The deservedly maligned "Spanish word of the day" declared the translation to be "pitonista", but translating the word back to English on Google Translate
yielded "Pythoness". Google Translate's offering for "fortune teller" was "el adivino". What have others heard? Is "el brujo" too broad?Paco Facullo - 11-5-2019 at 04:44 PM
"El con artisto " ???BajaNomad - 11-5-2019 at 04:50 PM
people that can see the future are called least here in our barrio.nandopedal - 11-8-2019 at 08:45 AM
"CLARIVIDENTE" Or if so inclined you can scream the way they use to do in my barrio as a kid (Tijuana): "Cierren las puertas y guarden sus ninos, ahi
vienen los gitanos"... Rough translation- Shut your door and hide your children, the gypsies are coming!