
Scholarship student does us proud!

BajaBlanca - 12-10-2019 at 05:05 AM

My student Olympia posted a request for Christmas presents for needy kids a month ago while I was in the States. She said she would give the age and the sex of the child and to send the gift to Ensenada where she studies.

I bought a gift for a 7 year old boy and got it to her family here in La Bocana, asking that they find a way for it to get to her.

Look what she did! She made Christmas a reality for 65 kids! Does it remind you of something? She did for others exactly what you and I do for my scholarship kids. I call this paying it forward. My heart cannnot be any prouder of her....

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Olympia is the one in black handing out a gift, she recruited her fellow college students to help out. She is majoring in law in Ensenada and is one of the star students in her class. I remember her freshman year she was the ONLY one in one of her classes to pass with a high grade.

She chose Meneadero for this Christmas party.

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OH MY GOSH, I AM SO PROUD. and grateful. and happy.

Merry early Christmas to all.