
ULSD fuel in Baja Sud

Fossil - 1-24-2020 at 06:26 PM

I need current info on availability of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel in Baj and specifically aBaja Sud.

JZ - 1-24-2020 at 06:31 PM

My truck requires ULSD. I just drove it 4K miles in Baja in November and December. At least a 3rd of that in Baja Sur. No codes thrown.

It use to back in the day if you had 1 or 2 tanks that weren't ULSD. So I did it VERY sparingly 3-4 years back. The last 2 years have been fine.

Go to the US owned stations if you are concerned. Pemex is good though.

[Edited on 1-25-2020 by JZ]

Fossil - 1-24-2020 at 06:38 PM

Thanks a bunch, yours is the first authoritative response I have had. Towing I only get 9MPG on a 24g tank. I plan on going to Todos Santos next winter.

JZ - 1-24-2020 at 06:52 PM

Do a search of the forum for ULSD. This topic came up about two months ago. It started out with some uninformed ppl chiming in, and then ppl with actual knowledge closed it out.

[Edited on 1-25-2020 by JZ]

David K - 1-25-2020 at 06:37 AM

Sur, the word is Sur (means South).
Have a great trip and post a report here when you get back!>>>

bajafreaks - 1-25-2020 at 07:50 AM

Drove down a few weeks ago no problem its available at all stations.

Fossil - 2-10-2020 at 08:38 AM

Thanks a bunch. I am planning a 4 month boondocking trip (Oct-Feb) with my 34’ 5th wheel and I am new to Mexico. I would like to make it a yearly thing because at 75 winter cold weather is rough on these old bones. This and other sites have bee most helpful (i.e., my Gloch will stay home).

mtgoat666 - 2-10-2020 at 09:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Sur, the word is Sur (means South).

in this case, i think sud is almost (but not quite) a synonym, so you are being a bit pedantic to lecture the op for using sud in place of sur wrt the geographic/state name

wouldnt sudbaja be OK word choice? :lol::lol:

David K - 2-10-2020 at 10:03 AM

Maybe, as that means Southern but officially it is Baja California Sur (South Lower California) and where I live is Sud California (Southern California).
I also am very aware that Baja was California first (it is repeated in my book) and Baja California Sur has some wanting to change the name to Sud California... creating a second Southern California!
Please: Viva Baja!

dtbushpilot - 2-10-2020 at 09:07 PM