
good and bad gas stations - no, they are not all bad

4x4abc - 8-24-2019 at 12:37 PM

does anyone remember the Mexican web site that shows test results of all gas stations?

chrishaynesusa - 8-24-2019 at 12:46 PM

looking forward to this bit of information also.....

HeyMulegeScott - 8-24-2019 at 02:43 PM

This one?

4x4abc - 8-24-2019 at 02:57 PM

no, it was interactive map

4x4abc - 8-24-2019 at 03:08 PM

found it!
But to no surprise - it is disabled now.

gulfmako - 8-24-2019 at 08:18 PM

I had an issue with the Pemex just south of Mulege this summer. Charged my card twice for fuel(not the same amount, one charge was for $210 usd). I just so happened to be coming back north a week or so later and was able to stop in and collect the overcharge. It took about 30 minutes of an informal court session and a couple of tecates as payment for a helpful interpreter, but it worked out in the end. We were at a stalemate until the military rolled in for fuel. Just a casual glance and a raised eyebrow in the direction of the hummer and the correct amount of pesos were produced by the attendant. He never fully admitted to running the card twice(blamed an employ not working that day) but the pesos came from him at the direction of the manager.

Hook - 8-24-2019 at 09:32 PM

No one ever said they were ALL bad.

Just 80% of them............

Pemex, that is. Our new Arco stations appear to be, well, on the level.

BajaMama - 8-25-2019 at 08:24 AM

Cash is king in Baja but then again I am only there a few weeks at a time. It is easy to bring enough cash for that length of time.

RocketJSquirrel - 8-25-2019 at 08:52 AM

Go only to the popular petrol stations. The local folks have apps (at least in the Ensenada area) where they communicate who is shorting customers and who is not. It is pretty clear here as to who is being shunned. One station is packed, the next one is empty.

It's like dodging potholes. Just follow the guy in front of you.

David K - 8-25-2019 at 09:06 AM

The Mulegé station (on the highway, south of town) has a bad reputation for years. They shorted me in 2017... putting in more gallons/ liters than my tank holds, lol.
The other really bad one was in Santa Rosalia, on the west side of the highway, downtown.
The cost of enjoying Baja means some things are more expensive than you like. It is just really unfair to the locals.

4x4abc - 8-25-2019 at 09:23 AM

here is what I have for Baja
help me complete it, if you have additional information

Attachment: gas.kmz (23kB)
This file has been downloaded 292 times

[Edited on 8-25-2019 by 4x4abc]

Lee - 8-25-2019 at 09:33 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gulfmako  
I had an issue with the Pemex just south of Mulege this summer. Charged my card twice for fuel(not the same amount, one charge was for $210 usd).

For the record, from a seasoned Baja traveler, I would NEVER use a card at a Pemex. Maybe it's fine 80% of the time, I don't want to find out.

If you're not using Pesos, you didn't prepare.

I do use a card at Walmart La Paz and Cabo, and Costco Cabo. Just don't trust anyone with my card.

I've been scammed once in San Jose, Costa Rica. Not Baja but scammers are everywhere.

Wonder if locals have the same paranoia?

Have a neighbor in Pesky who tests the Pemex for honesty every Winter. He's come up short on liters (filling a 5 liter container) in Pesky and think the one in Todos downtown.

I consider it the cost of doing business, usually.

David K - 8-25-2019 at 09:34 AM

The Gonzaga station is still Pemex.

Gas is sold from jugs in San Miguel Comondú, just past where the road to San José Comondú turns right after entering town.

del mar - 8-25-2019 at 10:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Hook  
No one ever said they were ALL bad.

Just 80% of them............

Pemex, that is. Our new Arco stations appear to be, well, on the level.

thats in the rosarito area Arco's have long lines also, no difference in pricing sooooo they must be

HeyMulegeScott - 8-25-2019 at 12:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by 4x4abc  
no, it was interactive map

The one I linked to is pretty clunky but you can look up the station number here! and search for their test results.

Jinete Viejo - 8-25-2019 at 03:57 PM

You can get gas from drums at San Francisquito.

Mulege Canuck - 8-25-2019 at 07:21 PM

The first Pemex when you enter San Felipe from the north, has always been a problem. Don’t give them any cash until they take out the exact change. So if you owe 2800 pesos don’t hand him 3000 until he has the 200 change in his hand. They say they don’t have exact change and come back after a group meeting with the other gas jockeys and say you only gave him 2500.

I love baja but that place does pee me off. I am going to the next Pemex this year. Might be better?

good gas stations

Whiskey Witch - 8-25-2019 at 10:35 PM

We have been using our u.s. plated car on the Baja since 2014. primariiy in La Paz but we also drive back and forth to the u.s. at least once a year. We always gas up with pesos. I don't believe there has been any time that we were charged unfairly. We have a good handle on our gas mileage and have not detected any discrepancies. We do find that we get a little better gas mileage with California Norte fuel, than we do down in Baja.

BajaMama - 8-26-2019 at 05:23 AM

I have usually had pretty good luck too. I get out of the car to stretch, watch them reset the meter, pay what is owed and give a tip. I have my "usual" stations I always stop at and while they most likely don't remember me I try to smile and make conversation. Like Whiskey Witch (love the name) I have a good idea of how much a half to full tank should cost in pesos. As always, cash (pesos) is king. My solution to a station I feel overcharged me? I never go back.

[Edited on 8-26-2019 by BajaMama]

amigobaja - 8-26-2019 at 06:59 AM

In Mulege the easiest access to buy large quantities of fuel was to drag your boat to the south Pemex which at the time was owned by the same lady that owned the downtown Pemex. One of my fishing partners could be a little loud at times went and filled his boat. When he started doing the Math it came out that the pumps improved the amounts by about 22%. After being his loud self a Manager finally came out and offered to remove the gas and not charge him but he would be banned from their stations. Needless to say he had the opportunity to make a point or forever travel to Loreto or Santa Rosilia to buy his gas. He sucked it up.
What I never understood this lady lived in town right across the street from one of the most popular tiendas. Every time I had to buy gas I would always think I should walk to her house and spray paint Gasolina Bandida on her front wall.

PaulW - 8-26-2019 at 07:37 AM

I buy gas with pesos at that station once a week for month after month. After 15 years never got short changed. And never a conflict like saying I gave the attendant less than what I did.
Sometimes I have to suffer with too much small change which weighs me down. Correct change is good even if the tank is not full.
I have never believed I get correct liters. It is just the cost of living in Baja.
======= =
Quote: Originally posted by Mulege Canuck  
The first Pemex when you enter San Felipe from the north, has always been a problem. Don’t give them any cash until they take out the exact change. So if you owe 2800 pesos don’t hand him 3000 until he has the 200 change in his hand. They say they don’t have exact change and come back after a group meeting with the other gas jockeys and say you only gave him 2500.

I love baja but that place does pee me off. I am going to the next Pemex this year. Might be better?

RocketJSquirrel - 8-26-2019 at 07:48 AM

It's not too difficult to know about how much it costs to fill your tank up from certain points. For me - about 5/8ths equals 550 pesos. When the tank hits that point, I stop (almost always at the same place) and ask for 550 pesos and have the exact change (plus tip if they do the windshield). Never any monkey business.

If the tank did not fill up for that amount, I'd move on to a different station.

SFandH - 8-26-2019 at 07:50 AM

I think it is always "litros chiquitos" at the two Mulege stations. Propane in town is more expensive too, as compared to Santa Rosalia.

aburruss - 8-29-2019 at 11:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by 4x4abc  
here is what I have for Baja
help me complete it, if you have additional information

[Edited on 8-25-2019 by 4x4abc]

Super cool Harald! Thanks for this!

Yellow = no issues
Red = Bad/Non-Existent/Don't go there

Is that how I should decipher this?

[Edited on 8-30-2019 by aburruss]

kiterkip - 8-30-2019 at 06:56 AM

Have some of you also experienced the "500 peso note converts to a 50 peso"?
This happened to me in Los Mochis near 15D on the mainland. Just as I was handing the guy my 500 pesos, three kids climbed onto my hood to clean my windshield. So I started yelling at them to stop, and a few seconds later I'm told that I'm 450 pesos short. Somehow I prevailed when I showed him that my wallet was empty.

And now with the new currency the 20 peso note is the same color as the 500?

But yes.... Never ever use a credit/debit card.

BajaTed - 8-30-2019 at 08:53 AM

Somebody got any input on the new Arco stations ????

del mar - 8-30-2019 at 09:11 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaTed  
Somebody got any input on the new Arco stations ????

at least in rosarito they're very popular, touting "american" gasoline.

David K - 8-30-2019 at 11:02 AM

Interesting it doesn't say "Norte Americana"!

I was under the impression that it is the same gasoline as Pemex and the same price controls... only the distributors are different?

Here in San Diego, all brands of gas station trucks get their fuel from the same depot, by the former Charger stadium. Arco, Chevron, Shell trucks all line up to get filled from the same source. I guess any special brand ingredients (like Techron) are added into the truck's tank? LOL

caj13 - 8-30-2019 at 11:08 AM

Thanks for that map work harald - really helpfull.
I have the same question as abburruss - any significance to the color?

also - has an issue with the first pemex on the left as you head into town - ( new station) as you enter Guerro Negro. I had 3 vehicles i was responsible for, newby drivers, woman attendant pulled the old not reseetting the pump trick on one of the vehicles. Pretty funny when the raging gringo got up in their face, and made sure all of the attendants were held accountable - and suprizingly enough, there magically appeared a refund .

AKgringo - 8-30-2019 at 11:45 AM

The report would be useful, if it was updated frequently, but as is, it is just a snapshot in time! How often are the pumps checked anyway?

In December of 2016 I filled up at the Chametla station (sp?, the one closest to Harald). There are three sets of pumps there, and the attendant left the one closest to the street, and directed me to the center island.

I was not on empty when I pulled in, but I paid for enough fuel to fill the tank as if I was running on fumes! I said that it couldn't be right, but the attendant just shrugged, and I paid up.

The next week I was directed to that pump again, and refused, pulling in behind a local vehicle at a different pump. The attendant laughed, and I got what seemed like a correct fill up.

I never saw another vehicle with Mex plates directed to the center pumps!

Marc - 8-30-2019 at 12:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaMama  
Cash is king in Baja but then again I am only there a few weeks at a time. It is easy to bring enough cash for that length of time.

I figure a rough budget for the time I expect to be in Baja (or anywhere in the world) and then double it and use only 'coin of the realm'. Got caught short of cash once in the boonies in New Guinea. But that is a long story.

Marc - 8-30-2019 at 12:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by del mar  
Quote: Originally posted by BajaTed  
Somebody got any input on the new Arco stations ????

at least in rosarito they're very popular, touting "american" gasoline.

Cash or debit card only in the US. Same deal in Baja??

mtgoat666 - 8-30-2019 at 03:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Marc  
Quote: Originally posted by del mar  
Quote: Originally posted by BajaTed  
Somebody got any input on the new Arco stations ????

at least in rosarito they're very popular, touting "american" gasoline.

Cash or debit card only in the US. Same deal in Baja??

I dont buy gas w/ debit card in usa. Too many stations (or employees) allow criminals to place card skimmers on terminals.
I have experienced cc theft via gas stations, but easy to reject those fraud charges.
Avoid debit card use outside of bank atms. Too many criminals running skimmers.

BajaBill74 - 8-30-2019 at 03:25 PM

I barely make it from Mulege to Ensenada on one tank of gas. (Prius) I always use the same gas station. This is twice a year. Last time through I got out to stretch (11 hour drive for me). The attendant said "Hey Bill, how ya doing?" He couldn't possibly remember me and I've never had the occasion to give an attendant my name.

After giving him a confused look for a bit, he pointed to the back of my car. In the back window is a decal for myself, my wife and our two Baja dogs with our names.

I'll bet he really enjoys he job as he does that over and over.

kiterkip - 8-31-2019 at 06:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBill74  
I barely make it from Mulege to Ensenada on one tank of gas. (Prius) I always use the same gas station. This is twice a year. Last time through I got out to stretch (11 hour drive for me). The attendant said "Hey Bill, how ya doing?" He couldn't possibly remember me and I've never had the occasion to give an attendant my name.

After giving him a confused look for a bit, he pointed to the back of my car. In the back window is a decal for myself, my wife and our two Baja dogs with our names.

I'll bet he really enjoys he job as he does that over and over.

Prius? !!
Are there "Topes" (speed bumps) anywhere in The Baja? On the mainland a Prius would sustain damage very soon. I had a Toyota Matrix with 5 3/4inch wheel clearance and it hit almost every Tope. Prius hs an even lower wheelbase if I'm correct?
But... Very envious.

Nikno - 9-2-2019 at 11:27 AM

Fantastic work, Harald! Thank you for putting this together.

This file is very helpful. Every Baja traveler should have this saved on their GPS or on their phone. Fuel emergency is one of the top causes of breakdowns, especially if you are venturing into parts unknown.

Here are some additions:

1. Gas out of cans in San Juanico is actually at:

26.258802, -112.479916

It is known locally as "Chino's". Your waypoint is 2 blocks off.

2. There is an actual pump in San Juanico on the way to Second Point at:

26.251801, -112.481369

It is not a Pemex or anything. Just a small shack with an actual metered pump and a very nice attendant. I have filled jugs there and it has always been spot on. Can't remember the name.

3. Gas in jugs is available in Ejido Luis Echeverrria. I bought gas there in February. I can't remember the exact intersection but it is roughly at:

26.820652, -113.147229

Maybe 1 or two blocks off but easy enough to ask around once you are there.

4. Gas in jugs is available in Heroes de la Independencia on the side of Highway 3 at:

31.611186, -115.889628

This saved my ass once when I burned way more fuel coming over Canon el Mano than planned and rolled into town with 1 gallon in my tank and empty spares.

JZ - 9-2-2019 at 11:56 AM

I'd recommend avoiding the Pemex at Jesus Maria. Either the diesel is expensive or they are cheating.

And pretty disappointing that the air doesn't work at Baja Cactus's place. Seriously, how much does it cost to have a working air pump.

[Edited on 9-2-2019 by JZ]

4x4abc - 9-2-2019 at 02:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Nikno  
Fantastic work, Harald! Thank you for putting this together.

This file is very helpful. Every Baja traveler should have this saved on their GPS or on their phone. Fuel emergency is one of the top causes of breakdowns, especially if you are venturing into parts unknown.

Here are some additions:

1. Gas out of cans in San Juanico is actually at:

26.258802, -112.479916

It is known locally as "Chino's". Your waypoint is 2 blocks off.

2. There is an actual pump in San Juanico on the way to Second Point at:

26.251801, -112.481369

It is not a Pemex or anything. Just a small shack with an actual metered pump and a very nice attendant. I have filled jugs there and it has always been spot on. Can't remember the name.

3. Gas in jugs is available in Ejido Luis Echeverrria. I bought gas there in February. I can't remember the exact intersection but it is roughly at:

26.820652, -113.147229

Maybe 1 or two blocks off but easy enough to ask around once you are there.

4. Gas in jugs is available in Heroes de la Independencia on the side of Highway 3 at:

31.611186, -115.889628

This saved my ass once when I burned way more fuel coming over Canon el Mano than planned and rolled into town with 1 gallon in my tank and empty spares.

thanks for the update!

I actually got gas in that first location recorded in San Juanico
probably gone now

here is the new file

Attachment: gas.kmz (23kB)
This file has been downloaded 207 times

Lee - 9-2-2019 at 02:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
I'd recommend avoiding the Pemex at Jesus Maria. Either the diesel is expensive or they are cheating.

And pretty disappointing that the air doesn't work at Baja Cactus's place. Seriously, how much does it cost to have a working air pump.

[Edited on 9-2-2019 by JZ]

You don't travel with an air pump? Get one if you don't. But yeah, Cactus should get it together. Probably fixed by now.

JZ - 9-2-2019 at 05:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Lee  

You don't travel with an air pump? Get one if you don't. But yeah, Cactus should get it together. Probably fixed by now.

I've got one. Was coming back from Loreto over the weekend. We stopped to do some recon of Hagy Mesa for a future trip. The turn off is only a few miles down the road from El Rosario. Figured we'd just go to the Pemex and air up faster. There were 2 pumps and both were busted.

[Edited on 9-3-2019 by JZ]

4x4abc - 9-2-2019 at 06:06 PM

Hagy Mesa?

JZ - 9-2-2019 at 06:55 PM

A single track trail that goes right down the spine of the mountain.

We drove down the parallel track to the East to see how close we could get in to the South end of the single track.

JZ - 9-2-2019 at 07:02 PM

Btw, I did go to BoLA over the weekend intending to check out the points you gave me around Las Animas. We rolled in late and it took us over an hour to find a place to stay. And the place we finally found was really crappy. Have never seen it that full before.

Was planning to rent a boat, but figured that would be too difficult with the crowds, so we just said screw it and left in the AM. Next time.

4x4abc - 9-2-2019 at 08:45 PM

the mountain ridge with the track is La Sierrita on the map

JZ - 9-2-2019 at 09:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by 4x4abc  
the mountain ridge with the track is La Sierrita on the map

Watch the first 2.5 mins of this:

[Edited on 9-3-2019 by JZ]