
New Fav Mexican Lager

Santiago - 9-14-2019 at 02:46 PM

Knee Deep, a local (Auburn on I-80, NorCal) brewer makes a really good Mexican style lager. It's distributed in So Cal and in 30 some states, Asia and even Holland. Look them up and you will find you no longer need to throw your 2 centavos into the next Tecate/Pacifico debate.

HolaSenor-final-400x255.png - 103kB

Bajaboy - 9-14-2019 at 04:02 PM

I like this one

Or this one

brucedog - 9-15-2019 at 08:04 AM

Add to this the Full Sail Sesion Lager and they also have a Negra. Not sure how much gets distributed outside of Oregon but both are tasty

Why You Should Never Drink Beer From A Clear Glass Bottle

SFandH - 9-15-2019 at 08:08 AM

Corona is the worst tasting beer I've come across. I'd pass on this one too.

I know, it's a matter of taste.