-25-2019 at 07:18 PM

Good question, I will be interested on what everyone has to say... Could be a good way to hangout in Baja on the cheap!

chumlee57 - 5-25-2019 at 08:04 PM

If ur connected to a certain place / location, you can easily house sit an entire area. Take for instance an area like Mulege, or Punta Chivato, if you a a dependable person, who people trust, you could live basically from house to house if you were willing to look after the basic's, keep an eye on things and be responsive to people's needs. I have known a few people who roll this way and quite honestly, its a great way to live in a paradise, with little overhead. Of coarse most people want thier own stuff, so this is a good if you have no ego to own ur stuff. I would preculate that u may have to have some roots where u can begin this endevor, people generally like a bit of being familiarity w a 'caretaker'

Bob and Susan - 5-26-2019 at 05:29 AM

actually "off-season" is the winter

"snowbirds" that like to work on their house are here in the winter

most "tourists" are here in june july and august

Warf - 5-26-2019 at 07:53 AM

We always use a house sitter for our occasional trips the the other side. Trustworthy folks that we know.

meme - 5-26-2019 at 09:17 AM

Having a solar home in San Felipe we house-sat for friends for about 10 years or more. They paid all expenses & we took care of everything in the house & yard for 5 months every summer,while they were away. It was a good solution to the heat for all of us. We have now air conditioned our own home so do not move away now in the heat. Two of our kids tho have now moved here & they will now be house sitting in the summer also as they too have solar homes without A/C.

shari - 5-26-2019 at 09:52 AM

It is wonderful to have trusted amigos who love to take care of your place! Thanks to several Nomads for freeing me up here at our Inn to hang with whales for a couple months and other shorter term stints.

A friend just asked me to come and ride Mustangs with her so I may be calling on folks who often jump at the chance to stay in the honeymoon suite in exchange for loving my plants and welcoming the odd guest now and again.

I know of several locals who have their favorite trustworthy casa sitters. It would be cool to have kind of a list of these types that some of us could call on.

fishbuck - 5-26-2019 at 10:14 AM

Not sure what a "Mustang" really is but I'm guessing a really powerful horse. Are they "wild" horses that people catch and ride?
You live a very charmed life Shari.
Thank you for letting us in.

AKgringo - 5-26-2019 at 10:22 AM

Quote: Originally posted by fishbuck  

Thank you for letting us in.

And she knows us! She just told this forum that her guests are "odd".

Mother of Dragons - 5-26-2019 at 10:36 AM

House sitting is something I want to start doing.
I am meeting two Nomads this month but will need to start meeting others and earning trust! :)

pauldavidmena - 5-26-2019 at 11:11 AM

Quote: Originally posted by chumlee57  
If ur connected to a certain place / location, you can easily house sit an entire area. Take for instance an area like Mulege, or Punta Chivato, if you a a dependable person, who people trust, you could live basically from house to house if you were willing to look after the basic's, keep an eye on things and be responsive to people's needs. I have known a few people who roll this way and quite honestly, its a great way to live in a paradise, with little overhead. Of coarse most people want thier own stuff, so this is a good if you have no ego to own ur stuff. I would preculate that u may have to have some roots where u can begin this endevor, people generally like a bit of being familiarity w a 'caretaker'

I can imagine that house sitting can be a gateway drug to wanting a place of your own, especially after spending time in the dream homes of others. I suppose it takes a good-natured free spirit to resist an attachment to "things" and to go with the flow. :cool:

fishbuck - 5-26-2019 at 12:17 PM

It is an important thing, house sitting.
A "presence" will help deter curious ... parties... from wanting to look in your windows for things...
It happens...