

chuckie - 8-26-2019 at 11:15 AM

Hey youngster! Do you remember if anyone took any pictures at the PIZZA scarf? If so ,who (whom)?:?:

del mar - 8-26-2019 at 03:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
OK, I'll bite,what is on a Motoged pizza? I am guessing Canadian bacon, and a thick crust of course, but what else?

french fries and gravy?

bajabuddha - 8-26-2019 at 04:26 PM

Must be consumed with suds, hosers.

SFandH - 8-26-2019 at 05:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
OK, I'll bite,what is on a Motoged pizza? I am guessing Canadian bacon, and a thick crust of course, but what else?

Canadian extra-sharp cheddar cheese with dried maple leaf seasoning. Lots of beer too.

chuckie - 8-26-2019 at 07:09 PM

Sorry, all...LisaMaria organized a pizza party, and we all had to wear a scarf to "scarf"down pizza.....good turnout and good fun...I remember GED having his camera and was hoping to get a few pics for my BAJA book,

motoged - 8-27-2019 at 10:03 AM

Yes....I remember that auspicious occasion.

I was looking forward to meeting some Mulege Nomads on a 6-week moto trip all over Baja (one of many where I found my own trails and didn't expect Nomads to hand-hold my ride planning...:rolleyes: )....and some of their posts at that time were raving about a local business offering fire brick oven pizza....

In the pizza raving, the term "scarfing" was used to describe their method of eating such cuisine.....which led to a divergent conversation about scarves and eating manners....

Well, I joined up with the group of about 6-8 folks, figured out the process, ordered a pizza to add to previous pizza pile (left most of it and hoped someone would take it home....tasted okay....I was just full).

It was interesting to meet the group (a tightly knit bunch) memory tells me that Chuckie said "You don't look at all what I thought you would look like....", but wouldn't tell me what his fantasy image was.....

So the evening was enjoyable, but I felt the stinging wrath of Nomads when I later described the pizza as "pedestrian at best".....

I understand how, when living in a small community, the local fried bologna sandwich is considered a delicacy by some.....

I may have taken pictures but I later lost a pack with 2 cameras on the way up to San Javier no pics of 4 weeks.....

I am still wondering what Chuckie thought I would look like....

In the meantime, it is entertaining to see some Americans' views of Canadian cuisine..... the usual Canadian bacon and poutine images seem to stick in their minds.....perhaps it's because their "biscuits and gravy" diet lets fat stick to their brains and limit normal cognitive processes....oh....and the "hoser" thing seems to make them think they have found the holy grail of identifying Canadians.

[Edited on 8-27-2019 by motoged]

chuckie - 8-27-2019 at 01:07 PM

Being a Canadian meself. I rather expected GED to be tall, slim and handsome like most Canucks (me)...It was a bit of a shock to see a Squat Chubby little chap with abnormally long arms and band aids on his knuckles. He seemed pleasant enough tho.A bit difficult to understand what with the interspersion of "EH" in his conversations. Must have been raised in a dust spot in one of the prairie provinces. Drank enormous quantities of beer....mostly purchased by me. I have to agree on the quality of the pizza ...That joint didn't last long..Good to see him out on work release again.....Keep the rubber side down, Bucko!

Tioloco - 8-27-2019 at 01:15 PM

Now this is getting funny!

motoged - 8-27-2019 at 02:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
Being a Canadian meself. I rather expected GED to be tall, slim and handsome like most Canucks (me)...It was a bit of a shock to see a Squat Chubby little chap with abnormally long arms and band aids on his knuckles. He seemed pleasant enough tho.A bit difficult to understand what with the interspersion of "EH" in his conversations. Must have been raised in a dust spot in one of the prairie provinces. Drank enormous quantities of beer....mostly purchased by me. I have to agree on the quality of the pizza ...That joint didn't last long..Good to see him out on work release again.....Keep the rubber side down, Bucko!

I know Charles is trying to be funny with his references.....and at first I left out my sense of his physical personage....but seeing the gloves are off his never-dragged knuckles, I must say that while he seemed tall, he was neither handsome nor slim.

"Obese" is the term the medical profession uses, I believe.

I am not the beer-drinker CharlieBoy imagines I am (perhaps, it is his projection that others guzzle suds they way his waistline suggests he does), but I think he is upset because he bought me a beer and forgets I bought him one in return.....old-timer's disease is perhaps slowly deteriorating his gray matter.... or too much time looking into the oblivion of Kansas skies....

I am 5'10" and have lost 50 lbs since Chuckles met I am now a svelt 240...... last time the scales winked (blinked in disbelief?) at you Charlie, what was your reading?

I could only be described as "squat" when in that posture giving birth behind a cactus to something that resembles a trump-like odor.... then saying "eh!" as a comment on my expulsive productivity.

No pics of that either.....

It's nice to be out on work-release these days.....hoping Chucko gets his pass once the opioid tests come back negative, and gets a less aggressive psych eval completed.....

Being a former Canadian might be one of his better graces....too bad he left it behind....;D

[Edited on 8-27-2019 by motoged]

chuckie - 8-27-2019 at 03:13 PM

GED writes well, he is sort of well educated. I sneaked a look at his school ring while he was picking his nose. His ring is easy to notice as it has turned his finger green. I think it said "Hoser U".I researched it and they practice reverse knowledge education, taking a person of "normal" IQ and reversing education to attempt to reach the neanderthal stage...GED is their poster child! RE: my weight was as of last week 244, That's POUNDS, Jed counts his in Kilos. (he has always watched my waist and butt, rather suspect,eh). tee hee. FYI: GED, there is no such thing as a former Canadian...Show some pride in country , Lad. SHAME! PIP PIP!

bajabuddha - 8-27-2019 at 04:52 PM

Yah, eh..... I said ''hoser''. Left out the freezer-burned part tho.... :P (J/K!)

BajaRat - 8-28-2019 at 06:23 PM

Chuck chill
Ged has a significant other, you’re not gonna wiggle in
Love you Ged!
Lionel :cool:

chuckie - 8-29-2019 at 01:27 PM

ME TOO, love the little fellow....

mtgoat666 - 8-29-2019 at 01:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  

In the meantime, it is entertaining to see some Americans' views of Canadian cuisine..... the usual Canadian bacon and poutine images seem to stick in their minds.....

To me, Canadian cuisine is

Sausage rolls
Coffee Crisp candy bar
Tim Hortons
Kokanee beer
Apple and pear ciders when beer gets boring

My list is biased toward late 20th century camping trips in BC (and a few trips to east), perhaps things have changed in 20 years, eh?

chuckie - 8-29-2019 at 02:18 PM

Not really Good Canadian Rye Wisky has gotten more spendy...