
Any long stretches with no gasoline twixt Guerrero Negro and Mulege?

ZipLine - 10-25-2019 at 05:38 PM

Driving that way next week in a rental car - don't know how big the gas tank is.

Mulege Canuck - 10-25-2019 at 05:51 PM

You can get gas at either San Ignacio or Santa Rosalía along the way.

ZipLine - 10-25-2019 at 05:55 PM

Gracias! Just wanted to be sure.

David K - 10-25-2019 at 07:00 PM

The only "for sure" fillup places southbound are El Rosario and San Felipe for the 200 mile gap to Guerrero Negro sure gas point.

There are usually good gas stops at Puertecitos, Gonzaga Bay, and L.A. Bay on the gulf side. Cataviña, Punta Prieta, and Villa Jesus María on Hwy. 1.

Once south of Guerrero Negro, every big town has a station or several: Vizcaino, San Ignacio, Santa Rosalía, Mulegé, Loreto, Insurgents, Constitución, Las Pocitas, La Paz...

ZipLine - 10-25-2019 at 07:13 PM

Thank you, David.

David K - 10-26-2019 at 07:05 AM

De nada Zip,
In Baja, it all works out!
If you are seriously low, help will come from a local ranch or village.
The old rule of thumb before so many more Pemex stations popped up the past 20 years, was to never pass an open gas station if you were below half a tank.

BajaMama - 10-26-2019 at 07:17 AM

If I read your post correctly you are asking for gasoline between Guerrero Negro and Mulege? If so there is gasoline in Vizcaino, San Ignacio, & Santa Rosalia. And of course in Mulege, but I recommend filling up at the Pemex on the left (heading south) near the harbor.

Marc - 10-26-2019 at 07:38 AM

Purchase a gas can. Fill it up and throw it in the trunk. You will not need it but it will ease the mind.:light:

[Edited on 10-26-2019 by Marc]

mtnpop - 10-26-2019 at 07:48 AM

between GN and Mulege gas is available at about 40 mile incfements.
Pretty bad gas mileage if you can't make 40 miles on a tank.
If you are coming down Mex 1 the longest stretch is from El Rosario to Jesus Maria at about 200 miles but maybe a new station in Catavinia is now open about 1/2 way.
Several stations around GN to top off if you need to.
Jesus Maria is about 30 miles before GN as I remember.