
Gregg Neiman

vintagetrails - 9-29-2019 at 01:25 PM

Does anyone know if Greg Neiman is still on the planet? I. Have had no response from e mails sent his contact info on his website and FB.

David K - 9-29-2019 at 01:31 PM

He is a Baja Nomad and posts here on occasion under the name 'GregN'
He also writes for the montly Baja Bound bulletin alonng with me, most months. The newest bulletin was published yesterday, and Greg has an article in it... I posted the link to the bulletin yesterday:

Quote: Originally posted by David K

Nomad Greg Niemann has an article about William Walker, President of the Republic of Lower California:

More in the September Baja Bound Bulletin:

He last posted on Nomad following my Happy Birthday to him post, two months ago:

GregN - 9-30-2019 at 10:37 AM

Hello Vintage Trails. Welcome to Baja Nomad. As David K mentioned I very rarely post on this site. But I wanted you to know I have not received any info from you. I'll check with my webmaster, but it's probably because of the name spelling. I am on Facebook and you can contact me there. Look forward to hearing from you. Greg Niemann

vintagetrails - 9-30-2019 at 04:12 PM

Thanks for your response Greg and David K. I love the Baja Nomad folks, so helpful.

David K - 9-30-2019 at 07:11 PM

Welcome to this forum!
Please post an introduction sometime and tell us about you and where you like to go or do in Baja, what you drive, photos... If you want! We like to get to know you.